hypothyroidism & chronic sinusitis

Posted by jjwwoo33 @jjwwoo33, Dec 16, 2023

Does anyone have experience with hypothyroidism and chronic sinusitis?

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jjwwoo33, YES! I have hashitmotos & Graves Disease. I am on my 6th sinus infection since August of last year. I had not made a connection with this and thyroid disease. Do you have more information? Prayers & Blessings....


I have hypothyroidism and constant sinus infections but never thought to associate the two. But you think there is an association?


I also have hypothyroidism with Hashimoto’s. My sinuses are always stuffed up and I have a hive in each one of my lower eye lids. I had been prescribed a nasal spray (Fluticasone Propionate), but it dried my eyes out so terribly, I had to stop. It didn’t seem to help anyway. I also had Covid in December of 2022 and still am without taste or smell. Life is pretty dull right now.


I too have hashimotos thryroid. I have trouble with my sinuses becoming inflamed and take a mucines and sudafed every morning plus I have a vaporizor running constantly in the house. When it gets bad enough I do a tapered dose of Prednisone. I have used nasal rinses, the whole nine yards. My eyes always seem to be dry though I use eye drops. But I also have chronic leukemia so I have to be careful of what I take and do......I never put the two together so I thank you for starting this line of conversation. ...by the way I am an old lady of 76,....


I am not a medical person, however, I have hashimoto's myself and have a daughter in her 30's who has had hypothyroidism since she was 10. During the past two years her thyroid was imbalanced and she suffered from chronic sinusitis and non-allergic asthma. On researching on the internet I ran across "hypothyroidmom.com/the-thyroid-nose-and-sinuses/" an interesting article that connects hypothyroidism with chronic sinusitis. From here I will go back to our endocrynologist to get her opinion on the possible connection.


Very interesting!
I just checked online and there definitely seems to be a connection. Even a fairly recent study at NIH found a strong connection between thyroid disease and chronic sinusitis.
The underlying cause is not completely clear.
I have been hypothyroid for many years- on medication. I also had severe chronic sinusitis during this time and I have had 2 sinus surgeries. I’m doing fairly well now- I also have an increased levothyroxin dosage since my last surgery.

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