Starting chemo for ovarian cancer for the second time.

Posted by lathomasmd @lathomasmd, Dec 27, 2023

Side effects are much worse than the first time: mouth sores, heartburn, (hurts to eat or talk). Pain in fingers and toes. I feel achy and weak, like the flu. Is it normal to be so much worse the second time? Will it stay this bad for the entire 18 weeks?

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I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re feeling better now.
I’m doing better than I was a few days ago. Since my last writing, I developed neutropenic fever and was hospitalized for 3 days. I’m home now but still feel so weak. And everything tastes like wet cardboard. It’s so jarringly unexpected to have new side effects to something you thought you could tolerate just fine.
I hope you don’t have to stop carboplatin for good! My second infusion will be on the 9th.

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Sorry to hear that, but glad that you're improving. Chemo seems to be full of unpleasant surprises.

They're planning to try carboplatin on me again the next round, but with a desensitization protocol (slower, with gradually increasing amounts). Apparently it works for most people. Anaphylaxis wasn't cool, so I hope that doesn't happen again.


If only it worked that way. But I would still encourage you to communicate what’s going on, and also tell them you want to keep going as strong as possible. But it may also be a good idea to get a slightly lower dose so your body can fight harder. If your numbers get lower they will stop it anyway, so work with them and stay strong.

I have a 2nd recurrence brewing now, it’s up close to the aorta and I think they will also tell me inoperable, it’s a very scary word.

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I’m grateful for your comment. I never looked at it that way, “so your body can fight harder.”
And I’m sorry you’re facing a second recurrence, and likely inoperable. How are you handling this?


Do you know if your CA125 was high before your treatment? If it was, then that might actually be a good way to monitor your situation. My surveillance plan involved only pelvic exams (which turned out to be inadequate), but I discovered that if I contacted my NP with specific worries, the first thing they would do is order a CT scan. I did that twice.
The first time they didn't see anything, and it made me happy for a while. I did it the second time two weeks after a "clear" pelvic exam, and that one found multiple metastases.

Your anemia will probably gradually resolve now that you're not on chemo anymore.

They must have a sample of your tumor from your surgery that they could do any test on. What test is it that they're waiting for a new tumor for? Are you thinking about going on maintenance?

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Hi Val, my CA125 has been good, 6,7,and 5 was final of 6 rounds. Dr. Said he could cure me in first consult so, this maintenance talk so quick upset me. Plus the 5th, and 6th beat me up. Believe i developed a virus, making it tough to absorb nutrients, just slept and tried to get help. Couldn’t think or speak right. Crazy time! Reached out there, then to natural healers in my life. They helped.
He suggested Avastin, IV and once every 3 weeks and a tablet daily. Have health issues where Avastin and like drugs will probably kill me. Lol Not sure why he brings it back up again.
Yes there’s a tumor sample, he said not necessary to biopsy it. Do the parp maintenance plan, and when cancer comes back test the new tumor. It’s expensive and the new tumor will be fresh and need testing. Caused a great deal of anguish, Dang, not even a minute to recover or celebrate.
Not sure about maintenance, had no idea of the effects of all this. Trying to learn as much as possible, and weigh things from there. Just need to feel my body’s getting stronger. Sometimes feels like one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peal. Haha Think the anemia is getting better 12 days later. Gastro was brutal! Lol No experiencing rash or viral after chemo?
Appreciate, your response and glad you’re so positive and pushing on. Thanks again


IM just after my first front line, and wanted to let you know i suffered a viral rash, and symptoms as well. Affected gastro, brain energy and then some. Called clinic for help, nurse said no, not heard of this, call back next week if you’re still having problems. It’s way more common, and if you think it’s viral maybe tell them or your primary care. Hope it gets better for you, and your cravings help sooth. Creamsicles, salt and baking soda H2o mouth wash and garggle. Do call them and keep notes , maybe dose adjustments are possible.
Your not alone
This was a response to lathomath? This cite is a bit confusing in that i hit respond under one person, and i don’t see that it shows this. Sorry.


IM just after my first front line, and wanted to let you know i suffered a viral rash, and symptoms as well. Affected gastro, brain energy and then some. Called clinic for help, nurse said no, not heard of this, call back next week if you’re still having problems. It’s way more common, and if you think it’s viral maybe tell them or your primary care. Hope it gets better for you, and your cravings help sooth. Creamsicles, salt and baking soda H2o mouth wash and garggle. Do call them and keep notes , maybe dose adjustments are possible.
Your not alone
This was a response to lathomath? This cite is a bit confusing in that i hit respond under one person, and i don’t see that it shows this. Sorry.

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Hi @jodimj, this article might help explain who is replying to whom.
- Replies and @mentions: How do I know who is replying to whom?

