Are you taking Reclast for osteoporosis?

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Jul 21, 2020

Two years ago I was diagnosed with pretty bad osteoporosis because of the prednisone I was on for my autoimmune disease. I started taking Fosamax (a bisphosphonate) and had no problems. Today, the endocrinologist suggested that I switch to Reclast for 3 yearly infusions. Has anyone else taken this drug? What side effects have you had?

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I have been having yearly Reclast infusions with only side effect of a headache. I was told that after 5 infusions I have to switch to a different infusion next year. Anyone else hear this?

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What different infusion did your Dr suggest after Reclast? I'm 73 and my endocrinologist recently suggested Reclast for me, which I'm very reluctant to do. He said after two infusions, one year apart, that's all I'd need to do. I've learned not to trust doctors without doing my own research.


What different infusion did your Dr suggest after Reclast? I'm 73 and my endocrinologist recently suggested Reclast for me, which I'm very reluctant to do. He said after two infusions, one year apart, that's all I'd need to do. I've learned not to trust doctors without doing my own research.

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I am hypothyroid and my endocrinologist told me years ago that I would eventually get osteoporosis. I was diagnosed with osteopenia a few years ago and started the Reclast. It has helped a lot as I get a bone density scan every 2 years. I have had no side effects from the Reclast infusions. I have had 4 infusions. The nurse who did my infusion the other day informed me that I will not be a candidate for Reclast because of having 4 already. News to me. My doctor never told me this. But, I will see my doctor before my next infusion as well as having a bone scan before another infusion is scheduled. So, to answer your question,, another drug has not been scheduled yet. Hopefully, I will not need one. Please do not hesitate about getting Reclast. My endocrinologist is the best one in NYC (not bragging but he is the top expert) and he would not prescribe it if he did not think it would work. This year was the first time I had a side effect…a headache…that was it! I am your age as well. I blame every problem I have on my thyroid! Good luck and I hope I answered your question.


No reactions except the last infusion I had a headache.

This comment is for Becky.


What different infusion did your Dr suggest after Reclast? I'm 73 and my endocrinologist recently suggested Reclast for me, which I'm very reluctant to do. He said after two infusions, one year apart, that's all I'd need to do. I've learned not to trust doctors without doing my own research.

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My endocrinologist wants me to start Reclast in January after 20 years of Fosomax. My dentist said absolutely not and to talk with an oral surgeon due to cases of osteonecrosis.


My endocrinologist wants me to start Reclast in January after 20 years of Fosomax. My dentist said absolutely not and to talk with an oral surgeon due to cases of osteonecrosis.

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I apologize. I was on Fosomax for 10 years. I am now 70.


I am currently on a four month long regimen of ultra low dose HRT and various supplements to see if I can improve my CTX score, which is currently around 650. If that number doesn't improve by the end of this treatment period, my endocrinologist and Dr. Keith McCormick have recommended Reclast. Does anyone have any experience with this particular bisphosphonate? I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

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Hello @kirstenlheld. I moved you discussion and combined it with an existing discussion titled "Are you taking Reclast for osteoporosis?" -

It is a bit of a lengthy discussion, but I wanted to connect you with others who have been discussing Reclast and asking some of the same questions as you. You can also read through many other members' experiences with Reclast in this new conversation as well.

@kirstenlheld, do you have specific concerns or questions regarding Reclast?


What different infusion did your Dr suggest after Reclast? I'm 73 and my endocrinologist recently suggested Reclast for me, which I'm very reluctant to do. He said after two infusions, one year apart, that's all I'd need to do. I've learned not to trust doctors without doing my own research.

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I think the idea is that I won't need anything else after one year. So we didn't discuss what would come next if I did.


My endocrinologist wants me to start Reclast in January after 20 years of Fosomax. My dentist said absolutely not and to talk with an oral surgeon due to cases of osteonecrosis.

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Oh my. My endo said Reclast will follow Evenity (I just started on it/am 82 and it is my first treatment of any kind for bone loss, I have a negative 3.2 spine score.)
How much necrosis has your dentist seen? What does he suggest as an alternative? Can you just go without any alternative?


Oh my. My endo said Reclast will follow Evenity (I just started on it/am 82 and it is my first treatment of any kind for bone loss, I have a negative 3.2 spine score.)
How much necrosis has your dentist seen? What does he suggest as an alternative? Can you just go without any alternative?

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Thank you for responding. I don’t have any necrosis at this time. My dentist feels Reclast could cause the necrosis. He’s sees patients come in with necrosis who have been on Fosomax. Not sure what to do now. Thank you. And good luck with your treatment.


This from the medication guide does not seem, to me to get enough attention. Notice the amount of liquid to take before an infusion to minimize the risk of harming kidneys.

2. Severe kidney problems.
Severe kidney problems may happen when you take Reclast. Severe kidney problems may lead
to hospitalization or kidney dialysis and can be life-threatening. Your risk of kidney problems is
higher if you:
 already have kidney problems
 take a diuretic or “water pill”
 do not have enough water in your body (dehydrated) before or after you receive Reclast
 are of advanced age since the risk increases as you get older
 take any medicines known to harm your kidneys
You should drink at least 2 glasses of fluid within a few hours before receiving Reclast to reduce the risk of kidney problems.
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