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No Doctor can figure out what is wrong with me

Infectious Diseases | Last Active: Feb 14 8:15pm | Replies (34)

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Have you had a full immune work-up? I was recently re-diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency (CVID). They will look at how much IgG, A or M, the subclasses of IgG along with a couple other tests. In order to be formally diagnosed, you'll get a pneumonia vaccine and a month later, tested for antibodies the vaccine should create. Out of 23 antibodies, only 3 had a two-fold response so I failed the "challenge". IVIG is the treatment. UTI's are very common in CVID as well as any bacterial infection-especially upper respiratory, sinus, ears infections.

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Replies to "Have you had a full immune work-up? I was recently re-diagnosed with common variable immune deficiency..."

Thankyou for responding!I have had so much bloodwork,but I have not had a full Immune workup yet.I just looked up CVID and it looks like it involves the liver.My liver numbers have been high with every test I have had.I will ask my doctor about the test when I see him.I would not be surprised if I have to end up getting IVIG treatments.What ever caused this attacked my whole body.It is just scary that they can't really find much though.I keep on thinking that only covid could bring something on this weird that the doctors can't figure out,but maybe it is some autoimmune disease.I have tried to do so much research on my own and I don't see anything matching the loss of feeling in the torso which is the most bizarre sympton I have.Most people just have numbness in the arms,feet and legs.I can feel me touching my belly,but the feeling of having a full belly or any other sensation in my belly just disappeared.It is basically like my trunk died and I always had a very sensitive stomach.I was checked for gastroparesis,but the doctor told me I dont have it.I thought maybe a nerve was being pressed on causing a loss of signals from my brain to the trunk.They have done Brain MRI's and Spine MRI's and found nothing.It is so frustrating.Thankyou so much for letting me know about the CVID test.That will be the next thing I do.