Cervical stenosis: Leg weakness

Posted by candrgonzalez @candrgonzalez, Aug 25, 2019

Hi. I'm 59 years old female with chronic neck pain. I have been diagnosed with cervical stenosis and a bulging disc. I am very concerned because I get leg weakness and loose my balance. Has anyone have this leg problem? I just started seeing a pain management Doctor and he said he is going to treat me with some neck injections.

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I have almost the same problem as you. I was diagnosed with cervical stenosis several years ago. PT cleared it up about 6 years ago. I occasionally get what is called a cervogenic headache on the left side of my head. I did get an injection on the left side of my neck about a year ago. The injection wasn''t as painful as I thought it would be. I still get the headache but only occasionally. It did help for awhile.

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How did the PT clear it up?


Hello- I read your story and it's like reading my life. Same age and same problems. I have numbness from my right knee down the outside of my calf into my foot and toes. I also have burning from my left shoulder down to my elbow. The pain is indescribable. I am currently looking for another surgeon as there is no sense of urgency there. I spoke with his nurse yesterday to let them know the numbness had spread. I was told there is nothing they can do until I see him on the 18th. In the meantime im just supposed to deal with it I guess. My appointment was cancelled due to an emergency surgery. Now I have to wait another 3 weeks for an appointment. I'm at the end of my patience. Thank you for all of the information you provided. I'm glad that you are doing well!

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This is very familiar--similar to what I have. How has it turned out?


@rdflash0788 I wanted to say thank you for your service. If you are considering care at a Mayo campus, it would be good to check if you have insurance coverage for Mayo. I don't know how insurance works for the military. The insurance accepted at Mayo can be a bit different at each campus, so that is worth a call to the billing department. You can find information at https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/billing-insurance.

You have a lot to think about. With prior surgeries, you'll have scar tissue, and that can contribute to body tightness and affect body alignment. It isn't a cure all for everything, but Myofascial Release Therapy can help the body move better. Here is our discussion about Myofascial Release that can treat this fascia tightness form injuries and surgeries. I have done a lot of this myself.

Neuropathy - "Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain"

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Thanks for the info on that! I have come up with some questions for my doc based on some info I have seen regarding whether I need to look into an EMG for the numbness in the extremities, whether the cervical issues could be causing my intermittent swallowing issues (I had always chalked that up to my ongoing GI issues but... ) and also I've started to notice some breathing issues that feel a lot like "tired" lungs, like after a big day of hiking or swimming, so I need to ask about that too. I thought maybe that was related to seasonal allergies as FL has something blooming all year round but now I am not so sure...


This thread has been very helpful. I’m sorry to hear about everyone’s spine issues. I’m grateful for you all and to Ms. Gonzalez for starting this thread.

Months ago, I began getting weakness in my right arm, then my left ( not as bad) and then both my lower legs. Like rdflash, I’ve had so many ortho surgeries from sports injuries that I thought all the affected joints were coincidentally acting up. But I went to a spine doc at the urging of my PT, got a cervical MRI and found out I have a lot of arthritis in my neck, and a bulging disc and bone spurs at C5-6. The bulge touches, but doesn’t compress the cord. I have smaller bulges at C6-7 and C7-T1 that approach but don’t touch the cord. I also have that nausea/lightheadness that kicks in after certain movements. My spine doc didn’t think the MRI explained my leg issues and nausea, so he sent me to a neuro who didn’t find any sign of neurodegenerative disease, and did a full blood work up as well as physical exam. Unfortunately, I saw him on a day that was probably my best physically over all this time.

My spine doc referred me for more PT. He said my MRI wasn’t good but that surgery wasn’t in the cards right now. Since those appointments, I’ve begun developing tingling in my back around T1 and radiating to the edge of my left shoulder blade. I have no idea what this is. At T1 I have only that minor bulge and a mild to moderate left facet arthropathy. I’d be very appreciative of any thoughts on this.

