← Return to Im 64 and my blood platelets have been in the low 530-550 range for yr

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Welcome to the forum. I think every single person who posts here can relate to the anxiety we feel while they are trying to figure out why we have wanky blood (new clinical term 😉). Your story is very relatable.
It sounds like you are moving in the right direction to get some answers. A hemotology referral seems like the right specialty area. Bone biopsies are used to rule out some blood abnormalities or confirm others. They provide a lot of useful information to the clinicians and I bet that after the results are in, she will have a definitive diagnosis. Then you will know what you are dealing with and what the treatment options are.
Waiting is hard. Anxiety will actually make you feel sick when your white count escalates in response. Try to relax. Try to quit reading about all the scary stuff Dr Google comes up with. Do things you enjoy. Be around positive people and keep your thoughts in a positive place. Modern medicine is pretty remarkable. Seek out the best clinicians to treat you, once you know what you’re dealing with. Ask lots of questions (I write mine down). Stay positive.
I wish you the best possible outcome. Let us know what you find out.

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Replies to "@mrkevinl Welcome to the forum. I think every single person who posts here can relate to..."

Thank you Patty for your reply. I am trying to stay positive and keep my fingers out of the search bar.