Has anyone used CBD oil for chronic pain? And do you have results?

Posted by rensacb @rensacb, Jan 22, 2019

I'm a chronic pain suffer of 35+ years. Scoliosis is the culprit. Not a disfiguring curve but non the less painfully destructive. Almost every disc is bulging from 3mm to 6mm. I've had 2 spinal fusion. C 3-7 and L 4-5. Have 4 nerve root impengements with spondylosis in some areas and stenosis at interval from neck to sacral. Take steroid shots when I can with positive results for a few weeks. Always have Norco 5mg/325 ready if needed. Unfortunately I have found the best way to keep pain down is to lie down. So most of my days are spent on my bed. Any suggestions?

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Thank you kindly for this CBD information, I truly appreciate it! 🙂

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The journey to find pain control can be long and difficult . Never give up. Never give in .


Tried a recommended brand of CBD oil for a year. Didn’t help. I eventually had my second back surgery which did relieve my pain.


Tried a recommended brand of CBD oil for a year. Didn’t help. I eventually had my second back surgery which did relieve my pain.

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Good for you . I had a laminechtomy in the end of March . I ended up with a staff infection. You do not want to experience that . It really sucked . The feeling is coming back to my legs and my feet . It has been a tough road . I have had over 15 surgeries iny life . I hope no more are needed .


I've had a fusion L3-4-5 ten years ago. When my surgeon told me in time, above and below the fusion will wear in time. Also have scoliosis. True true. Sitting usually eases my back pain, which comes mainly in standing still. Hammer toe & neuropathy don't help.
Thank God for steroid injections.


Have you tried vaping THC (not CBD) ? It might take the edge off. Otherwise, certainly your pain management doctor should have outlined a plan for you to diminish your pain. I realize you've experienced so many types of treatment. But what about surgery? There are top notch spinal surgeons out there. Seems like your last option.


There is a lot of hype about this currently. I have been a chronic pain patient for a decade now. I have tried both the oil and some ointment which ultimately led me to the conclusion they do not work on me. I have a feeling this result will be quite common for those who have been on opiods and other medications for long periods of time. I have often wondered if the THC is what would be of more benefit but the laws in my State and the contract I have signed with my physician prevent me from investigating it any further.

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I don’t go to pain management yet because of all the rules cbd with thc has helped me


I don’t go to pain management yet because of all the rules cbd with thc has helped me

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Tinctures of thc really helped me . Glad it is helping you also . It really knocks my pain down. If helps ease my mind when the pain has been bad .


Hi, I have some pain issues to deal with and three problems diagnosed: Post Polio Syndrome (associated with the paralytic polio myelitis I had at age 8) , Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH Syndrome) and Adult Onset Dextoscoliosis.

I go to a pain management doctor. He looked at the diagnoses and told me there was no cure for any of them and since I had had kidney cancer (which was surgically removed) I should not take any NSAIDS. This was actually comforting since it confirmed what I had been told and finding any doc who knows about post polio syndrome is difficult at best.

In any event, he started with Lidocaine injections in my lower back. No go! He divided my back into four and tried to find the locus of the pain to block it. No go! Then he switched to burning nerves (I think it is called ablation) in each area of my back. Along with Gabapentin - BINGO! Pain free? No. But now the pain is at the "ah, the heck with it".

One thing I did was to add a Magnesium supplement to my diet. It changed my attitude; I became more relaxed which has helped. That has been my journey so far. At 80, I have a lot of life to live. My maternal grandfather died of "old age" at the age of 100. My paternal great grandmother died of "old age" at age 105.

I've rattled on far too long. May God bless you and lead you to a successful solution.

In reply to @mayomayo8171948 "Have you tried cbd?" + (show)

Have you tried cbd?

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I had severe back/spinal pain to the point of dragging one leg. Severe osteoarthritis with bulging discs etc. Injections did not help, doctor wanted to do “ major surgery”, never gave me any type of Rx for pain ( which I would have refused anyway). Researched CBD online, tried some for 2 months, no help until I tried CBD with THC ( capsules ) bought online from a reputable company. After two months of one capsule a day ( recommended dose was 2 per day, but I am petite so did not want to try that much), I was nearly pain free. I still have some pain but walk at least one mile a day when possible ). CBD oil was no help. I will not smoke it either

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