Met with the cancer team: Heading for surgery

Posted by horiconmarshgal @horiconmarshgal, Nov 15, 2023

Meeting Carbone Cancer Center. Finally had meeting yest. afternoon. My pulmanologist already has her team put together. Heading for more surgery. Our local hospital on CT guided biopsy didn't get enough material. She wants to knock me out & go in. She is doing a two-fer for some tests as she puts it. Took time to answer all my questions. Repeat CT scan for metastasis. She shook her head when she saw the mass noticed in 2018 & nothing done till now. I feel we are finally heading in the right direction. Was there till late last night for so many test, Met so many specialist. She ordered surgery asap so not sure what or when but soon. All take care.

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Yay!, I'm so glad that you got in for the appointment, and it went well. Hopefully, now that you have established a care relationship, it will be easier going forward. Unfortunately, it's not entirely unusual for the first biopsy to lack enough tissue to do all of the needed testing. They usually confirm that it's cancer off the first less invasive biopsy, then need more tissue (or blood in some cases), to determine what's driving the cancer. Knowing exactly what's driving the cancer, will help to determine how to treat the cancer.
Good luck! Please keep us updated.


Hi @horiconmarshgal, Did you end up having surgery, or an additional biopsy? Has your care team been responsive now that you are established with them?

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