Will you listen?

Posted by su8 @su8, Jan 4, 2024

Why bother talking to my doctor about my pain let alone the anxiety and limitations put on my quality of life? I am dismissed out of hand, or given a prescription for anti-depressants, which cause even more misery from the side effects. I don’t have a chemical imbalance in my brain, I don’t need counseling from my psychotherapist and certainly don’t need referrals for more tests and procedures, what I need to know is, “do you really want to know what’s going on with me and ,” And for my doctors to listen. Ask me about my quality of life and my pain.

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I’m so sorry for your frustration. I’ve experienced my own sources of pain and frustration with elusive diagnosis, but I can’t say I understand yours. But I sympathize.

My only input is perhaps to consider where the skills and instincts reside that would meet your need for concern and responsiveness. I would argue that is sometimes with your Doc- but more often not so much. I suggest finding a counselor/therapist to help you find an optimal mindset to help you endure your disease. Try not to hear any suggestion from me that you can’t handle something you should be able to. Hear instead that the good counselors are trail guides on a journey to identify and strengthen your personal super powers that can help you help yourself - to better endure if nothing else.
I’m sending good Juju your way and wishing you all the best.


I. Hear you. It's just terrible how we are passed from specialist. To specialist, no one listens, they just want their copay. Or they make you feel like a drug seeker simply because you're telling them about constant pain.

Blessings to you


I can relate, though I can’t know all that you experience. Chronic pain is despicable and no one can truly know what you feel.

Based on what I have encountered during 2021-2023, I seem to have had doctors who do seem to care and want to help me, but they are not equipped. Some, perhaps get distracted by my good blood work or healthy appearance. My approach has been to consider all and go with what works. If it works, it’s worth my time and consideration. So, I’ll still be my own staunch advocate, but amenable to advice and treatments, even if I feel they aren’t on point. I came up with acupuncture and talk therapy on my own and so far they have been the best help, Traditional medicine may never be able to diagnose or treat my issues, but I can’t let that rob me of my best life.

I really hope you are able to get the help you deserve. There are advancements in medicine every day. I try to keep up faith.


I know exactly what you mean. Ever since my ski accident in 2016, out of the myriad of doctors (too many to recount), only two have taken a serious interest in my pain. All the others, like you, have mostly put me on some sort of pain killer and, basically said, "Here's your hat, what's your hurry?'. If more doctors would take each patient as a unique individual with a unique set of issues, we might actually be able to save the mediacal industry some money.


You may find the following site helpful for planning conversations with your doctor - great info...

Patient Revolution: https://www.patientrevolution.org/tools



I am searching for a new neurologist because the one I have has not heard me, I am getting meds that work somewhat, I just do not want a headache to start everyday. (If I guess the pain level wrong, the meds wipe me out for the day.) I have tried to contact a new neurologist, and no call back.
John's recommendation works, when you finally get a doctor to speak with.


I too have been dismissed by my doctor after finding out over years antidepressants have too many reactions. My rheumatologist is great though and does listen and knows how my body responds to medications. There is not much that can be done for fibromyalgia if one cannot take the meds.


I too have been dismissed by my doctor after finding out over years antidepressants have too many reactions. My rheumatologist is great though and does listen and knows how my body responds to medications. There is not much that can be done for fibromyalgia if one cannot take the meds.

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What medications are given for fibromyalgia, aside from Gabapentin?

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