What is the correct dosage for 75 year old, taking Magnesium Glycinate

Posted by evillarreal @evillarreal, Dec 18, 2023

I am a 75 year old male & I am about to start taking Magnesium Glycinate for bone health. I would like to know what is the correct dosage for a man of my age. The many recommendations are confusing as well as the labels on the bottles. I will list several labels as an example of what I mean:
1. Magnesium Glycinate, 500 mg, Fully Chelated
Magnesium 50 mg.
(from 500 mg. magnesium glycinate)
2. Magnesium Glycinate, Chelated 425 mg.
Calcium 189 mg.
Magnesium (as magnesium glycinate 425 mg.)
3. Magnesium Glycinate, 1330 mg. Buffered & Chelated
Magnesium 240 mg.
(from 1,330 mg. of magnesium glycinate, chelate buffered- magnesium bisglycinate chelate, magnesium oxide)
As you can see, it can be very confusing especially when you get
different opinions from various party's who are not experts.
If you can help me to determine the best dosage, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time.
Ernest Villarreal

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I take my magnesium in ratio to calcium…you want a 2:1 cal/mag ratio. I take mag citrate also so I have to figure that in when I take my glycinate. Take glycinate at night since it has a calming effect. Also, don’t take your magnesium with your calcium. They compete for absorption. I take my calcium with meals and the mag citrate after and the glycinate about an hour before bed.

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Best to get your calcium from foods if you can.


Best to get your calcium from foods if you can.

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@gretchen1018 totally agree. But since i can’t eat dairy nor high fiber foods , I rely on supplements to fill my needs.


Best to get your calcium from foods if you can.

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My doc recommends D3+K2 together. Vitamin D3 helps our bodies absorb calcium, while vitamin K2 directs calcium to our bones instead of joints and arteries, where too much calcium could be problematic. (Cardiac.)


Magnesium isn’t stored in the body and a fraction of it gets circulated and absorbed, the rest is released from your body every 24 hours via urine, meaning it doesn’t get stored. So no danger of having too much in your body.
I take Magnesium Glycinate at night before bed. I take 4 tablets, 125mg each. And I’m 73 and weigh 104 lbs for reference. I started with 1 and worked up to 4 as my doctor suggested. Taking it at bedtime also helps with sleep.
Hope this helps.


Best to get your calcium from foods if you can.

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Calcium from foods is great but the quality of the foods is also important. There are calcium supplements like Calcium Carbonate but learn what it’s made from and how too much can cause hypercalcimia.
I’ve turned to foods high in calcium, Ultra K2, Vit. D3 + K2-7, 2 bone builders from a company called Ancestral Supplements - Bone and Marrow and Living Bone - use ankle weights for more load bearing exercises.
Best to you!

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