Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy: What's your experience?
Just started my Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy (TMS). Would like to hear from others who have had this experience. Thanks!
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TMS is transcranial magnetic stimulation. A series of impulses are transferred into your brain by taps on your skull. It is not uncomfortable for me and the benefits obviously are worth any inconvenience of daily clinic visits. The effect seems like a reset for me (I get them yearly) enhancing my emotional wellness progress. I feel as tho even my meds are more effective. Mine is available by psych referral and testing. It is paid for by Medicare.
Thank you! Helpful info. Thanks for sharing!
Worked for me. 100% resolved
Waiting for TMS for neuropathic pain. No clinical trials yet, to my knowledge. This is coming, however.
Works really well for me, but wears off after about three months. Then we repeat it. Still very worth it to me, as it works better than anything else in over 30 years. And since we now use rTMS (rapid TMS) here in Rochester, I only have to sit there for three minutes. It takes me longer to park!
I've had no side effects, and it's been effective for me six out of seven times over the past five years. The only time it was less successful was complicated by the death of one of my parents.
The only difficulty for me is waiting for about three weeks (that's for me) before I see any improvement.
I used a low level TMS device at home for two months, I don't recommend it. If I did it again I would definitely seek professional support.
Reply to @clutch
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I've suffered from major depressive disorder and anxiety almost my entire life, and at 75 find myself resigned. Tried several antidepressants, all which had horrid effects that I just did not want to deal with: night terrors, hallucinations and visual disturbances. For example: not fun seeing huge black spider crawling up the wall, across the ceiling and drop down right in front of my face!); seeing what seemed like millions of tiny, multi-legged black insects crawling all over me and my covers; seeing an opening in the wall above my bed and little people poke their heads out. Night terrors: whooshing sounds by my ears followed by floating "presence" in my bedroom wanting to harm me; feeling my bed move as something/someone pressed down on the mattress. And one medication in particular made my brain feel like it was about to implode, along with deep sensitive of impending death, followed by one of my worst migraine episodes. No way I wanted any of that!
So I asked a medical professional to devise a plan so that I could stop taking the last antidepressant which I was on and was not working, Serzone (the generic for Zoloft). It was hell but over a period of almost 8 months, I was down to just a tincture. Had to have the tincture and be weaned off that because I was having heavy-head feeling and "air sounds" in my ears. Irritability and feeling out of sorts also. I was off that finally but still felt unwell for nearly a year afterwards (ruined my ability to focus and enjoy our younger daughter's wedding, something that I'm upset about to this day and it was nearly twelve years ago). So I take NOTHING. Life is definitely difficult, coupled with all the pain problems that I have, but I just cannot take any more chances with any antidepressants. Uh-uh!
So I was so excited when I learned about the TMS procedure! And my insurance would cover it in full! HOWEVER -- I was not eligible for the procedure because I have a history of brain lesions....
Now that I've read how it has not really helped via the postings here on this site, I'm glad that I did not undergo the treatment. I'll continue dealing with the devil that I know as opposed to what I may have to deal with resulting from any medication. . Presently doing therapy via zoom, and while it does help to have someone to talk to, I can't say that it's helping much.
I take one day at a time.
I wish you days with hope and joy.🌺
Dear @chistiania
I myself have just started TMS treatments and I’m currently on my 10th treatment today. I am also experiencing severe hot flashes and pain on the right side of my belly since the past couple treatments, along with worsening of my anxiety with severe pains in my chest. I am so disappointed because I was very hopeful that this was gonna be what was gonna work for me. I am struggling every day just to get to the next. Since I’ve started experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks, I find myself very sensitive to anything I do or put in my body. And I am still trying to find a treatment that works for me. I’m reaching out to you because you have experienced the same side effects as I and I feel as if I will be needing to stop treatment as well. I was wondering if you mind letting me know what has worked for you medication’s etc.
I have tried atleast 8 different anti anxiety rx. ALL have horrible side effects on me & very dangerous possibilities.
I have been suggested by my Dr to try this procedure. It is a commitment about 6 weeks long daily 20 minute sessions. Could be up to $15,000 out of pocket.
There are no guaranties.
I have Mayos information.
Please share your experiences.
I have tried gut therapy, increasing my water , supplements, daily walking, weekly massages and a healthy diet.
Thank you!!!
in reply to @johnbluffside Hi, here is something to check out.,depression%