Cervical spine pain got worse after self massage

Posted by AlfredB @ab6540183, Dec 2, 2023


I have been suffering from cervical spine pain, impingment since Aug 2022. I had minimally invasive disc repair laser surgery in Florida in Aug 2023 to remove impingement on left C6/C7 nerves.
I also had facet joint nerve ablations bilaterally at C5-C6, C6-C7, C7-T1. This was the neurosurgeon recommendation

After surgery I have been gradually getting worse with excruciating on both sides of the neck.

The surgeon mention that it caused by spasms. I tried acupuncture and physiotherapy which did not help so far.

When I went back to my country on 5 Sep 2023 that latest MRI report still showed impingment at C6/C7 and damage to the paraspinal muscles after surgery.

I was told by the suregeon to allow time. Now it has been 3 months with no improvement.

2 days ago I woke up in the middle of the night with burning, sting pain in both sides of the neck. I self massaged my self trying to ease the pain, but I made it worse.

Since then I have had more intense pain in my neck, pain referring to my arm, hands, fingers and feet (bad pins and needles).

Now when I turn my head I feel very stiff. There are also snapping, clicking sounds at times. When rotating neck left and right.

I can still walk and use my arms, hands despite the increased symptoms, no loss in strength, Sleep is very difficult now.

Could I have damaged my discs further by massaging on both sides of my cervical spine?
Or did I justs flare up my issues?

Will this resolve in time?
I did not think I used a lot of pressure but the symptoms now are a lots worse than last week?

I am asking because I can see my physio till next Thursday and every other physio is booked out.



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Merry Christmas to everyone!

On Christmas day my neck pain wasn't too bad, but woke up on Boxing day at 4AM with savage bilateral neck nerve pain with pain going through arms, legs and feet. There is also extreme tightness, painful pins and needles, numbness in my neck, traps, shoulders, legs and feet. These levels of suffering are too high and unbearable. The pain medication is not working. Today is the 27 of Dec 2023 and my pain hasn't abated, I am feeling pins an needles almost everywhere in my body.

I tried cold/hot packs, nortriptyline, Celebrex, Tramadol, Valium, slow breathing, positive affermations, but nothing works.

Here in Melbourne Australia the GPs are on holiday and the public hospitals do not regard my case as urgent.

The big lump on my neck was caused by Dr Ara Deukmedjian from the Deukspine Institute. This is still hurting a lot, very swollen, lumpy. This lump is preventing my head tilt-back, feels like a blockage. My traps and shoulders are extremely stiff. I asked my physio, acupuncturist, my GP, a neurosurgeon, a orthopaedic surgeon here but they don't know and can't explain what this is lump is made of and how to get rid of it.
It may be putting extra pressure inside my neck.

I am a total mess at moment.


I think plastic surgeons deal with these all the time because plastic surgery often has this consequence. I would see a plastic surgeon and have it drained or removed. A general surgeon might suffice. I can see why the neuro or the ortho would hesitate, but why don't they refer you to a general surgeon.
You've been suffering too long.

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