Symptoms of stage 4 lung cancer - diagnosed 1 month ago

Posted by stramont @stramont, Oct 21, 2023

I have Stage 4 lung cancer and A-Fib. I’ve been blaming SOB, fatigue, cough, balance issues on A-Fib. During tests at Mayo for Cardiac Ablation, a chest x-ray showed mass in lungs. Diagnosis Stage 4 Sept. after CT scan, PET scan, MRI Brain scan, Bronchoscopy Oct. 13. Scheduled consult 10/24 for treatment options. Since diagnosis I now have pressure in back and chest, no energy, shakiness, loss of balance, and loss of voice. I was hoarse 2 days b4 the bronchoscopy but it’s advanced to loss of voice. Is this a natural progression and does treatment relieve symptoms? Any suggestions to restore my voice? Thanks for any insights.

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@sksnow- Good morning! I'm always up for great news, and yours is the best!

I'm so glad that you and your team are on the ball in preparation for your treatments! I wish you the best!


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Thank you Merry, I aspire to be a survivor and mentor like you when i grow up! Lol
Our journey is sooooo scary and only those who have walked the walk can even begin to understand the feelings that go through your head. I appreciate you guys here more than you’ll ever know? Hugs


Thank you! This group has been a godsend for me. I feel like I’m out wandering alone on a dirt road in the dark surrounded by all kinds of scary sounds lol. It’s comforting to know there are others out here with me.
I whimpered and you answered….thank you.
Will absolutely keep you posted and Im always praying for everyone.

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Praying for you as well! We’re right beside you and have your back!


Thank you for mentioning the hoarseness. I'm stage 3a and live with it daily. I'm hoping when I start treatment on the 15th it will get better. I've been on trilogy inhaler and thought perhaps it was creating the hoarseness. I've skipped a few days using the inhaler and still no change. I believe now it's just part of my lung cancer.



Thank you for mentioning the hoarseness. I'm stage 3a and live with it daily. I'm hoping when I start treatment on the 15th it will get better. I've been on trilogy inhaler and thought perhaps it was creating the hoarseness. I've skipped a few days using the inhaler and still no change. I believe now it's just part of my lung cancer.


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Good morning, @benz76. I'm also on trilogy. It's very important to rinse your mouth after using your inhaler. I rinse twice. Has anyone ever advised you to do this?

You don't mention anything about your history with lung cancer. Do you mind telling us about your journey so far?



Good morning, @benz76. I'm also on trilogy. It's very important to rinse your mouth after using your inhaler. I rinse twice. Has anyone ever advised you to do this?

You don't mention anything about your history with lung cancer. Do you mind telling us about your journey so far?


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Good evening
Yes I gargle and rinse twice. I make sureit's for at least 30 seconds on each.
My journey started September 27th. I finally was taking time out from taking care of everyone and attend to my health issue. I had put off back surgery for at least 5 yrs. I'd reached the point that walking was not an option for shopping. We cruise often and I could no longer leave the ship. Standing firm I was going to get my surgery. The surgeon requested the usual prior to my surgery a blood test and chest X-ray. I received a call from my primary five days before our cruise that I needed a CAT scan due to seeing a mass on the X-ray. The scan came back confirming the mass. I opted to go to Mayo Clinic for my care. To date I've had 3 biopsies which have all returned with not enough tissue. Besides the mass in the upper left lung one lymph node is involved by the esophagas making surgery impossible. Monday I start proton therapy and like I said Tuesday chemo. I can do all the discomfort, and illness but for me it' hair. Kudos to all the women who made and will make the sacrifice of their hair. Not sure how I will get through this step!



Good evening
Yes I gargle and rinse twice. I make sureit's for at least 30 seconds on each.
My journey started September 27th. I finally was taking time out from taking care of everyone and attend to my health issue. I had put off back surgery for at least 5 yrs. I'd reached the point that walking was not an option for shopping. We cruise often and I could no longer leave the ship. Standing firm I was going to get my surgery. The surgeon requested the usual prior to my surgery a blood test and chest X-ray. I received a call from my primary five days before our cruise that I needed a CAT scan due to seeing a mass on the X-ray. The scan came back confirming the mass. I opted to go to Mayo Clinic for my care. To date I've had 3 biopsies which have all returned with not enough tissue. Besides the mass in the upper left lung one lymph node is involved by the esophagas making surgery impossible. Monday I start proton therapy and like I said Tuesday chemo. I can do all the discomfort, and illness but for me it' hair. Kudos to all the women who made and will make the sacrifice of their hair. Not sure how I will get through this step!


