A discussion for people over 60: Let's focus on what we can do

Posted by nanette2022 @nanette2022, Feb 18, 2022

Is is possible to start a new discussion for over 60?

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I will be 82 on Christmas Day. I have all my senses intact (though some may dispute that🤪). Each year brings new physical challenges and yet I am so thankful for having led a life full of pleasure and, yes, even some pain and strain. No life is without it. In these years I have come to realize how important relationships are. If you are alone, though, you don’t have to be lonely. Reach out to others. Do something good for someone else. Say a heartfelt prayer for someone in need if you believe in the value of prayer. Clean the clutter, nature your plants. Call a friend who may be lonely. Treat yourself. Make an old holiday family recipe that you love, if you’re able. At the end of the day, relax, reflect on all the positive things you have experienced in your life, grab a good book, or watch your favorite holiday movie, and simply be thankful for what you do have.

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Happy Birthday, Pumpkin1!


I’m 82 as of yesterday and I didn’t think I’d have much of a list but actually it isn’t too bad. Not as long as your list but not bad really.

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Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday🎂🎀

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Happy Birthday & what a great post of encouragement! Thank you.


Happy Birthday & what a great post of encouragement! Thank you.

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You are welcome!


I am not yet 60 but my life has changed so much in the last few years. Cancer, chronic pain, mobility issues, job loss and the constant fear of becoming homeless at some point. However having said that, I meditate daily, try to live with gratitude, be as helpful as possible, love my family, love my kitty cat, try to get out for walks, do practice gentle restorative yoga, enjoy movies, watching sports, reading crime thrillers, listen to auto biographies free audio from the library. Wow there is a list there. I did get some casual work at the hospitals so that is meaningful for me and helps with bills. My biggest barrier is chronic 24/7 pain.


I am also under 60, and healthy. I was just diagnosed with Glaucoma, and use drops daily to keep eye pressure down. I was surprised at how casual the doctor and pharmacy were re this disease. I know I’m lucky to not have nerve damage, but is anyone else dealing with
this and the constant fear of it progressing? Thanks for any input!


I am also under 60, and healthy. I was just diagnosed with Glaucoma, and use drops daily to keep eye pressure down. I was surprised at how casual the doctor and pharmacy were re this disease. I know I’m lucky to not have nerve damage, but is anyone else dealing with
this and the constant fear of it progressing? Thanks for any input!

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Hi Dawn - I too was just under 60 when diagnosed with glaucoma, and I must say my ophthalmologist is anything but "casual" about it for the past 13 years.
I am seen twice a year and my pressures are measured, with a visual field check once a year and a full eye scan every two years. She also checks the "angle" with a special instrument every 2-3 years.
I saw her again yesterday, and with this care and religious use of my drops every night, my pressures are maintained around 14 and the disease progress is very slow. She is confident that absent some strange occurrence, I will "outlive" glaucoma and have my vision, slightly impaired as now. I just hope I can find someone as thorough when she retires two years from now!
May I suggest that if these tests were not performed for you, and you feel the doctor was too "casual" about it, that you might want to find an ophthalmologist who specializes in eye disease? Once you have a diagnosis such as this, you are beyond the care level of an optometrist.


I am also under 60, and healthy. I was just diagnosed with Glaucoma, and use drops daily to keep eye pressure down. I was surprised at how casual the doctor and pharmacy were re this disease. I know I’m lucky to not have nerve damage, but is anyone else dealing with
this and the constant fear of it progressing? Thanks for any input!

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Back in 2000 I was also dealing with increased pressure in the eye and the possibility of glaucoma. My doctor tried all kinds of drops, but nothing works. I will add here that I have a problem with lots of drugs. They rarely work on me the way they are supposed to. At any rate, he finally said I am going to do laser surgery on you. So that's what he did on my left eye. It took about a minute and there was no pain. Flash forward 23 years and my pressure has been normal for all this time.


Back in 2000 I was also dealing with increased pressure in the eye and the possibility of glaucoma. My doctor tried all kinds of drops, but nothing works. I will add here that I have a problem with lots of drugs. They rarely work on me the way they are supposed to. At any rate, he finally said I am going to do laser surgery on you. So that's what he did on my left eye. It took about a minute and there was no pain. Flash forward 23 years and my pressure has been normal for all this time.

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My doc is recommending stents in both eyes when my cataracts are done in the Spring.
She feels it is a good long-term option.


Back in 2000 I was also dealing with increased pressure in the eye and the possibility of glaucoma. My doctor tried all kinds of drops, but nothing works. I will add here that I have a problem with lots of drugs. They rarely work on me the way they are supposed to. At any rate, he finally said I am going to do laser surgery on you. So that's what he did on my left eye. It took about a minute and there was no pain. Flash forward 23 years and my pressure has been normal for all this time.

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thank you for you story!

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