What is the white coating and black spot on my vocal cord?

Posted by cathee @cathee, Dec 12, 2023

Yesterday I had a laryngoscopy in the doctor's office which showed that one of my vocal cords is covered with a white mucous-like substance and 2 small circular black spots. I am scheduled for a biopsy in a month and am very worried.
I have used inhalers (Advair 250) for many years for my asthma. But the smoke from the fires last Spring caused severe asthma attacks for me so I increased my inhalers and took Ventilin regularly.
Since then I have developed severe hoarsness and bad coughing spells. I was ok until the smoke from the fires and my voice was clear.
I am very worried. Is the problem just a fungal infection on my vocal cord from the inhalers or something worse?
I've tried all sorts of remedies including a course of steroids but nothing has worked.
The laryngoscopy showed only my right vocal cord was covered, the other one was ok.
Has anyone else had this problem? How can it be treated so far down my throat if it is fungal? Could it be cancer? I am very worried about this. Except for my asthma I am a healthy 65 year old.
Thank you for your help.

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It sounds like thrush or yeast overgrowth but the doctor would know that. It is usually associated with disbiosis in the gut from overuse of antibiotics, prednisone steroids, and sugary diet. Perhaps your doctor will come back with a diagnoses if they collected a sample. Best of luck with this.


sending prayers, hopefully it’s nothing serious, maybe a yeast infection


<p>Hello,<br />I had a biopsy on Friday of the white "stuff" on my right vocal cord that seems to be causing me hoarsness for the past year. I have to wait a month for the results.<br />Assuming the result is a fungal infection caused by my steroid inhalers for my asthma, has anyone had experience with "curing" this problem? My ENT will not offer any suggestions yet but said it is difficult to treat since the vocal cords are at the top of the trachea leading to the lungs.<br />Thank you all for your help. I wish you all well.<br />Cathy</p>


<p>Hello,<br />I had a biopsy on Friday of the white "stuff" on my right vocal cord that seems to be causing me hoarsness for the past year. I have to wait a month for the results.<br />Assuming the result is a fungal infection caused by my steroid inhalers for my asthma, has anyone had experience with "curing" this problem? My ENT will not offer any suggestions yet but said it is difficult to treat since the vocal cords are at the top of the trachea leading to the lungs.<br />Thank you all for your help. I wish you all well.<br />Cathy</p>

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Medication could clear infection taking antibiotics goggle with some salt water to clear hoarness asthma you do need a medication for that really stop your airflow and you won't be able to breath if severe asthma not control by medicine and it's just like an infection that you need medication a fungus is a bacteria cleared with medicine.Approved


<p>Hello,<br />I had a biopsy on Friday of the white "stuff" on my right vocal cord that seems to be causing me hoarsness for the past year. I have to wait a month for the results.<br />Assuming the result is a fungal infection caused by my steroid inhalers for my asthma, has anyone had experience with "curing" this problem? My ENT will not offer any suggestions yet but said it is difficult to treat since the vocal cords are at the top of the trachea leading to the lungs.<br />Thank you all for your help. I wish you all well.<br />Cathy</p>

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Hi Cathee,
My husband has lung cancer and has hoarseness caused by several of his inhalers and his nebulizer medication. They were able to stop some of the medications but obviously couldn't stop them all. Through trial and error, we have discovered that drinking a lot of water helps my husband's hoarseness especially in the morning. Also taking a spoonful of both honey and molasses at the same time daily helps a lot. It helps to stay away from caffeine or limit coffee intake somewhat. Mucinex helps but you are only supposed to take it for 7 days at a time.
Prayer helps also. We pray a lot and my husband's hoarseness has improved quite a bit! I will say a prayer for you.
Merry Christmas!


Hi Cathee,
My husband has lung cancer and has hoarseness caused by several of his inhalers and his nebulizer medication. They were able to stop some of the medications but obviously couldn't stop them all. Through trial and error, we have discovered that drinking a lot of water helps my husband's hoarseness especially in the morning. Also taking a spoonful of both honey and molasses at the same time daily helps a lot. It helps to stay away from caffeine or limit coffee intake somewhat. Mucinex helps but you are only supposed to take it for 7 days at a time.
Prayer helps also. We pray a lot and my husband's hoarseness has improved quite a bit! I will say a prayer for you.
Merry Christmas!

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My ENT sent me out for 2 different CT scans and 80 minutes of MRI’s, and chest XRays. and he still seems to not know what’s wrong with me. I endured an 80 minute MRI AND 2 scopes down my nose and now in 5 days I have to go to the hospital to deep scope me.
I’m afraid to find out what he’s looking at and now this longer scope seems like it will be uncomfortable.
My right vocal fold (or paralyzed right vocal is a major issue probably having to do with cancer or benign growth behind my cord. It’s completely not opening . It’s paralyzed the doctor said.

I looked into an online symptoms app and it seems like symptoms of cancer in my esophagus . Scary. Stuff as it’s probably going to
Involve surgery it trache.


Hi Cathee,
My husband has lung cancer and has hoarseness caused by several of his inhalers and his nebulizer medication. They were able to stop some of the medications but obviously couldn't stop them all. Through trial and error, we have discovered that drinking a lot of water helps my husband's hoarseness especially in the morning. Also taking a spoonful of both honey and molasses at the same time daily helps a lot. It helps to stay away from caffeine or limit coffee intake somewhat. Mucinex helps but you are only supposed to take it for 7 days at a time.
Prayer helps also. We pray a lot and my husband's hoarseness has improved quite a bit! I will say a prayer for you.
Merry Christmas!

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Thank you. We will pray for your husband and for andy here. In 2 weeks I will know the biopsy results. Merry Christmas. We all are very fortunate all in all. Cathy


My ENT sent me out for 2 different CT scans and 80 minutes of MRI’s, and chest XRays. and he still seems to not know what’s wrong with me. I endured an 80 minute MRI AND 2 scopes down my nose and now in 5 days I have to go to the hospital to deep scope me.
I’m afraid to find out what he’s looking at and now this longer scope seems like it will be uncomfortable.
My right vocal fold (or paralyzed right vocal is a major issue probably having to do with cancer or benign growth behind my cord. It’s completely not opening . It’s paralyzed the doctor said.

I looked into an online symptoms app and it seems like symptoms of cancer in my esophagus . Scary. Stuff as it’s probably going to
Involve surgery it trache.

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Hi Andy,
I'm so sorry you are having so many problems; especially with your vocal cords. That is too bad! It's so difficult with any illness but vocal is even worse since it's hard to speak or be heard. As I told Cathee, honey and molasses seem to help my husband's voice plus drinking a lot of water! Water seems to help with many things as we get older. I'm 77 and I need a lot more water than I used to when I was younger. I'm sorry that you have cancer. Prayer helps! God made you and he can fix you! Just talk to him like he's a friend and he is! After all, Christmas is a time of miracles and it sounds like you need one! I will say a prayer for you also.
Best of luck and Merry Christmas!

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