← Return to AML, age 78, taking Decetabine/ Venetoclax, no transplant

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I’ve just progressed from CML to AML and will be starting same treatment next week. I’d love to hear your experience. I have JAK2 mutation.

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Replies to "I’ve just progressed from CML to AML and will be starting same treatment next week. I’d..."

Hi @tampakaren. It sounds like your AML was caught early as you transitioned from CML. You mentioned you’ll be starting treatments with Decetabine/ Venetoclax simlar to @lindagi. Linda’s experience has been very encouraging for anyone with AML who isn’t able to have the bone marrow transplant. I’m sure she’ll be happy to answer any questions and share her journey with you.
Wish you well with your treatment!
Do you have any specific questions?

I can update you on how my AML treatment is going. This month I will have my 22nd cycle of Venclexta and Decetabine at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. My latest bone marrow biopsy showed that I continue in remission with no blasts. So I am coming up on my 24 month anniversary of my start of treatment - a milestone to celebrate!!!
I continue to be very lucky with side effects. Since I get a little more tired, longer naps or earlier bedtimes are frequent. Although some heavy duty house chores leave me winded, I am able to take care of everything else without too much difficulty. Because I am neutropenic for about 3 weeks of my 5 week cycle, I have to limit in-door crowds then which does cut down on chances to socialize. Nonetheless in August we timed a great trip in my "safe period" to take my grandson on a trip to Washington DC! I am a faithful mask wearer when shopping, quick visiting, etc.
Please let me know if there are any questions that I can answer for you. It is very scary to get a diagnosis of AML but I believe we are very lucky to have this treatment available.