How to get moving

Posted by fjc @fjc, Jan 1, 2024

I was curious what strategies people use to get moving when feeling very low energy and asocial.

I isolate myself and i know it’s not good. I feel like I don’t have the energy to interact. It’s usually at the end of the day, say late afternoon.

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What is movement?
It seems like the hardest question -- given that overweight and obesity are on the rise...with obesity now higher than overweight!
And yet the info on how to move (along with PTs and books and influencers...) are on the rise.
The best I found -- after many years of research on it) what Plato thought: Part cannot be well unless whole is well.
IOW, we cannot just heal one aspect of our health: food, sleep, exercise, stress management etc.
We need to pay attention (I Don't want to use the word, 'work on' as it sounds too instructive... and not intrinsic, even tho activity is essentially bodily desire) to the whole of us. So in activity or play we
have -- a physically demanding playful exertion.

THIS is how I approach it ... and have for my whole life of 80 yrs. My body tells me how much is too much or too little.
You might say, it's the way of the toddler...who learned All BY Itself,,,including running jumping climbing trees. Miracle? Yes we are miraculous beings.
Wholesome Food, mental stimulation/challenges, sound sleep and stress management with open mind all help to plan for the next day day BEFORE. This last one is crucial: Life purpose. In fact Dr Patrick Hill of WSU at St Louis says; Don't make New Year Resolutions; Find Life Purpose.
It seems to work for me ... as for many others in his studies.
Good luck friends!


Thank you, I really appreciate all those tips. I’m going to make a list first thing tomorrow morning and make a high protein lunch. And forgive myself if I don’t get to everything on the list. Thank you for your kindness and just listening and understanding.

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Thanks, I don’t know what’s normal. It’s winter, w all the flus, and viruses ,socializing is scary , and being older, motion is the new lotion. Lol Treatments and all its blessings and curses! The neuropathy has taken its toll on my joints, walking was my drug of choice.
Grateful for all the suggestions of small steps and lists. I’ll do it today, if only one thing gets on that list, it will probably get me writing which helps as well. You all have me inspired to hit the senior center and join in on a group exercise. Ok, getting ambitious, I’ll start with the shower. Lol Thanks all! Jm


Thanks, I don’t know what’s normal. It’s winter, w all the flus, and viruses ,socializing is scary , and being older, motion is the new lotion. Lol Treatments and all its blessings and curses! The neuropathy has taken its toll on my joints, walking was my drug of choice.
Grateful for all the suggestions of small steps and lists. I’ll do it today, if only one thing gets on that list, it will probably get me writing which helps as well. You all have me inspired to hit the senior center and join in on a group exercise. Ok, getting ambitious, I’ll start with the shower. Lol Thanks all! Jm

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Congrats, Jm!

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