Essential Thrombocytosis symptoms

Posted by lynn22 @lynn22, Apr 5, 2023

Having had high platelets since 2017 and doctors could not find a cause I paid to see a haematologist and I was diagnosed with ET in 2019. With a platelet level of 723 I was put on baby Asprin but unfortunately it did not suit me. I was then put on Clopidogrel but had an allergic reaction to it. I have refused to have a biopsy so far but said I will if levels go over 800. The haematologist made it quite clear that I am at a high risk of having a stroke. So I am taking Arnica homeopathy twice a day to thin the blood which helps the headaches which I have suffered with for years and take 2 paracetamol a day, usually when I wake-up as that’s when I get most headaches and sometimes it is like having a massive hangover. I also get tired and lightheaded and since January I am suffering with constant tingling hands and feet which according to the internet is another side affect. But as of two weeks ago I have tingling lips and tongue which is not listed as a side affect and I am wondering if anyone else also has these symptoms tingling symptoms. Having tried to see a doctor the surgery have said I can have a routine appointment which is weeks away. My doctor has agreed that I have a blood test every 3 months to monitor, at the moment it ranges from 750 to 800. Any advice gratefully received.

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I decided to go naturally. I’m not saying that it will work for everyone- seems to be working for me.
I had an allergic reaction to Hydroxyurea. Chemo pill specifically required for ET (Essential Thrombocytosis)
I found a natural supplement compared to Hydroxyurea, Resveratrol. 1500 mg a pill. I take 2.
My Dr than suggested Anagrealide.
Which will cause fainting, and dizziness. I already at some points experience these symptoms. I’m told is a blood pressure thing.
So!?- if I’m already lightheaded/dizzy. Why would I take a pill that will increase this, and might/could possibly faint.

I searched things to do naturally. I’m found Resveratrol.
Along with Vitamin E- which is a natural blood thinner- and an anti-coagulant.
Both taken together works good for me.

Your blood is a protein. Meat (red) steaks, hamburger, etc are also a protein.
The Mediterranean diet is recommended for people with ET. You want to do anything and everything to get that platelet number down.
You don’t want to increase it.
Leafy greens and vegetables are great source to aide in bringing that number down.
Water! I drink a gallon a day. Not saying you have too.
But water isn’t a great source to flush everything out of your system. Plus, it’s great for your kidneys.
Also- Cranberry juice. Drink regularly.
Salmon, shrimp. Etc. won’t increase your plates counts.


Gabbapentin is usually prescribed to patients who suffer from Neuropathy ( Tingling sensation/ numbness in toes and finger tips)
I take 100mg- Not everyday.
Just when my toes are painful.
It helps.
Me, personally when I see a Dr, some give me the deer and headlight look (confused). It’s quite frustrating because some don’t really know anything about ET (Essential Thrombocytosis)
You might have to be your own Dr. listen to your body: it will tell you what medication is good, and what isn’t.
I’ve been my own Dr since diagnosed with this problem.

If I was a Dr? and I was trying to sell a pill to any patient.
I’d say and tell them anything and everything under the sun to get them to take said pill.

Pharmaceuticals make money off patients who are prescribed harsh drugs ( Hydroxyurea, Anagrealide, Alpha Fernon)
All of which were supposed to take to help bring our platelets down.
However- they don’t tell you that you can/ or might have an allergic reaction.
If you do?
Dr’s don’t like hearing from patients that the drug they prescribed cause an allergic reaction. They play it off as if the patient doesn’t know.
By asking questions like:
Are you sure? Do you know what an allergic reaction is?
Well, stop taking it. Than re-start it in a few weeks?

The problem with that: if you already had an allergic reaction once. Re-starting it could/might send a patient into Anaphylactic shock- severe allergic reaction.

Which is why I decided to go naturally.

It’s good your platelets are under a million.
Mine have been over that for awhile.
I know it’s hard to get them down once they decide to go
Wish you the best of luck.


Please advise how you decided to take the supplements you list and how you learned that meat increases platelet counts, and specifically which meats. Thanks!

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What is the best diet to lower platelets?
Dark chocolate, foods with low glycemic index, garlic, ginger, omega-3 PUFA, onion, purple grape juice, tomato, and wine all reduce platelet aggregation. Dark chocolate and omega-3 PUFA also reduce P-selectin expression. In addition, dark chocolate reduces PAC-1 binding and platelet microparticle formation and Mediterranean diet.

You need green leafy vegetables. They starve (cancer).
How do I know about the pills I take?
I did my own research- I’m the type of person that has to know WHY?
Resveratrol is from the West Indies.
It has duel ability with stopping players aggregation tin storage ( which we want) and has the ability to stop them from multiplying. Again ( what we want)
Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner, Anti -Coagulant- based plus pushes the blood faster through your parties to help get rid of plack:
Who’s is sticky blood that sit in the parties and not moving- than blood clots.

