← Return to MGUS I need help understanding my lab report.

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@nsnipes11 , I'm sorry you didn't get to discuss your MGUS concerns with your doctor. It can be hard to stay on track if they have a lot of things to go over.

I started to take a crack at comparing your immunoglobulin test values here with the Mayo (at least) standard ranges for those tests, and then realized that I don't know if the amounts are in mg/dL or mg/L. It makes a big difference! And different labs use different reference ranges for some lab tests.

Do you possibly have the reference ranges for those lab tests in your reports, and the units of measure (mg/dL vs. mg/L)? If so, maybe I or someone here can help put the results in perspective.

Even so, it can be tough to do without knowing your other physical conditions that can affect some of the measures, especially since most of us don't have the medical knowledge to figure out how one condition can affect another. I'm just empathetic because I'm trying to assess my own situation.

Best wishes, Nancy

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Replies to "@nsnipes11 , I'm sorry you didn't get to discuss your MGUS concerns with your doctor. It..."


It's mg/dL.
Other conditions:
peripheral neuropathy (neurologist said all sensory nerves in legs were "shot")'
cervical stenosis and severe degenerative disease (cervical and lumbar)
osteoporosis (before I was diagnosed with MGUS)
coronary artery disease (one stent), mitral valve regurgitation (moderate), PVCs.
asthma (mild to moderate)
Barrett's Esophagus (under control)
bladder and two other prolapses fixed with surgery
Beginning macular degeneration (under control)

I hope this helps, Nancy. I just need to know when to consider another doctor. I really don't have much time to rock the boat if I don't need to. If everything is stable, like she says it is then I won't do a thing. I have too much on my plate to worry about anything else unnecessarily. Thank you so much for attempting to help me understand my report.

Before I see my doctor I make a "grocery list" of what I want to ask. I am a retired RN and Behavior specialist and understand well how anxiety can get in the way with getting adequate information. I make sure my MD or NP sees my pad with my list and she makes sure she has answered my questions. I don't know about your portal, but I am with UCLA health and when a lab report come in, they have a explanation of what that test has to do with the function of the body. It is not complete but helpful. Check your portal for that. Presently I have a diagnosis of WM but am on a watch and wait. My symptoms fluctuate and are minimal and my labs are inconsistent. I have a wonderful doctor and that is very helpful. Good luck. Susan