Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, can this be treated?

Posted by suchita90 @suchita90, Nov 10, 2021

Father in law is diagnosed with this and surgery could happen. But seems like chemo is not ending, even oral chemo is happening. Lot of side effects after 8 chemos
Any treatment to cure permanently and what long term measures can be taken.
Do suggest. Thanks

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Is anyone currently being treated for cholangioncarcinoma. Are you willing to share your therapy experiences and struggles. What are the treatments like and how often and for how long. Who is your oncologist?

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Welcome @ntrud68. I moved your question about treatments for cholangiocarcinoma to this existing discussion:

- Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, can this be treated? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diagnosed-with-cholangiocarcinoma-can-this-be-treated/

I did this so you can click the link to read previous posts and connect with other members living with cholangiocarcinoma like @wjdemarco @jalewallen74 @gstoreydothan @lvtexas @billdemarco @kjrita @afrancesca @clarke6 @mngardenaddict @jerrydrennan @chicory2010 and more.

@ntrud68, what treatment is being suggested for you? How are you doing?


Welcome @ntrud68. I moved your question about treatments for cholangiocarcinoma to this existing discussion:

- Diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, can this be treated? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/diagnosed-with-cholangiocarcinoma-can-this-be-treated/

I did this so you can click the link to read previous posts and connect with other members living with cholangiocarcinoma like @wjdemarco @jalewallen74 @gstoreydothan @lvtexas @billdemarco @kjrita @afrancesca @clarke6 @mngardenaddict @jerrydrennan @chicory2010 and more.

@ntrud68, what treatment is being suggested for you? How are you doing?

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@ntrud68 , You will find several of us in the situation. Please look up the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation also for info on other survivors. I was diagnosed in Feb of 2017. De Novo Peri Hilar cholangiocarcinoma Went through the Mayo protocol for a liver transplant. Transplanted in Sept. of 2018. Went through several ups and downs. Cancer metastasize to spinal cord and lungs in sept of 2020. I am on a chemo regiment now . There is a lot more to this story but that's the same with all of us. My Plan is to fight like hell, Pray a lot, when I need rest let others help. then fight like hell again. My prayers to you . If you would like more info about me or if you need to just talk please let me know by message. God Bless


You can add me to the Cholangiocarcinoma discussions/forums here. I've had it for a year. I live in Houston. I did Chemotherapy for a year; Cisplatin and Gemcitatine. The cancer did'nt spread and shrunk as shown by PET Scans. Cisplatin was hard on my kidneys and stopped. This month my Oncologist started me on the Immunotherapy drug Imfinzi. The side effects are the same but I tolerate them well.

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Hi John,

Just curious. I love Mayo in Phoenix. I actually switched over from MD Anderson in Gilbert AZ to join Mayo but I know MD Anderson has a great reviews for Houston. Curious when living in Houston you didnt use MD Anderson.



Hi John,

Just curious. I love Mayo in Phoenix. I actually switched over from MD Anderson in Gilbert AZ to join Mayo but I know MD Anderson has a great reviews for Houston. Curious when living in Houston you didnt use MD Anderson.


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Welcome, @kennym. How long have you been living with cholangiocarcinoma? What treatments have you had? How are you doing?


Hello Colleen,
I was diagnosed in May of 2022
Resection in June of 2022 by MD Anderson by Banner in Sun City
Switched to Mayo around July of 2021.
Started Xeloda
Recurrence in Nov. of 2022
Started Gem/Cis/Durva
Resection at Mayo in July 2023
Recurrence in Oct 2023. Came back in Peritoneal
Started CTX-009 clinical trial in November 2023.
Some side effects from this trial but this cycle has been better better than my first cycle. On cycle 2 now. Day 1 is study drug and Paclitaxol, day 8 is Paclitaxol, day 15 is study drug and Paclitaxol. Break day 15 through day 30. Being used as a 2nd line treatment.


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