I'm tagging @lathomasmd to make sure she sees your comment to her and your support 🙂


Thank you so much for responding. They say I am on the exact same chemo as before (carboplatin, paclitaxel, and bevacizumab) and at the same doses. I’ve heard things like side effect risk is cumulative. But I am so weak, I can barely make it to the bathroom. I didn’t feel weak during or after my first round of chemo two years ago. I could work, take care of house and husband, no problem. I’m worried I might have to go to the hospital.

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I had 3 rounds of chemo prior to having a total abdominal hysterectomy, breezed through it. Had 3 more rounds after surgery…..felt horrible! Like you, could barely make it to the bathroom, barely took a 1 minute shower due to shakiness & weakness, no appetite. After speaking with my oncology RN, she told me that side effects tend to get worse the more have. Thanks for telling me that upfront, I was about to go to the er!! Lasted almost a week. Had CT scans in Dec, all clear & doctor said I didn’t need maintenance. Recently repeated CA125 & it jumped to 162 so he ordered a pet scan scheduled for 1/31. I’m a wreck!!! Prayers to all dealing with this horrible beast! 🙏


Recurrence. Inoperable. I hesitate to complain to my doctor about how much harder chemo is this time. I’m afraid they will decrease the dose or cut back in some other way. I guess I was hoping someone would say, “Yeah, that happened to me, too, but in two weeks it went away, and everything was fine after that.” And val64, my temp is normal.

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Could you be allergic to this drug combo? Burning sensation in hands and feet might be an indication. You should be clear with your team about everything you are experiencing and leave them to decide whether it is appropriate to continue. According to a cousin who is a cancer nurse this combo probably has the highest rate side effects/serious allergic reactions. I have heard of Cisplatin being used as an alternative. Each drug has its own unique issues, eg, cisplatin creates more nausea and may affect hearing. Each case and situation is different. Key to success is being able to tolerate and complete your treatment cycle. Perhaps worth a proper discussion with your team.
Try and pace yourself mentally with whatever tools you have to get through the process. Let go of the anxiety if you can and focus on your life post treatment. It’s by no means easy. If you have supports that can keep you in a positive mindset you are halfway there—I wish you the very best. Do not hesitate to reach out for help and support.


I had 3 rounds of chemo prior to having a total abdominal hysterectomy, breezed through it. Had 3 more rounds after surgery…..felt horrible! Like you, could barely make it to the bathroom, barely took a 1 minute shower due to shakiness & weakness, no appetite. After speaking with my oncology RN, she told me that side effects tend to get worse the more have. Thanks for telling me that upfront, I was about to go to the er!! Lasted almost a week. Had CT scans in Dec, all clear & doctor said I didn’t need maintenance. Recently repeated CA125 & it jumped to 162 so he ordered a pet scan scheduled for 1/31. I’m a wreck!!! Prayers to all dealing with this horrible beast! 🙏

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It’s so scary. I had the PET scan last fall, several hot spots. (Plain CT did not show them at all.) Scheduled for more debulking surgery 12-1-23. They took one look, decided there was too much cancer, closed me back up. But they are willing to do another 6 cycles of chemo.
We have to be brave. When I feel like melting Jell-O, I remind myself that I don’t want my children to remember me like this. Be brave, be sharp, be interested, commit to making a difference.


Could you be allergic to this drug combo? Burning sensation in hands and feet might be an indication. You should be clear with your team about everything you are experiencing and leave them to decide whether it is appropriate to continue. According to a cousin who is a cancer nurse this combo probably has the highest rate side effects/serious allergic reactions. I have heard of Cisplatin being used as an alternative. Each drug has its own unique issues, eg, cisplatin creates more nausea and may affect hearing. Each case and situation is different. Key to success is being able to tolerate and complete your treatment cycle. Perhaps worth a proper discussion with your team.
Try and pace yourself mentally with whatever tools you have to get through the process. Let go of the anxiety if you can and focus on your life post treatment. It’s by no means easy. If you have supports that can keep you in a positive mindset you are halfway there—I wish you the very best. Do not hesitate to reach out for help and support.

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Thank you so much for this. It helps so much. On top of everything else, I got COVID, so my second dose of chemo was cancelled. I feel so weak. And everything tastes like wet cardboard. Is it the chemo? Or is it the COVID?


Thank you so much for this. It helps so much. On top of everything else, I got COVID, so my second dose of chemo was cancelled. I feel so weak. And everything tastes like wet cardboard. Is it the chemo? Or is it the COVID?

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So sorry to read about the COVID infection. Both COVID and chemo can do a number on you in terms of appetite etc. You will get through this. Protein drinks can help keep up your strength. Just wish most were not so sweet. You can dilute the sweetness with unsweetened oat or almond milk. This should not be seen as a substitute for food, just an add on for when you really need it. High protein is important during treatment.
Your cancer team should include access to a dietitian. Find foods that are least unappealing and also really eat organic if you can and add veggies as much as possible. Use every support available. Do not hesitate to ask friends and family for what you need. You will get through this. ♥️

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