Anyone tried using red light therapy?

Posted by domokane @domokane, Jul 29, 2023

There seems to be some evidence that photobiomodulation - heating the skin via infra red light - has some benefits for stimulating nerve re growth. There are lots of devices available on Amazon as well as lots of seemingly expensive treatments provided by chiropractors.

I would be interested to know of any personal experience with such devices and any possible recommendations.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I've been doing red/infra redlight therapy 15 minutes a day for the past four weeks. So far, I haven't seen any positive effects.

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Would be useful to know which device you are using. No doubt many under powered scam devices out there.


I use a red light torch (looks like a little flashlight). I’ve used it on my feet and toes but am not sure about its efficacy because my numbness ebbs and flows. But I have found that using it once or twice per day on my slightly numb left hand does make a difference. I can just hold the torch in my hand against the numb area as I walk around in the morning. I shared it with my cousin for her knee arthritis and she said it made a big difference and she’s going to get one too. So the red light does work on inflammation and I think we’ll be seeing more studies on this.

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Which device?


Has anyone tried laser therapy for their neuropathy? They also mentioned Red Light Therapy. Specifically, I have chemo induced neuropathy. No one I have asked has an answer for whether neuropathies with different causes should be treated differently.


Has anyone tried laser therapy for their neuropathy? They also mentioned Red Light Therapy. Specifically, I have chemo induced neuropathy. No one I have asked has an answer for whether neuropathies with different causes should be treated differently.

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Neuropathy is a nerve disease. I don't think anything helps that, does it?
I just found out that I have another nerve disorder- Essential tremors.
All connected with my neck and back surgeries(4).


Has anyone tried laser therapy for their neuropathy? They also mentioned Red Light Therapy. Specifically, I have chemo induced neuropathy. No one I have asked has an answer for whether neuropathies with different causes should be treated differently.

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Hi @survivor102021, you may wish to explore these discussions where members are talking about laser therapy and red light therapy for neuropathy.

- Laser Therapy for Neuropathy:
- Has anyone used MLS Laser therapy or Calmare Therapy?
- Anyone tried using red light therapy?

You mentioned that your neuropathy is a longterm effect from chemotherapy. You may also wish to follow the
Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group

Members discussion chemo-induced neuropathy in these discussions:

May I ask, what type of cancer did you have? What chemotherapy treatment?


Neuropathy is a nerve disease. I don't think anything helps that, does it?
I just found out that I have another nerve disorder- Essential tremors.
All connected with my neck and back surgeries(4).

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Check out focused ultrasound treatment for essential tremors. I’ve read of people who have been cured. There are centers across the country, including the University of Maryland, in my state who perform this out patient procedure.


Hi @survivor102021, you may wish to explore these discussions where members are talking about laser therapy and red light therapy for neuropathy.

- Laser Therapy for Neuropathy:
- Has anyone used MLS Laser therapy or Calmare Therapy?
- Anyone tried using red light therapy?

You mentioned that your neuropathy is a longterm effect from chemotherapy. You may also wish to follow the
Cancer: Managing Symptoms Support Group

Members discussion chemo-induced neuropathy in these discussions:

May I ask, what type of cancer did you have? What chemotherapy treatment?

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Thank you so much for the links to these resources.

I had uterine cancer that was treated with Taxol/carboplatin. I had four treatments then 30 days of radiation and then four more chemo treatments. My neuropathy didn't show up until seven months after my last chemo treatment.


Has anyone tried laser therapy for their neuropathy? They also mentioned Red Light Therapy. Specifically, I have chemo induced neuropathy. No one I have asked has an answer for whether neuropathies with different causes should be treated differently.

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Finally after 2 years of complaining about my feet feeling numb to my Cardiologist and PCP (to no avail) I went to a Chiropractor that advertised help with neuropathy. He did several tests and the the last one he did was like being tasered, but I felt NOTHING on my legs, so he tested my forearm and I yelped "ouch". The he tells me "this is more serious than I thought". He would not tell me anything and insisted the next appointment my adult children be there or on the phone. I'm scared he is thinking amputation. What are your thoughts, anyone, I'm very worried.


Finally after 2 years of complaining about my feet feeling numb to my Cardiologist and PCP (to no avail) I went to a Chiropractor that advertised help with neuropathy. He did several tests and the the last one he did was like being tasered, but I felt NOTHING on my legs, so he tested my forearm and I yelped "ouch". The he tells me "this is more serious than I thought". He would not tell me anything and insisted the next appointment my adult children be there or on the phone. I'm scared he is thinking amputation. What are your thoughts, anyone, I'm very worried.

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I have similar symptoms like you, my feet are so numb can’t feel them, my legs are also numb and the numbness is now in my right hand.
I’m unable to hold certain things with it, and I’m learning to eat with my left hand.
Whole thing stinks,and I e been dealing with it for a few years now.
Whole thing started gradually about 10-11 yrs ago, and has progressed slowly.
No one is able to help me, and I’ve been on all the usual meds,that are prescribed by the docs.


Finally after 2 years of complaining about my feet feeling numb to my Cardiologist and PCP (to no avail) I went to a Chiropractor that advertised help with neuropathy. He did several tests and the the last one he did was like being tasered, but I felt NOTHING on my legs, so he tested my forearm and I yelped "ouch". The he tells me "this is more serious than I thought". He would not tell me anything and insisted the next appointment my adult children be there or on the phone. I'm scared he is thinking amputation. What are your thoughts, anyone, I'm very worried.

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I doubt he is going to tell thete is something more serious than your pcp or cardiologist has told you. However, he may be telling you how serious it is because he is planning on trying to sell you some SERIOUSLY expensive treatment and maybe he thinks your family members will try to encourage you to spend the money. I might be wrong and either way i am sorry to hear he would try to worry you so much. Chiropractors don't amputate.

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