As promised, my successful tapering off Effexor (Venlafaxine)

Posted by sheffieldsmith @sheffieldsmith, May 31, 2020

Below you will find the tapering plan that I used to successfully wean myself off Effexor (Venlafaxine). Feel free to share this with your doctor If you would like. I researched and came up with this plan, which was approved by my doctor, although she thought I could probably have weaned myself off sooner. But the reality is that we all have differing tolerance levels for tapering and weaning off this powerful drug from our bodies. Some people can taper faster, but usually not those who have been on this drug for years (like myself, since October 2002). I tapered off EffexorXR 150mg capsules about 5 years ago down to 75mg, and was on that maintenance dosage for a couple of years until I started weaning off the 75mg a year ago in April 2019. As of October, 2029, I’ve been withdrawal symptom free, but I still have occasional periods of anxiety when triggered. But I realize these waves of anxiety will soon pass, and I cope by deep breathing, taking a walk, having a cup of chamomile tea, etc. Cutting my exposure to watching upsetting news has really helped a lot as well. These days I seek things that bring joy and peace in such a turbulent world. Wishing you all a successful weaning off this powerful drug.

Weaning off Venlafaxine XR 75mg (Effexor-(extended release)capsules:
Weaning plan off plan that worked for BSS:
1. Inform your doctor you are tapering down from 75 mg Venlafaxine and ask them to prescribe 37.50 tabs to help with tapering doses (1/2 dosage down from 75 mg Venlafaxine capsules). The tabs are easier to cut into halves and quarter dosages than counting out beads from the capsules.
2. Begin your taper only after you are on a non-withdrawal symptomatic dosage level. If you were having w/d symptoms at 75 mg, you’ll need to go back to the level at which you were symptomless and stay there for 2-3 weeks before deceasing to a slow taper. NOTE: after successfully tapering from 150mg Venlafaxine down to 75mg for a month, I was unable to tolerate a drop cold turkey from a daily dosage of 75mg down to 37.50mg (50%) without having bothersome withdrawal symptoms of dizziness, brain fog, brain zaps, and nausea. So after researching various tapering plans, I came up with a slower tapering schedule my body could tolerate to finish the tapering from 75mg to 37.50mg, and then on to complete the tapering. Your body may even need slower tapering, so adjust according.
3. Week 1-2: Take 75mg caps MWFSu; take 37.50mg tab on alternate days Tu,Th, Sa. At the end of week 2, if you only have relatively mild to no withdrawal symptoms, proceed to week 3. IMPORTANT: If you have intolerable symptoms, adjust to a slower tapering schedule by adding an additional 1/2 tab on the alternate days (or take a total of one and a half 37.50 tabs on alternate days). You’ll then have to tweak the rest of your tapering schedule. If all goes well, proceed with week 3.
4. Week 3-4: Cut a few 37.50 tabs in half with a pill cutter or exacto knife blade to create quarter pieces. Take 37.50mg tab on MWFSu and take 3/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa.
5. Week 5-6: Take 3/4 of a tab MWFSu, and take 1/2 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If only mild symptoms, proceed to week 5.
6. Week 7-8: Take 1/2 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/4 tab on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. If no symptoms, continue to week 7.
7. Week 9-10: Take 1/4 tab on MWFSu; and take 1/8 tab (cut 1/4 tabs in half) on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *Notice the quartering of doses into crumbs now...very important to keep small dosage tapering to remain withdrawal symptom free.
8. Week 11-12: Take 1/8 tab crumb on MWFSu; take none on alternate days Tu, Th, Sa. *If skipping alternate days produces symptoms, stay on 1/8 tab crumbs for a couple of weeks before alternating skip days for a couple of weeks.
You’ll find that this schedule may have to be tweaked for you by extending the time you stay on a taper...possibly up to 3-4 weeks before beginning a new tapering down. It all depends on how you tolerate the first two weeks.

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I believe in love, the kind of love that can face any demon, even those of my own making.

The rest are just different flavors for different Pallets.

I cherish my peace it’s all I have right now.


Good for you! Important to partner with a psychiatrist sensitive to the role of spirituality & prayer/meditation to wean ourselves off years of unnecessary dependency on anti-depressants and other psychotropic meds. prescribed willy nilly by irresponsible docs. 12-Step programs have helped me let go of anti-depressants. Addiction is addiction, folks, whether self-prescribed or m.d.-prescribed. You too can be free . Seek God & not irresponsible, buyer-beware docs!

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There is a difference between being dependent on a drug and addiction; being physically dependent on a drug does not make one an addict.


Sorry to hear that. But it's vital for wellness to believe in something. Hope that docs are not all you believe in. That false god took me straight to the loony bin.

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I hardly believe in doctors! But they are a necessary evil!
I can’t tell you the amount of time I or my children have been misdiagnosed, dismissed, or given the wrong treatment.
Heck, in my younger years I even had a therapist, and a sports medicine doctor hit on me! 😡


There is a difference between being dependent on a drug and addiction; being physically dependent on a drug does not make one an addict.

