Anyone had colpocleisis surgery? I want to learn more

Posted by luftmensh1 @luftmensh1, Jul 3, 2021

What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?

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Some doctors require the urodyanimcs test. I think it helps them determine whether you might need a sling inserted to support the bladder. In my case, it was decided that I didn't need it. The test is not painful, just something to get over with. It had been set up by another doctor, not the one I had the surgery with. My doctor, a urogynecologist, said that he allows his patients to skip the urodynamics in some cases. I decided to have the total hysterectomy because I thought the success rate was higher with it and also because, if I ever had bleeding from the uterus, I thought they would not be able to do an ultrasound after colpocleisis. I didn't have any unusual bleeding or pain from the surgery. I like the doctor, and my son thought well of him too.

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Thanks for the response
After your ovaries are taken out their is not any estrogen in your body
Even on menopause your ovaries are still producing
After your hysterectomy did they put you on HRT estrogen
I heard there are pros and cons with it
It can lead to bone loss , heart disease , Cancer , stoke
Thank you


Thanks for the response
After your ovaries are taken out their is not any estrogen in your body
Even on menopause your ovaries are still producing
After your hysterectomy did they put you on HRT estrogen
I heard there are pros and cons with it
It can lead to bone loss , heart disease , Cancer , stoke
Thank you

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I was told to use an estrogen cream vaginally twice a week, which I have been doing. Supposedly, it is more benign in that form. However, many years ago, a doctor said that it still gets into the bloodstream. I mentioned that to my urogynecologist, and he did not agree with that. I could ask my long-term gynecologist for his opinion.

I had the surgery at age 83, and I am now 85. I have severe osteoarthritis of the entire spine and my right shoulder, which causes me considerable pain on certain movements. I also have scoliosis (a curvature of the spine) and stenosis ( a narrowing of the spinal column). My last dexa scan showed osteopenia. I have lost considerable height and am no longer able to remain fully upright when walking, so these are some issues that I'm dealing with. I'm trying to figure out what can be improved, risks and benefits of any treatment, and what I have to learn to live with. I do go to a chair exercise class, ride a stationary recumbent bike, and can use an elliptical machine. I also can try walking poles, which have been adjusted to compensate for my curvature. I don't think these things are necessarily related to my surgery.


I was told to use an estrogen cream vaginally twice a week, which I have been doing. Supposedly, it is more benign in that form. However, many years ago, a doctor said that it still gets into the bloodstream. I mentioned that to my urogynecologist, and he did not agree with that. I could ask my long-term gynecologist for his opinion.

I had the surgery at age 83, and I am now 85. I have severe osteoarthritis of the entire spine and my right shoulder, which causes me considerable pain on certain movements. I also have scoliosis (a curvature of the spine) and stenosis ( a narrowing of the spinal column). My last dexa scan showed osteopenia. I have lost considerable height and am no longer able to remain fully upright when walking, so these are some issues that I'm dealing with. I'm trying to figure out what can be improved, risks and benefits of any treatment, and what I have to learn to live with. I do go to a chair exercise class, ride a stationary recumbent bike, and can use an elliptical machine. I also can try walking poles, which have been adjusted to compensate for my curvature. I don't think these things are necessarily related to my surgery.

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Thank you for your response
Question did u get a title hysterectomy and a closure vaginal so that your prolapse won’t fall out anymore
That’s what I’m considering .
And how painful was your surgery after surgery and reconvery
I am 65 yrs old now
And I am so terrified!
Also with the Urodynamic procedure
Thanking u in advance


Thank you for your response
Question did u get a title hysterectomy and a closure vaginal so that your prolapse won’t fall out anymore
That’s what I’m considering .
And how painful was your surgery after surgery and reconvery
I am 65 yrs old now
And I am so terrified!
Also with the Urodynamic procedure
Thanking u in advance

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Also so sorry about all your health issues . Please forgive me


Thank you for your response
Question did u get a title hysterectomy and a closure vaginal so that your prolapse won’t fall out anymore
That’s what I’m considering .
And how painful was your surgery after surgery and reconvery
I am 65 yrs old now
And I am so terrified!
Also with the Urodynamic procedure
Thanking u in advance

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I had a total hysterectomy done vaginally. With colpocleisis, the vagina is not closed. They make the vagina narrower and shorter. I insert an estrogen cream into the vagina twice a week. I did not have much pain after the surgery. Urodynamics was not painful, just an annoyance to get over with. I was 83 when I had the surgery. Your younger age should be in your favor. Sometimes in life we put ourselves into the hands of others and trust.


Thank you and God bless may you continue to live a productive and quality of life. It was the euro dynamic that terrified me and the recovery. My pain tolerance is very low. Thank you for talking to me and it was a pleasure if you ever need anyone I’m here for you as well, good night


Still considering options

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JANUARY 31, 2025


JANUARY 31, 2025

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That should be January 31, 2024


I have had three prolapse surgeries, uterine prolapse surgery in 2011…vaginal prolapse surgery in 2017 and rectocele repair 5 weeks ago. Recovery was going well until I developed a UTI over two weeks ago. Per my urogynocologist…vaginal bacteria has gone into my bladder. I took Cephlex until she got lab results, then was put on Flagyl…now am taking Leviflaxin, my third antibiotic. I have the constant urge to pee, it is maddening, especially at night. The doctor gave me a 14 day supply of Gemtessa (Vibegron) to help with symptoms and I have made an appt to see a urologist in two weeks. Does anyone else struggle with constant UTIs? I go online and read about these things, and it causes more anxiety, not good with feelings of urgency to pee. I may not be on the right thread…oh…and when I looked for a possible appt with Phoenix Mayo I saw they only treat issues like this for females from ages 12-65…unless I misunderstood.

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I have recurring UTI'S for at least 6 months & before. I have taking Methenamine Hipp 1 gram twice a day (every 12 hours). For the last 4 months I have not had an UTI. I am scheduled to have Colpocleisis surgery because of my stage 4 bladder prolapes. I'm praying that this will also help my UTI problem too.


I must confess that I received a notice in my email that I had a question or response from someone on this site. Unlike earlier notifications like this, the new one led me on a confusing path that invited me to create a new account or use my password to respond. I haven't needed to use my password in so long that I had to look it up. Fortunately, it worked. The only comment I was able to find didn't really require a response. Very discouraging.

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