Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

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Hi Michhino
I read your post with much interest.
So sorry for your predicament but I am in the same boat as you are without the diabetics.
My neuropathy is a result of prostate cancer radiation. The cancer is gone thank God but ten years later, the radiation treatment did cause some nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy came to be my daily existence.' I have tried and still do everything under the sun.
Most important is going to the gym 5 days a week I take no medication at all just vitamins and I am now using "Infrared" treatment twice daily 20 minutes for about a year with no results.
My only hope in all this is that the numbness and pain will not progress any farther than it is.
I am 85 and walking with a cane. , but I am active as much as possible, I go on bus tours and try to be as positive as possible about this one fact of life I cannot change.'
Mary Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

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Don’t know if this is the place for my comment. I am 73 and diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in my hands just 2 months ago. I now have numbness in my feet. I went from normal walking to a cane and now a walker. This all happened since September. Is this speed of deterioration something other people have experienced?


Check out Amazon reviews for Frankincense & Myrrh for neuropathy in feet and Alpha Lipoic Acid capsules - these inexpensive products have NO SIDE EFFECTS and reduced stabbing, pins and needles and numbness by 90% in one week.

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How often do you apply the oil and take the supplement pills. Once or twice a day?


See a podiatrist to find out what could be causing your numbness . I had PRP injections in both my feet . Helped with pain, numbness /feeling in my feet. No longer have cold feet either . Color is much better also.


I'm VERY new here, to the group and neuropathy... What are "PRP injections"?


Platelet-rich Plasma. I think it will be well covered on your search app.
Welcome to Connect.
(I was just passing by your post. )


I believe I posted a short while ago asking if anyone had a suggestion to help relieve foot numbness. I'm fortunate not to have foot pain. I haven't been too bothered by my numbness until only recently. Then a light bulb in my dim brain clicked on: "Only recently?" I thought. I could say that about something else, too: sub-freezing temps both day and night––recalling how my feet on super-cold days, long before the onset of my PN, would ordinarily feel a little numb. For the past few days, I've been warming both socks and shoes before putting them on. The difference, while a far cry from a cure or even a lasting solution to numb feet, has been significant. I'm slapping myself on the forehead, thinking, "Why hadn't I thought of this before?" Oh, the ins and outs of life with PN! 🙂 –Ray (@ray666)


I'm VERY new here, to the group and neuropathy... What are "PRP injections"?

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PRP Injections are when blood is drawn out of your arm . It is then spun. The platelets separate. The platelet rich plasma is then injected into your feet . I has helped me .


PRP Injections are when blood is drawn out of your arm . It is then spun. The platelets separate. The platelet rich plasma is then injected into your feet . I has helped me .

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I had PRP done that was very expensive, it did not help me at all.


Doesn’t , other counties like China, Japan, Korea put on needles the point on you legs or feet? I would like to see this..l


Don’t know if this is the place for my comment. I am 73 and diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in my hands just 2 months ago. I now have numbness in my feet. I went from normal walking to a cane and now a walker. This all happened since September. Is this speed of deterioration something other people have experienced?

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Hi harwi002
I read your short description here and let me say how sorry I am of your predicament.'Not much out there to help with PN but the most legit and no need for doctor requests is Physical Therapy.
Long process but it seems to prevent the condition from progressing further.
I am 85 and go to the gym 5 days a week and also 3 days a week I go to physical therapy workout.
It is one hour with the instructor glued to you, making sure you work out okay.
Anyway, I have been struggling with this for 10 years, walking with a cane my balance is very bad so I accept my situation and live this way as if it is the way I am supposed to live. I do mow the lawn as yard work is concerned, the rest I hire people to do for me.
I am not rich but I manage my money in such a way that I am also able to take day tours with the local tour bus company.
Enjoy life as best I can.
Good luck and a happy new year.

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