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Bless you. I feel your anguish over your hair. Menopause and old age is robbing me of mine and I know that at some point in the near future I need to get over it and get a good wig. So I feel for you. I will send good Juju your way and wish you best of luck. 🍀


Good evening
Yes I gargle and rinse twice. I make sureit's for at least 30 seconds on each.
My journey started September 27th. I finally was taking time out from taking care of everyone and attend to my health issue. I had put off back surgery for at least 5 yrs. I'd reached the point that walking was not an option for shopping. We cruise often and I could no longer leave the ship. Standing firm I was going to get my surgery. The surgeon requested the usual prior to my surgery a blood test and chest X-ray. I received a call from my primary five days before our cruise that I needed a CAT scan due to seeing a mass on the X-ray. The scan came back confirming the mass. I opted to go to Mayo Clinic for my care. To date I've had 3 biopsies which have all returned with not enough tissue. Besides the mass in the upper left lung one lymph node is involved by the esophagas making surgery impossible. Monday I start proton therapy and like I said Tuesday chemo. I can do all the discomfort, and illness but for me it' hair. Kudos to all the women who made and will make the sacrifice of their hair. Not sure how I will get through this step!


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Hi @benz76, I’m hoping that you’ll get to cruise again once you get through treatment! I’ve been on several cruises and always want to go back.
If that lymph node is placing pressure on the esophagus, that may be contributing to your hoarseness. With the upcoming proton therapy, it may take some time to see relief, but there may be hope long term that your voice will return to full force. When I was diagnosed I was still working, and had to stop leading meetings because I could not talk without spasms and a hoarseness to my voice. The lymph nodes in my chest were the cause.

Here is an article regarding ‘cold caps’ . I’m not sure if you have time to look into this before you start treatment.
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Cold cap therapy can reduce hair loss caused by chemotherapy
- A related discussion:
Has your oncologist talked about your specific chemo and dose, have they told you to expect hair loss?


Hi @benz76, I’m hoping that you’ll get to cruise again once you get through treatment! I’ve been on several cruises and always want to go back.
If that lymph node is placing pressure on the esophagus, that may be contributing to your hoarseness. With the upcoming proton therapy, it may take some time to see relief, but there may be hope long term that your voice will return to full force. When I was diagnosed I was still working, and had to stop leading meetings because I could not talk without spasms and a hoarseness to my voice. The lymph nodes in my chest were the cause.

Here is an article regarding ‘cold caps’ . I’m not sure if you have time to look into this before you start treatment.
- Mayo Clinic Q and A: Cold cap therapy can reduce hair loss caused by chemotherapy
- A related discussion:
Has your oncologist talked about your specific chemo and dose, have they told you to expect hair loss?

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Thank you for your response and information. The doctor told me the type I do remember there are two. I've been in a block mode I find I have trouble remembering and now just do what they schedule me for. Perhaps better said denial. The good news is chemo is 6 treatments and proton is 6 weeks. The bad news immunotherapy for a year. Hopefully my body behaves and I can do the full treatment plan.

We did discuss the cold cap. I watched many videos on people who have tried the cap and still lost their hair. My doctor did say it adds time to treatment day and since we live out of town less is best. Not to mention there is no place like home! So I will become a member of the brave women who did their journey with dignity.


Thank you for your response and information. The doctor told me the type I do remember there are two. I've been in a block mode I find I have trouble remembering and now just do what they schedule me for. Perhaps better said denial. The good news is chemo is 6 treatments and proton is 6 weeks. The bad news immunotherapy for a year. Hopefully my body behaves and I can do the full treatment plan.

We did discuss the cold cap. I watched many videos on people who have tried the cap and still lost their hair. My doctor did say it adds time to treatment day and since we live out of town less is best. Not to mention there is no place like home! So I will become a member of the brave women who did their journey with dignity.

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I just found out that I was having chemo. Loss of hair but no nausea! I guess we can stand anything for 6 months - the length of time hair starts to grow back! Better loss of hair than loss of life!!


Thank you for your response and information. The doctor told me the type I do remember there are two. I've been in a block mode I find I have trouble remembering and now just do what they schedule me for. Perhaps better said denial. The good news is chemo is 6 treatments and proton is 6 weeks. The bad news immunotherapy for a year. Hopefully my body behaves and I can do the full treatment plan.

We did discuss the cold cap. I watched many videos on people who have tried the cap and still lost their hair. My doctor did say it adds time to treatment day and since we live out of town less is best. Not to mention there is no place like home! So I will become a member of the brave women who did their journey with dignity.

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@benz76, I'm glad that you were presented with options and had time to do some of your own research. I agree, you'll get through this with dignity. I like that!
Keep looking forward and communicate how you're feeling. It's a time when you are finally allowed to be vulnerable and to not pretend that you are ok. It's ok to ask for help, and for better drugs too. I grew up in a house where a common saying was, "You're fine". This is one time that it's ok not to be fine. We'll be thinking of you next week. Hugs.

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