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@cudabinacontenda I can tell you from experience that the spinal cord does not want to be touched at all. When you have an existing disc and bone spur complex in the central canal, it can be raking across the spinal cord when you move your neck. When you add muscle spasms that happen with spine problems, it can be moving the vertebrae around and affecting alignment or rotating them and that can increase pressure on a place that is getting touched by essentially making the spinal canal a bit "smaller". That was happening to me, and I had vertigo because of it. Spasms can stretch the vertebral arteries that run inside the sides of the cervical vertebrae and then a movement like looking upward kinks a stretched artery. This is part of the blood supply to the brain. What are the movements you describe that are causing light headedness?

I have to say it makes me crazy to hear of another surgeon telling a patient that leg symptoms are not related to cervical central canal stenosis. I heard this from 5 surgeons, and they were all wrong. It was the 6th surgeon at Mayo who knew that these symptoms of cervical stenosis were related to leg pain, gait disturbances, nausea, vertigo, bladder or bowel disturbances or pain anywhere in the body below the level of compression.

The spinal cord is supposed to be free to move with the spinal canal and floats in spinal fluid. If you bend your neck, the cord needs to move inside to allow that to happen. Imagine a garden hose with a rope inside. Now bend the hose. Did the rope move a little bit? It has to move. If the rope is held tight, it will bind up against the inside of the hose. The bone spurs and bulging or ruptured discs can hold onto the spinal cord and that can be an intermittent problem at first depending on neck and body positions. As that progresses and bone spurs grow bigger and multiply, then the cord can be compressed and unable to move in what they call a tethered cord. Myelopathy (spinal cord damage) may show up as a white mottled area within the spinal cord at the point of compression on an MRI. My surgeon told me that myelopathy can be present when this compression is beginning and not yet show up on the MRI.

This would be something that would be good to discuss with your physical therapist because they understand how the body needs to move and what is normal and what is not. Your PT also has to write notes and reports and send that to the doctor who ordered it, so that should help if the doctor actually reads the notes. Sometimes they do not. You may want to look at my response to @rdflash0788 and look at the medical study link that I shared. You may want to ask if your surgeon thinks your case may be like that one in the literature. This is the literature I found after 5 surgeons refused to help me, and I sent it in to surgeon #6 and wrote a letter saying that this literature seemed to describe my experience. I asked if my case was like this one. I suggest always ASK that as a question so you won't be perceived as pointing out a mistake or telling a doctor how to do his job. A doctor can refuse to help and then you'd be looking for another surgeon for an opinion. That's not a bad idea either because multiple opinions can help you, and you can pose the question about the literature which describes "funicular pain" from the start. That is what I had to do after I'd been dismissed because the surgeon missed this, then I found the answer, and none of my doctors would help me approach the surgeon with this information and point out his mistake. I knew he wouldn't listen to me and that is when I turned to surgeon #6 at Mayo for help. That is the reason I help here on Connect to share this knowledge.

Sometimes bone spur growth can progress rapidly. I saw mine double in the area they covered within 9 months on MRIs. I was also charting my symptoms on body diagrams and dating those, so I knew how fast the symptoms were progressing. That helped me know that I needed help and a time frame, but it also scared surgeon #5 out of helping me because he could not explain the pain symptoms. I had this "funicular pain" which was described at the time as a "rare presentation" of pain related to spinal cord compression.


Jennifer, this is very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Luckily, I do not have pain, but I do indeed suspect that my lower body symptoms are also due to my cervical issues. I’m willing to give PT a chance as it’s helped me with so many other issues. But if I improve, I’m still going to get an annual MRI of my neck, even if I have to pay OOP for it. If surgery becomes necessary, I want to know that as soon as possible.