Blood is a protein. Hence meat is a protein. Steak, hamburger, eggs, peanut butter.

When you search this: you will be told to eat in moderation.

Resveratrol which is in grapes, and red wine. Will help bring your platelets down.

Also- Ginseng- and Ginkgoba
They Also will help the platelets.
All of these are available to you on the internet for you to search:
All you have to do: is pick up your smartphone; and type in the search engine.

What can I eat with Essential Thrombocytosis?

What food help lower platelets?

What a natural supplement to take that is like Hydroxyurea?

Cranberry juice is also good at lowering the platelets
and it’s great for kidneys if you're a person who doesn’t drink water!


My platelets numbers were similar to yours in January, plus blood work identified a Jak2 mutation. I would definitely recommend that you see a hematologist/oncologist/MPN Specialist. I am very high risk with those numbers, also due to age, over 60. I take one baby aspirin per day, one iron (low iron but not anemic), and 500 mg of HU 2x week. Now, my platelets run 500-550, but overall blood work looks better than before I started HU. Take care!
A friend from Maryland, U.S.A.


What is the best diet to lower platelets?
Dark chocolate, foods with low glycemic index, garlic, ginger, omega-3 PUFA, onion, purple grape juice, tomato, and wine all reduce platelet aggregation. Dark chocolate and omega-3 PUFA also reduce P-selectin expression. In addition, dark chocolate reduces PAC-1 binding and platelet microparticle formation and Mediterranean diet.

You need green leafy vegetables. They starve (cancer).
How do I know about the pills I take?
I did my own research- I’m the type of person that has to know WHY?
Resveratrol is from the West Indies.
It has duel ability with stopping players aggregation tin storage ( which we want) and has the ability to stop them from multiplying. Again ( what we want)
Vitamin E is a natural blood thinner, Anti -Coagulant- based plus pushes the blood faster through your parties to help get rid of plack:
Who’s is sticky blood that sit in the parties and not moving- than blood clots.

Blood is a protein. Hence meat is a protein. Steak, hamburger, eggs, peanut butter.

When you search this: you will be told to eat in moderation.

Resveratrol which is in grapes, and red wine. Will help bring your platelets down.

Also- Ginseng- and Ginkgoba
They Also will help the platelets.
All of these are available to you on the internet for you to search:
All you have to do: is pick up your smartphone; and type in the search engine.

What can I eat with Essential Thrombocytosis?

What food help lower platelets?

What a natural supplement to take that is like Hydroxyurea?

Cranberry juice is also good at lowering the platelets
and it’s great for kidneys if you're a person who doesn’t drink water!

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In my searches after meeting Ayurvedic and homeopathy drs plus nature cure drs found Food that reduces platlets count and blood clots . Trying to follow but yet results will take time I feel. ,

Leafy greens
Olive oil
Omega 3
Flex seeds
Nuts and whole grains
No sugar
Ash guard juice or cucumber juice or bottle gourd juice any one in morning hungry stomach is even like a natural blood thinner .
To follow cercadian cycle that is to eat final meal before sun set .

Just felt like sharing this as me even searching for natural ways and trying these foods. , and life style. Regular exercise too is also a must . Whichever we like, may be walking for a hour every morning , or swimming or cycling whatever it suits one.
My age is 62 and platelets found high since last one year and now too around 620 and taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg twice daily and ecospirin 75 mg daily till next blood work after 15 days as guided by haematologist. He started giving two as platelets touched 920 before a month.
We all should keep searching for natural ways to cure besides taking medicines as advised and exchange views . It’s just that controlling our food habits is very difficult but we will keep trying. World over desire for food is foremost in majority of human beings . Animals are very natural compared to humans.

Another observation I found on myself that we must try to eat 80% alkaline food and only 20% acidic food. Before I was diagnosed for high platelets for a year had severe acidity inspite of eating non spicy and non oily food and strict vegetarian . But surely made mistakes too with cravings for sugar and more food being eaten then required , etc.

Wishing all speedy recovery and praying for ALL of us.

This quote really touches me :


In my searches after meeting Ayurvedic and homeopathy drs plus nature cure drs found Food that reduces platlets count and blood clots . Trying to follow but yet results will take time I feel. ,

Leafy greens
Olive oil
Omega 3
Flex seeds
Nuts and whole grains
No sugar
Ash guard juice or cucumber juice or bottle gourd juice any one in morning hungry stomach is even like a natural blood thinner .
To follow cercadian cycle that is to eat final meal before sun set .

Just felt like sharing this as me even searching for natural ways and trying these foods. , and life style. Regular exercise too is also a must . Whichever we like, may be walking for a hour every morning , or swimming or cycling whatever it suits one.
My age is 62 and platelets found high since last one year and now too around 620 and taking Hydroxyurea 500 mg twice daily and ecospirin 75 mg daily till next blood work after 15 days as guided by haematologist. He started giving two as platelets touched 920 before a month.
We all should keep searching for natural ways to cure besides taking medicines as advised and exchange views . It’s just that controlling our food habits is very difficult but we will keep trying. World over desire for food is foremost in majority of human beings . Animals are very natural compared to humans.

