Chronic Migraines: Did you see a neurologist?
Has anyone faired well with chronic migraines in going to a Neurologist? I have had them since I was a little girl and have only been treated by an allergist, primary & ENT doctor (Sinus infections cause them for me too). I have rotated migraine meds ever so often as it seems they stop working and I have to start a new one. Presently have been on Zomig for a while. I went a long time without them and now I am having them more frequently. Blessings to all and thank you.
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I have a rare headache that comes on, is terrible and incessant for weeks and then can go away for a couple of years. I owe that diagnosis and stunningly simple treatment to a neurologist. So that would be my recommendation.
Hello @covidstinks2023, Another member, @bonnieh218, mentioned occipital nerve blocks provide some relief from migraines in this discussion that you might find helpful:
--- Chronic migraine relief suggestions:
@pb50, Thank you for sharing your experience with a neurologist. I am all in for simple fixes! Do you mind sharing what the stunningly simple treatment was that helped with your migraines?
pb50Pam, Thank you so much! Blessings to you.
John, Thank you so much! Blessings to you.
The headache is. Called episodic paroxysmal hemicrania. Frequently misdiagnosed as a variant Of cluster headaches. It is an ice pick type pain, unrelenting, but will sometime
Come in bursts of half an hour or so. Stop for a bit and resume. And then out of the blue it just stops. Could be two weeks or two years before it reappears.
It is frequently referred to now as an Indocin headache because < > it is relieved by only Indocin. Not narcotics, not ibuprofen. Indocin. I keep it in my purse at all times since there’s no telling when it will hit. A neurologist in Atlanta found it
Thank you all so much. Blessings & Prayers....
God Bless you John and thank you. Happy New Year!
Hoping for a better 2024 for all who are searching for answers.
I have chronic migraines as well. As I’ve gotten older they’ve gotten worse. I now have migraine associated vertigo. I am on a few medications, as I have other issues I’m dealing with. Nurtec and Gabapentin help but do not eliminate them. I do see a migraine specialist and a pain management doctor for other issues.
Best of luck,
katcollins, Thank you. I have had sinus/migraine induced vertigo for several years as well. I take meclizine for that. I haven't had the vertigo in a while and I am so grateful. I think the migraines go along with fibromyalgia/sinus/arthritis in my spine & weather change. I have a family member on Nurtec and it has worked for them. I cannot take Gabapentin....the side effects were not good. I have to take a child's dose of medication I'm so sensitive to meds, so I am hard to treat. Praying for you and Happy New Year!