Jennifer, this is very helpful. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Luckily, I do not have pain, but I do indeed suspect that my lower body symptoms are also due to my cervical issues. I’m willing to give PT a chance as it’s helped me with so many other issues. But if I improve, I’m still going to get an annual MRI of my neck, even if I have to pay OOP for it. If surgery becomes necessary, I want to know that as soon as possible.

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@cudabinacontenda I think that is a good idea. You do have to advocate for yourself and you know what you are living with. It may not hurt to get another surgeon’s opinion. That may be different. It’s best to have surgery before nerve damage occurs because it may be permanent. When myelopathy shows up as white areas within the spinal cord, it represents missing nerve axons that have died. Hopefully a surgeon isn’t waiting for damage to show up.


@jenniferhunter I agree completely and did get a second opinion. Truth is that I don’t want surgery at this time. I’m willing to take the risk of waiting and trying conservative treatment first. Maybe I will regret that. But I’ve had 5 ortho surgeries to date including one botched knee surgery that created hell in my life for quite sometime and will never be right. So I’m very hesitant to go under the knife again unless absolutely necessary.


@jenniferhunter I agree completely and did get a second opinion. Truth is that I don’t want surgery at this time. I’m willing to take the risk of waiting and trying conservative treatment first. Maybe I will regret that. But I’ve had 5 ortho surgeries to date including one botched knee surgery that created hell in my life for quite sometime and will never be right. So I’m very hesitant to go under the knife again unless absolutely necessary.

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@cudabinacontenda I agree. Surgery is a big step and will have a long recovery. PT can help a lot. I went 2 years with my symptoms before surgery. I would have had surgery sooner if possible, but I was turned down by 5 surgeons who were confused about my case. It all turned out OK. The physical therapist was doing myofascial release which helped me move better and also doing neurostimulation at the nerve roots to stop the pain signals. I was being very careful and even used bead filled neck wraps to try to protect my neck and limit movement to prevent pain. It is different for everyone. With your prior surgical experience you should know when the time is right. Your plan of annual imaging is good to assess changes in your condition. Were your past recoveries from spine surgery difficult?


@cudabinacontenda I agree. Surgery is a big step and will have a long recovery. PT can help a lot. I went 2 years with my symptoms before surgery. I would have had surgery sooner if possible, but I was turned down by 5 surgeons who were confused about my case. It all turned out OK. The physical therapist was doing myofascial release which helped me move better and also doing neurostimulation at the nerve roots to stop the pain signals. I was being very careful and even used bead filled neck wraps to try to protect my neck and limit movement to prevent pain. It is different for everyone. With your prior surgical experience you should know when the time is right. Your plan of annual imaging is good to assess changes in your condition. Were your past recoveries from spine surgery difficult?

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@jenniferhunter you clearly had a long process. I’m so glad it turned out well for you. I haven’t had any spine surgeries., but three shoulder surgeries and two knee surgeries. The shoulder issues most definitely complicated my neck issues, if not caused them.


Thanks for the info on that! I have come up with some questions for my doc based on some info I have seen regarding whether I need to look into an EMG for the numbness in the extremities, whether the cervical issues could be causing my intermittent swallowing issues (I had always chalked that up to my ongoing GI issues but... ) and also I've started to notice some breathing issues that feel a lot like "tired" lungs, like after a big day of hiking or swimming, so I need to ask about that too. I thought maybe that was related to seasonal allergies as FL has something blooming all year round but now I am not so sure...

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Well, here is what today's cervical MRI showed. Although, I am still working my way through what this all means but it seems like I have vertebrae sliding in both directions?

" Straightening of the cervical spine. C4-C6 ACDF which appears
intact and well-seated. Grade 1 anterolisthesis of C2 and C3 and C3 and C4.
Grade 1 retrolisthesis of C6 on C7 disc space narrowing at the C6-7
transitional level with endplate sclerosis and ventral osteophytosis.
Diffuse facet arthropathy uncovertebral hypertrophy.
Flexion/extension views demonstrate no evidence of instability"

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