Is it possible to have very high CEA and CA19-9 without cancer?
My husband was hospitalized with a mild stroke a couple of weeks ago. While admitted, they did a CT scan, which caught just enough of his lungs to show a 1 cm mass. They did a chest CT, which showed a mass in the other lobe (1.6 cm) as well. A year or so after he had pancreatic cancer (6 years ago) there was a fungal infection in his lungs, which we feared was cancer at the time, so we thought this could be more of the same. But, then they ran a CEA with a result of 39.6, followed by a CA19-9 of 3,057. Our small-town hospital can't do a PET, so we had to schedule that after he was discharged. The scan is another 2 weeks out, and as much as I'm trying not to jump to worst case scenario, I fear that the cancer might be back.
I'm posting all this in hoping you know of someone who had high numbers like this and didn't have cancer. I could really use some hope! Thanks
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I have found her Facebook page, but haven’t found it real helpful. If you ask a question, the adman blocks it and says it doesn’t meet the rules. She seems to hard sell her on line course
I have been having fluctuating CA-19 from 45-58, then back to 35, 31, 29, and it just jumped to 58 again… I don’t know anything
Do not know what it all means since my year long uterine cancer treatment
ps… I have Lynch Syndrome
@patriceerininfo411, have you had a chance to talk with your oncologist about your concerns and the fluctuation CA-19 levels?
Hi @beths77 hope you managed to find the help and your husband is doing better