Total Knee Replacement

Posted by adillen1 @adillen1, Dec 22, 2023

Just had a TKR on Friday
Lot of Burning when bending and lifting, still a little tingly and under knee cap hurts
Can someone also explain degrees of flexion
Is 80 degrees better then 90

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My TKR was a year and a half ago. No complaints, outcome was very successful. But I would be slow to do TKR on my other knee since learning about Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. My husband has trouble with his left knee and had the PRP shot. He's had a very good outcome. However, I am told it is not as successful for people with bone-on-bone arthritis. There needs to be some cartilage left in the knee for the PRP to regenerate. Also, I recommend going to a clinic that does nothing bit PRP. If I ever have problems with my left knee, I plan to try it.

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I'm bone-on-bone!


In a chair height under 22 inches I can’t get up

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Hi joe. Thank you for asking for clarification I’m really worried about my sit to stand function I’m very interested in what you have to say, no one else has responded which makes me think I’m doomed. I’m going for medical massage tomorrow I hope that helps.


All of my very best wishes to all of you as you recover from knee replacement. I have posted here quite a while ago, but want to encourage you to keep up with in home and outside physical therapy. Unfortunately, for me, I could not take the pain medication that was prescribed. My doctor at the New England Baptist Hospital tried four different medications and I had an allergic reaction to all of them. I was “stuck” only taking Tylenol Extra Strength and my recovery was horrible, painful, and very long. This was three years ago. My TKR is just “okay”…….still can’t kneel down on it or do all of the exercises that I used to do. My other knee (the left one) is not good, but I go to my surgeon every three or four months and get a cortisone shot. It helps! I will never go through another knee replacement again…..I will just “live with it” the way that it is now. Like “heyjoe415 “ recommends, before you have the surgery, get in shape, strenthing your quads. I have to say that I did that, but after the surgery, I was told that those muscles were weak………even after all of the leg strengthening exercises that I did ahead of time!!! However, strengthening those muscles before surgery does help many people and that is very good advice! Waiting for stem cells to be the answer for knees and hips!!!! Best wishes to all who have to have TKR!

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Thank you for your honest post. I had LTKR in September 2023 .. today was told my knee cap is not centered but left …still having pain .. believe me I will never do this ever again. My visit with the surgeon was not productive today. But I know someone will provide helpful guidance.


In a chair height under 22 inches I can’t get up

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Got it, thanks Terry. I've never measured but don't have a problem standing from a sitting position. I do exercises at the gym where I hold a weight and stand from a seated position on a bench. The bench is probably 24" high, not sure.

Sounds like a quad-strength issue to me. There are a lot of exercises you can do. A simple exercise is to clasp your hands in front of you, bend at the knees - try to get your thighs parallel to the ground, no further, and then stand up, rinse and repeat.

I hope that helps. You have plenty of flexion. May just need to strengthen your quads. It's gonna take time and maybe won't work, but you'll get stronger quads either way.

Best of luck to you. At your degree of flexion, you've done a good job with therapy. Joe


My TKR was a year and a half ago. No complaints, outcome was very successful. But I would be slow to do TKR on my other knee since learning about Platlet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections. My husband has trouble with his left knee and had the PRP shot. He's had a very good outcome. However, I am told it is not as successful for people with bone-on-bone arthritis. There needs to be some cartilage left in the knee for the PRP to regenerate. Also, I recommend going to a clinic that does nothing bit PRP. If I ever have problems with my left knee, I plan to try it.

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Thanks for the info. Yeah once a knee gets to the point of bone-on-bone, very little will help.

As for when to have a TKR - for me, it was when the pain affected my walking every day, or nearly every day. I felt like a TKR was the last resort. I did hire a trainer pre surgery to strengthen the muscles around the knee and was surprised by what I could do.

I am glad I had both knees replaced. I'm 69 y/o and in the gym everyday. No impact sports, but everything else is ok. Oh, and I still work with the same trainer.


Got it, thanks Terry. I've never measured but don't have a problem standing from a sitting position. I do exercises at the gym where I hold a weight and stand from a seated position on a bench. The bench is probably 24" high, not sure.

Sounds like a quad-strength issue to me. There are a lot of exercises you can do. A simple exercise is to clasp your hands in front of you, bend at the knees - try to get your thighs parallel to the ground, no further, and then stand up, rinse and repeat.

I hope that helps. You have plenty of flexion. May just need to strengthen your quads. It's gonna take time and maybe won't work, but you'll get stronger quads either way.

Best of luck to you. At your degree of flexion, you've done a good job with therapy. Joe

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Thanks joe I will keep trying I’ve done so many quad exercises i stopped for a while do about 30 at a time from 22 inches chair I have at home I’ll try the weight. Thank you again


I am going to be age 84 and I am now scheduled for my second total knee replacement. I had the left one done 9 years ago but now the right one is painful. At this age, is this the right thing to do?


Thank you for your honest post. I had LTKR in September 2023 .. today was told my knee cap is not centered but left …still having pain .. believe me I will never do this ever again. My visit with the surgeon was not productive today. But I know someone will provide helpful guidance.

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I feel very bad for what you are going through right now, and I know how you feel. Like you, I will never do it again either. I hope that, with time, you will completely heal. Maybe you should get a second opinion because of your kneecap. Thinking of you and hoping that you will feel better soon.


Hello there and I hope your pain is being well managed - mine was brutal for the first two weeks. My flexion is now 150+ and my pain is FINALLY gone. I am 3 ½ months post surgery.
The burning is VERY normal - your nerves are starting to reconnect and that is a good sign. It does go away.

All the best to you - keep us updated. Happy and healthy 2024!

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Hello Knee Replacement Patients!
I am a new member of this group and what I've been reading has been so comforting. I had left knee replacement in early October of 2023 and my recovery has been so very difficult. While my flexion is nearly 130 and my extension is -1, the swelling, stiffness, tightness (feels like my knee is in a vice) general pain has been present daily and I am exercising till the cows come home. My surgeon has told me that all these symptoms can last up to 6 months and my PT's tell me 12 months - UGH. I'm still in PT 2X per week, scheduled until early February. My husband has been amazing helping me through this experience, but this is tough. Any suggestions this group may have to "speed" this healing process up would be so helpful. Also, my surgeon has just put me on gabapentin, but I don't think it's really helping.
Happy New Year!

Frustrated in Chicago...


Hello Knee Replacement Patients!
I am a new member of this group and what I've been reading has been so comforting. I had left knee replacement in early October of 2023 and my recovery has been so very difficult. While my flexion is nearly 130 and my extension is -1, the swelling, stiffness, tightness (feels like my knee is in a vice) general pain has been present daily and I am exercising till the cows come home. My surgeon has told me that all these symptoms can last up to 6 months and my PT's tell me 12 months - UGH. I'm still in PT 2X per week, scheduled until early February. My husband has been amazing helping me through this experience, but this is tough. Any suggestions this group may have to "speed" this healing process up would be so helpful. Also, my surgeon has just put me on gabapentin, but I don't think it's really helping.
Happy New Year!

Frustrated in Chicago...

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Hi my first TKR was Oct 11 2022 on the right. I did very well. Then I had left TKR on may 23, 2023 which recovery is taking way longer than I thought it would I did pre Hab swimming etc I did all my PT 3 x week now I’m back at the ymca therapy pool. It does help a lot. I’ve also found a medical masseuse who just works on my legs and knees. 7 months out still having trouble with one thing. Sit to stand function. I had no trouble with my right! I’m bummed but still working hard. Good luck to you

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