Another observation I found on myself that we must try to eat 80% alkaline food and only 20% acidic food. Before I was diagnosed for high platelets for a year had severe acidity inspite of eating non spicy and non oily food and strict vegetarian . But surely made mistakes too with cravings for sugar and more food being eaten then required , etc.

Wishing all speedy recovery and praying for ALL of us.

This quote really touches me :

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Thank you for posting this. I have also done a lot of research and I read that oranges increase platelets whereas grapefruit reduces them so I have swapped. I also have lemon juice in water as it helps to keep the body hydrated and does seem to lessen the headaches, I have a pint in warm water when I get up followed by 420mls of celery juice and then a metal detox smoothie. I also have cranberry juice, grapes, etc as cbabby pointed out. Unfortunately I have hiatus hernia and reflux so cannot eat, garlic, onions, cinnamon or anything with strong spices. I did try the cucumber juice as I like cucumber but I have never tasted anything so disgusting so giving that as miss. I am a vegetarian by choice but now a vegan by condition as dairy makes headaches and other symptoms worse. But the homeopathy I take also does help. As we all agree we do just have to follow what suits us.


My platelets numbers were similar to yours in January, plus blood work identified a Jak2 mutation. I would definitely recommend that you see a hematologist/oncologist/MPN Specialist. I am very high risk with those numbers, also due to age, over 60. I take one baby aspirin per day, one iron (low iron but not anemic), and 500 mg of HU 2x week. Now, my platelets run 500-550, but overall blood work looks better than before I started HU. Take care!
A friend from Maryland, U.S.A.

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I do see a Hematologist.
Hence/ being prescribed Hydroxyurea/ than being told to take Anagrealide.
I’m 48- taking the supplements I am taking my platelets are coming down naturally.
With NO help from chemo pills-
There are Natural Hematologists out there- not just one that love giving said pills to patients because than they don’t have to deal with you.
I’ll go naturally.
Thank you! .


What all these posts point out to me is that doctors are doing a terrible job helping some patients understand and cope with the fact that they have a chronic bone marrow cancer. I think those with rare cancers often encounter this. All of us need to expect more of our caregivers in this regard.

For those who would prefer to experiment on themselves instead of seeking conventional medical care, please ask those posting information to provide links to the sources of their info so they can gauge its credibility.

I ran a FB support group for ET patients for several years, and I will tell you that the homeopathic practitioners are just as motivated by the profit motive as Big Pharma, and most alternative practitioners offer treatments that are neither regulated nor have been subjected to rigorous double-blind testing.

I've had ET-CALR for 15+ years. HU + aspirin x 6 years. I've met patients who were allergic to the dye in HU capsules, who had to find aspirin workarounds, who did much better on anagrelide, and who found a good combo of diet and exercise that contributed to overall health and clot risk reduction. I've also known patients who tried to avoid conventional drugs and ended up unable to care for themselves after amputations and strokes.

Wishing everyone here happiness, serenity, confidence, and access to helpful and reliable information in 2024.


What all these posts point out to me is that doctors are doing a terrible job helping some patients understand and cope with the fact that they have a chronic bone marrow cancer. I think those with rare cancers often encounter this. All of us need to expect more of our caregivers in this regard.

For those who would prefer to experiment on themselves instead of seeking conventional medical care, please ask those posting information to provide links to the sources of their info so they can gauge its credibility.

I ran a FB support group for ET patients for several years, and I will tell you that the homeopathic practitioners are just as motivated by the profit motive as Big Pharma, and most alternative practitioners offer treatments that are neither regulated nor have been subjected to rigorous double-blind testing.

I've had ET-CALR for 15+ years. HU + aspirin x 6 years. I've met patients who were allergic to the dye in HU capsules, who had to find aspirin workarounds, who did much better on anagrelide, and who found a good combo of diet and exercise that contributed to overall health and clot risk reduction. I've also known patients who tried to avoid conventional drugs and ended up unable to care for themselves after amputations and strokes.

Wishing everyone here happiness, serenity, confidence, and access to helpful and reliable information in 2024.

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What is the dye in HU capsules? I've had anaphylactic reactions to red dye #40 and can't take medications which contain it. Most of these are clearly red but many foods have red #40 hiding, including some bright blue ones.


What is the dye in HU capsules? I've had anaphylactic reactions to red dye #40 and can't take medications which contain it. Most of these are clearly red but many foods have red #40 hiding, including some bright blue ones.

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If you have dye allergies, tell your pharmacy. They can tell you what dyes are in the brand of HU caps that they carry. They should be able to arrange to get you clear gel caps.

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