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No Doctor can figure out what is wrong with me

Infectious Diseases | Last Active: Feb 14 8:15pm | Replies (34)

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I bet you have fibroids or cysts.If one bursts it is the worse pain that you can experience.They can cause constant pain in your lower back and pelvis area too.Some will shrink on their own over time,but some will grow bigger and can burst.If you get an ultrasound it will show if you have cysts. Have you been checked for endemetrosis?That is harder to detect,but that can cause extremely heavy periods,cramps and constant pelvic pain as well.Endemetrosis can come on as you get older too.Around the time you are going through perimenopause because of the hormone shift.Some people change their diets or go vegan to balance their hormones which can help with regulating your periods.Stress will also wreak havoc on your hormones.Yoga,pilates or walking can help relieve stress.I always had bad cramps with my periods,but they were for the most part normal.A few years ago that completely changed and I had severe heavy periods that would last 3 weeks every month for 3 years.The Doctors could not figure out what was causing them.I just assumed it was perimenopause.I got the iron infusion because I became anemic and now I am in a worse situation than I started off.

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Replies to "I bet you have fibroids or cysts.If one bursts it is the worse pain that you..."

Oof! Thanks for all that insight.
My mom “had” endo before giving birth to me - she had a couple miscarriages. I’m an only child because it was so hard.
I’m waiting on the gyno referal now and I’ll see what they say but I have SUCH bad urinary problems that I want to know if there endo there. Looking back at all the times I went to hospital for cramps as a teen and was mocked “you know this will happen every month right?” >> it would be foolish to not keep endo on the table. I am 36 definitely experience the most hormone problems since ever.
I did get an ultrasound during the 3 month period but it was at the end of the 3 months and during a spotting few days. The report said it showed a hemhorraging cyst, small, with light shadows or echoes or something. No calcifications or venous nature. But my gp said my scan was normal and never mentioned it. When my tailbone - lumbar spine was scanned for sacral pain the report said mild pudendal bulge: which she also didn’t mention and said my scan was normal.
Which sure maybe those things are normal but when you think I have a sensitivity disorder and other complex conditions …why WOULDNT all the little things matter? Maybe the mean more all layed out beside eachother? I find it funny that they find something where I have great pain and then say it’s not related?
I have also started getting mammograms because of getting a hard lump in my breast. My mom and I have small bewbs with dense tissue. Hers were described as ropey. My lumps they said they posit that it’s a fibroadenoma. Another likely inconsequential things but line that up beside potential cysts, pain, urinary probs, lower back pain, hormone problems, etc etc

I hate not respecting the intellect of the people in charge of my health, life length, and pain levels. Shits wild.

Not to mention things like growing up in constant pain (I think pandas/pots/sjorgens/postviralexposuresyndrome) having flesh eating disease at 16 causing cfs (they didn’t listen about that cuz I was a homeless teenager so obvi I lie and drug seek) then got hep c, amplified it all pelvic pain and tmj too, did interferon, and there came the fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. Etc etc and that’s not even close to everything but like come on - how can “scan was good” be the only answer. I want a doctor who likes to be a detective and has the time to be interested and curious.