Can cancer spread from EUS-FNA (Fine Needle Aspiration)?

Posted by rabbit22 @rabbit22, Jan 2, 2024

I’m scheduled for an EUS and am told that my IPMN cyst 12mm may be poked with a needle for a better diagnosis as to whether the cyst is malignant. I’m afraid this may cause what they call “seeding” or spreading cancer. Can the EYS without the FNA show enough info to delay? Is this a real concern? Should I let my GI do this with certain qualitative permissions?

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I was diagnosed with stage 4 PDAC in May 2023. They would not do a biopsy of the pancreas for risk of spreading it further. Given my liver had numerous tumours they biopsied my liver which they considered less risky and easier to access. Not the most pleasant experience! My procedure used a needle with ultrasound guidance… not sure of the official name for this… may be quite different then what is being proposed for you.


I was diagnosed with stage 4 PDAC in May 2023. They would not do a biopsy of the pancreas for risk of spreading it further. Given my liver had numerous tumours they biopsied my liver which they considered less risky and easier to access. Not the most pleasant experience! My procedure used a needle with ultrasound guidance… not sure of the official name for this… may be quite different then what is being proposed for you.

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What did they do about the pancreas since there wasn't a biopsy done? How did the liver biopsy go? Was there anything to worry about? Hope you are doing good.


Update! My cyst is a Branch Duct and due to its size and view, the doctor decided not to do the fine needle aspiration at this time. I will be on active surveillance. Probably 6 months another MRI to see if it grows. In the meanwhile, I’ll spend time focusing on general good health in case of future surgery needed.
I’m very happy that I had the EUS and yes, more info can be seen to determine next steps. 🙏


What did they do about the pancreas since there wasn't a biopsy done? How did the liver biopsy go? Was there anything to worry about? Hope you are doing good.

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I just finished 12 rounds of chemo. They were able to determine it was a PDAC from the liver biopsy


Update! My cyst is a Branch Duct and due to its size and view, the doctor decided not to do the fine needle aspiration at this time. I will be on active surveillance. Probably 6 months another MRI to see if it grows. In the meanwhile, I’ll spend time focusing on general good health in case of future surgery needed.
I’m very happy that I had the EUS and yes, more info can be seen to determine next steps. 🙏

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Questions,…: Did they put you to sleep for your EUS (They did for mine) and where did you have yours done?

I wanted to share with you that in June of 2022, a cyst was found through an CT Scan for another reason. Rochester Mayo conducted an MRI and then a EUS. Similar to you they decided NOT to take a biopsy due to it being close to viens. They told me at that ime it did not have suspicious characteristics. They have monitored every 6 months with two MRI (in Rochester and one at Jax’s Mayo (we are snowbirds). I go back to Jacksonville Mayo next week for another MRI. The team assigned to me have told me that if it does not show growth, I could (if I wanted) to repeat at 1 year intervals rather than 6 months. However I probably will have another in October BEFORE we come down to FL in 2025.

Yes, I am nervous (my GI calls it “scanaxiety”. I am putting my faith, trust and hope in Gods Will…. Turning it over to God.

I will pray for you. Please do the same for me. I ask all others on this thread for prayers of strength and trust in God…


Well, we are in the same situation for sure! Scanziety, ugh….for life. I’m just hoping it doesn’t grow in the six months.
My EUS was done at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek CA by Dr Sharma who specializes in endoscopy. I was asleep.
I’ve lost sleep, weight and worry up to now and I need to put this all in God’s hands. Everyone tells me it’s the positive patients that do best so I’m going to do my best to take care of this body in case things change.
I need to focus on finding best surgeon if I would need surgery. I’ve got phone appts with Mayo in Rochester and a local surgeon at UCSF here in No CA. I hear Dr Truty is excellent at Mayo. I like that the Mayo and MD Anderson have cyst surveillance programs. Are you in that?


Well, we are in the same situation for sure! Scanziety, ugh….for life. I’m just hoping it doesn’t grow in the six months.
My EUS was done at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek CA by Dr Sharma who specializes in endoscopy. I was asleep.
I’ve lost sleep, weight and worry up to now and I need to put this all in God’s hands. Everyone tells me it’s the positive patients that do best so I’m going to do my best to take care of this body in case things change.
I need to focus on finding best surgeon if I would need surgery. I’ve got phone appts with Mayo in Rochester and a local surgeon at UCSF here in No CA. I hear Dr Truty is excellent at Mayo. I like that the Mayo and MD Anderson have cyst surveillance programs. Are you in that?

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I'm new to all of this. I found out I have a lesion on my pancreas and liver. Due for another MRI in Feb.
Could someone explain to me what EUS is? Rabbit22 are you using MD Anderson in Houston Tx? I live within 50 miles from there. That is where I'm wanting to go for further testing if needed.
Pray you continue to do well.


I just finished 12 rounds of chemo. They were able to determine it was a PDAC from the liver biopsy

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They haven't mentioned a biopsy. The lesion in the pancreas is 1.5cm. The one on the liver is 1.6. I'm sure these are really small compared to what some of you on here have. It's still worrisome for me. The radiology report on my liver says it's most likely a tumor. I'm thinking about going for a second opinion. I pray u recover soon and get better each day.


I'm new to all of this. I found out I have a lesion on my pancreas and liver. Due for another MRI in Feb.
Could someone explain to me what EUS is? Rabbit22 are you using MD Anderson in Houston Tx? I live within 50 miles from there. That is where I'm wanting to go for further testing if needed.
Pray you continue to do well.

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No but MD Anderson is an excellent choice and you are there, awesome! They can get your EUS set up I would think.
The EUS is an endoscopy that has the ability to see deeper in the tissues. I did a Google for the info.


They haven't mentioned a biopsy. The lesion in the pancreas is 1.5cm. The one on the liver is 1.6. I'm sure these are really small compared to what some of you on here have. It's still worrisome for me. The radiology report on my liver says it's most likely a tumor. I'm thinking about going for a second opinion. I pray u recover soon and get better each day.

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My pancreas lesion was 5.5cm x 3.5 cm when I first got diagnosed and my liver lesions looked like the profile of a giraffe there were so many of them... the largest was 2.5 cm. 6 months of chemo has been very successful and they have all shrunk significantly and I generally feel pretty good, other than diarrhoea... I am now on a chemo break for a few months and will have another CT mid February to see how things are going... my wife and I are planning overseas holidays and just getting on with life.

I had a biopsy in the first week to confirm the type of cancer after the initial CT. Given I had no CA19-9 reading, I also had a PET scan to double check things. I would certainly be asking why they aren't doing a biopsy and you will also want to get a genetic test. Turned out I had a BRCA2 mutation which made me more susceptible.

The first 6 months, medical stuff was very time consuming and mentally consuming. Everyone reacts differently to the news but you just need to get on with things and make sure you are getting good medical support and advice!

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