Some years ago, I was having trouble with sciatica and sleep and wanted to get off pills for those issues. I tried CBD oil produced by a licensed pharmacist and third-party tested for a month. It was $50 for a month's supply. Insurance did not cover it. I took the dose recommended by the maker.
My platelets stayed the same. The sciatica and sleep did not improve. But I did develop some horrendous acid reflux. I have never had anything like that with HU. Acid reflux went away when I stopped the CBD.
My guess is that the CBD was useless, and the oil it was compounded with was the acid reflux culprit.
First and last time I tried being my own guinea pig. Results were scary and the cost was expensive.
What did work for sleep and sciatica was physical therapy and yoga. I have done short chair yoga routines daily for the last four years, and it has made a huge difference in mobility and pain levels. No longer on pills for that.
If you "don't react well" to most prescription meds, you might want to try to get to the bottom of that. If you have an MPN, you will need prescription meds eventually.
Take care.
Thank you for the response. My issues with meds are allergies. I'm a redhead & according to my doctor, gingers tend to be sensitive to meds & pain medication. So far, it has all followed true. My ginger son has the same issues but my other 2 nonginger kids have no issues. I plan to discuss it with my hematologist. Since I am considered low risk I may consider trying it & see what my levels are with my next labs.