Anyone had colpocleisis surgery? I want to learn more
What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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What happened to the lady who was having significant bleeding problems 8 days after colpocleisis surgery?
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Please help !!!
R there any Mayo Clinic’s in NY?
I had the partial Colpocleisis surgery a week ago Monday. I didn't have a hysterectomy because 1) they thought I would bleed too much (I'm on a blood thinner) and 2) my uterus is healthy enough to leave in. The urodynamic test is just mostly uncomfortable. They inject as much water into your bladder as you can tolerate, and do different tests. I wasn't incontinent, which they were mainly testing for. I also had an ultrasound and hysteroscopy. I bled quite a bit from that on the day of surgery.
I had a severe bladder prolapse with the uterus right behind it. I used a pessary for a number of years, but it became too uncomfortable with too much irritation and bleeding. I was scared of the surgery, too, but now that it's over, so far, I'm really happy I had it done. Not that much pain, bled the first day (because I was on blood thinner), and less each day. I had no problem urinating after the surgery and since. I do drink a lot of water and tea. I didn't have too much problem having a BM, tho I try to eat a lot of fiber. Yesterday I ate too many prunes and got diarrhea. Don't do that!!! I try to get some walking around the house, but afraid to go too far outside because have occasional incontinence now. My doctor said it might happen right after surgery and improve within weeks.
Thanks for getting back to me. I wear a gelhorn for my bladder and I believe my uterus is down too I’ll do the
the surgery that sews me up totally
So I need a full
Hysterectomy before that , but going z2 surgeries at the same time
My pain tolerance is not good
I’m also suffer from constipation
When they did the Uro did they numb you first with lidocaine
I heard that they could do that
Also a catheter in the rectum they do too
If u prolapsed bladder and uterus how do you keep the uterus up , since you did not take it out
I appreciate you getting back to me
If you can , can we have a conversation on the phone
If you don’t feel okay with a phone call I’m okay with that
As i mention before I am so scared !!!!
I cry all the time
Thank you
I had a long response, but for some reason it didn't get posted. I'll try again later.
Some doctors require the urodyanimcs test. I think it helps them determine whether you might need a sling inserted to support the bladder. In my case, it was decided that I didn't need it. The test is not painful, just something to get over with. It had been set up by another doctor, not the one I had the surgery with. My doctor, a urogynecologist, said that he allows his patients to skip the urodynamics in some cases. I decided to have the total hysterectomy because I thought the success rate was higher with it and also because, if I ever had bleeding from the uterus, I thought they would not be able to do an ultrasound after colpocleisis. I didn't have any unusual bleeding or pain from the surgery. I like the doctor, and my son thought well of him too.
Thank you
It was helpful
I'll do some short responses one topic at a time since my other long response didn't go through.
As luftmensh1 mentioned, the urodynamics wasn't painful, just uncomfortable. They fill your bladder with water to see how it responds to different circumstances. If you can't hold it, a bowl catches the water (urine). They're really testing your bladder, and not really directly related to a prolapse. Any tweaking of the bladder can be performed at the time of surgery.
I'm sure your doctor will prescribe appropriate pain medication as needed after your surgery. As the medical professionals always say, take them in the intervals advised (meaning don't stretch out the time for your next dose), especially knowing your pain tolerance. This should ease your pain. They will also prescribe stool softeners if you need them. Be sure to eat foods high in fiber and drink lots of water and other liquids. I drink a lot of tea.
The vagina is shortened and sewed up on both ends to hold the bladder and uterus up. Very slim chance of any future prolapse, as studies have shown.