Mitotic Ana Pattern

Posted by kittyface012 @kittyface012, Dec 24, 2023


Thank you in advance for any guidance. I’m at a lost. I have been sick for 4 months and earlier this week received a positive on my Ana test 1:40 with a pattern of Mitotic. I have been experiencing headaches, fevers, neck pain and shoulder pain.

What should I do? I don’t see my rheumatologist for another three weeks.

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An ANA of 1:40 can happen with healthy people, I have been told by docs. The 40 is a low value. I have seen it termed low positive or negative on different sites. "Mitotic" is a less frequent pattern apparently.

I had an ANA of 1:5280 and even that is not conclusive for an autoimmune disease. One of my kids has 1:80 with no illness at all.

In my experience, neck issues can cause headache, neck pain and shoulder pain. You could have an MRI of your neck. I have various diagnoses with those symptoms and PT massage has helped.

If you are having fevers, that is concerning and I am sorry you are sick. There are a lot of causes for fevers so it is hard when things are mysterious. I hope your doctor can help you clear things up. It may take some time!


An ANA of 1:40 can happen with healthy people, I have been told by docs. The 40 is a low value. I have seen it termed low positive or negative on different sites. "Mitotic" is a less frequent pattern apparently.

I had an ANA of 1:5280 and even that is not conclusive for an autoimmune disease. One of my kids has 1:80 with no illness at all.

In my experience, neck issues can cause headache, neck pain and shoulder pain. You could have an MRI of your neck. I have various diagnoses with those symptoms and PT massage has helped.

If you are having fevers, that is concerning and I am sorry you are sick. There are a lot of causes for fevers so it is hard when things are mysterious. I hope your doctor can help you clear things up. It may take some time!

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Thank you so much for sharing with me. Have a beautiful holiday season.


While you are waiting for your rheumatologist appointment I would suggest you take naproxen or ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation and fever. It is over the counter and should be taken with food or milk. Your Dr will undoubtedly repeat the ANA and do additional tests for autoimmune diseases. Getting a specific diagnosis can take some time, but your symptoms can be treated to help you be more comfortable. Try to keep a diary of symptoms and levels of fever to show your doctor. Also ask for prescription anti-inflammatory medication, that may be stronger than the OTC ones. I hope you get some answers and relief soon!

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