Do you have a coping mechanism to get through an MRI?

Posted by Rubyslippers @triciaot, Dec 20, 2023

Would you share how you cope during an MRI? There are some people who get concerned about the claustrophobia and loud noises. It might be helpful for them to hear your ideas.
While I was waiting for a breast MRI I started talking with another woman who had to come back for an MRI re-do. She had not been able to make it through her first MRI and was really concerned she couldn’t do it the second time. My heart really went out to her. I wish that I could have sat through the MRI with her to help calm her.
I told her for my first MRI I counted backwards from 100. I think I got down to the 30s. I also sang to myself 99 bottles of beer on the wall 🙂

I had a brain MRI this summer. I counted the songs they played through the speaker. I figured most songs are about 2-3 minutes so to get through a 20 min scan, it would take about 7 songs. I knew I could lay there for 7 songs, and I did.
What has worked for you?

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I had a breast MRI. I was told how I would be placed by a friend, so as they told me I would be face down, I just went with it. They offered a headset and music, but I said no. I first just got as comfortable as the position let me and their guidelines I was given. Do not move. What i ended up doing was listening. The clinks, the clanks and all the sounds the machine made. I thought of the engineers who created the contraption the doctor wanted that would help them see inside our bodies. I think the music could fade the sound I liked, so of ccourse doing that or what triciaot suggest is good. But most important is staying still.
I also lastly, said in my head many times that is I stay still I will not have to do this again.


triciaot @triciaot

I have had multi MRIs / CTs scans. I always keep my eyes closed. That way I do not see that I am in a tube.
I use visual imagery, imagine I am somewhere else like a beautiful beach with waves crashing into shore. Whatever your "happy place" is.

They give me earplugs and last time headphones also, but you can still hear the sounds of machine.

If have IV for contrast, the feeling when injected is weird. First time though I was going to pee. Once I realize I was not, the next time was easier.

Just have to relax and breath. I think it is one of the easier tests I have had done. Would rather do a MRI then a stress test.



I keep my eyes closed, as well. I imagine what a perfect day at the beach would be, starting from waking up in the morning all the way to the end of the day. No detail is spared. I find this takes me through most of the test.


I too have routine mri’s and ct scans and apart from being panicked by being confined I try to get scheduled at a hospital that has the newer mris, what a different experience when the machine is twice as wide with open ends and also lights inside. This made all the difference for me to endure the procedure.


Maybe your doctor would prescribe one Xanax or one Valium. They will likely advise you that you need a ride home if you take it. I was told to take the pill one hour before the scan, so I go there early. I did not become loopy or disoriented, I was just relaxed. And, I did have a ride home.


I use ear phones with classical music which I find soothing.

My first breast MRI I listened to music my daughter would use for her wedding walk ( Pacabel Canon in D.. which is a very long and repeated piece that builds) and I just imagined her in her dress walking with us … my second MRI was in the newly acquired machine which was easier … white, wider, lighter and quicker . Also has a mirror below angled to see the techs should I open my eyes… which I usually don’t .there I envisioned beautiful clean breast tissue and chest wall for MX side while listening to calming music.

Envision beauty, listen to calming music, (counting backwards also helps) and if needed don’t hesitate to ask for a mild sedation ( taken before you arrive)

Breast MRI is face down which is easier than other MRI postures.


MRI scans are one more part of keeping us informed on our diagnosis. It’s weird feeling and uncomfortable had 2 of them already my first one was before my surgery which I didn’t have a clue so my nerves were just out of control. The 2nd one was 6 months after my mammogram because my cancer was near my chest wall and because mammograms don’t go down that far so it’s another avenue for me to catch it early if it’s come back. Crossing my fingers that it doesn’t

The second one I had headphones and the contact I asked for them to go slower instead of all at once. And they places a cold cloth on my neck so I didn’t feel so hot and feel like passing out. That seemed to work for me. Hope this helps
Happy holidays to all and let’s kick cancer to burb in 2024.


What great suggestions for getting through the MRIs. I’ve had several breast MRIs and I use the counting backwards or sometimes if they tell me it will be 20 minutes . I count forward for 1200 counts. I never get there - my mind wanders. lol. Headsets with music helps some.


I have had several MRIs. They have all been with me on my back. I ask for a wedge foam pillow under my knees, the pillow fixed for my neck, a blanket, ( because, usually it is cold in the room and it makes things cozier. ALSO, very importantly, I ask for a washcloth laid over my eyes . That way I am not tempted to look. I say I am warm and comfortable, while the technicians caringly do this very important job. And I do get earplugs, to damp down the sound, and tell myself the sounds are indication of the machine taking very good pictures.


I have had many breast MRI's and what I do is I count to 60 twenty times. Usually, the MRI is over by then.

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