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I thought so too, 30 years ago, when a female psychiatrist started me on a guinea-pig season of psychotropic meds. that caused me to have 12 auto accidents, totaled 1 car in broad daylight, and messed with my blood pressure and overall equanimity. A pioneer physician in AA had warned me to watch out for medically prescribed anti-depressant/anti-anxiety dependency over time, for he himself prescribed those meds. for himself, when alcohol stopped working. 25 years later, a brilliant but compassionate therapist suggested that prolonged usage of these drugs, with which he was familiar as a retired psychopharmacology professor at med. school, could build a level of tolerance in the brain that was the same as chemical dependency (AKA addiction). He was also a mindfulness practitioner who supported me in being weaned off Effexor (venlafaxine) after 30 years. Thank Heaven, Ha Shem, or Bodhisattva for this therapist! As a result, at age 76 I have more energy, self-esteem, & passion for life than when I was 46! Lest we forget, Michael Jackson & so many other Hollywood celebrities & White House occupants like Betty Ford trusted their physicians to prescribe responsibly. You know that Michael Jackson od'd on a horse drug prescribed by his live-in physician. Thank God, Betty Ford woke up to her chemical dependency & founded the Betty Ford Center. I was not ready to heed Dr. Paul O.'s warning in 1993. Suicidal depression, 10 days in a loony bin, & 12-15 auto accidents later convinced me to be weaned off anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, & mood stabilizer meds. slowky over a 5-year period. A word to the wise is sufficient.


Hi, I'm so glad to hear that you've successfully tapered down this med. Can I please ask more details - how long have you been on the meds? Are you taking any supplements?

I have been on Effexor XR 37.5 for almost 4 years. Was on 75mg for two years prior.

Anyways, I recently decided to taper off this medicine. I counted the beads inside the capsule, there were a total of 180 beads. I decided to remove 10 beads. when I did that I experienced some withdrawal symptoms a couple days later such as very low mood and slight nausea.

Then 5 days ago, I decided to remove 10 more beads bringing my total to 160.
again after 2 days I started experiencing symptoms such as bad nausea and dizziness. Then last night in the middle of my sleep I woke up and I felt an electrical sensation on the back of my neck. I'm sure it wasn't a brainz app because I've had those in the past. I don't know if it was a seizure but I would just like some advice from someone who's been through it.

Also could you please kindly share the contact of the doctor who is helping you through this on DM? I've tried asking around in my country but it seems like the doctors here do not have knowledge about withdrawals.

Please, any help would be good, it's been so scary.

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You are experiencing brain zaps and they are a very real problem when withdrawing from Effexor XR. I would recommend you go slower than you are! My daughter took an entire year to ween off of Effexor! You can do it but slow as you go is key. So many doctors here in the US will not prescribe Effexor XR because it’s very very difficult to get off.

Also, you need to be ready to have low mood swings and anxiety for 2-3 months after you are completely off of it. It would be beneficial to have a prescription of Ativan that you can take at night once in a while to combat the anxiety.


There is a difference between being dependent on a drug and addiction; being physically dependent on a drug does not make one an addict.

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in reply to @tglapin1974 Thank you for that comment. Whatever they want to call us who take pain medication on a regular basis, all I know is that without it, I would not be able to function. Besides that, I am looking death in the face sometimes, so what does it matter?


I thought so too, 30 years ago, when a female psychiatrist started me on a guinea-pig season of psychotropic meds. that caused me to have 12 auto accidents, totaled 1 car in broad daylight, and messed with my blood pressure and overall equanimity. A pioneer physician in AA had warned me to watch out for medically prescribed anti-depressant/anti-anxiety dependency over time, for he himself prescribed those meds. for himself, when alcohol stopped working. 25 years later, a brilliant but compassionate therapist suggested that prolonged usage of these drugs, with which he was familiar as a retired psychopharmacology professor at med. school, could build a level of tolerance in the brain that was the same as chemical dependency (AKA addiction). He was also a mindfulness practitioner who supported me in being weaned off Effexor (venlafaxine) after 30 years. Thank Heaven, Ha Shem, or Bodhisattva for this therapist! As a result, at age 76 I have more energy, self-esteem, & passion for life than when I was 46! Lest we forget, Michael Jackson & so many other Hollywood celebrities & White House occupants like Betty Ford trusted their physicians to prescribe responsibly. You know that Michael Jackson od'd on a horse drug prescribed by his live-in physician. Thank God, Betty Ford woke up to her chemical dependency & founded the Betty Ford Center. I was not ready to heed Dr. Paul O.'s warning in 1993. Suicidal depression, 10 days in a loony bin, & 12-15 auto accidents later convinced me to be weaned off anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, & mood stabilizer meds. slowky over a 5-year period. A word to the wise is sufficient.

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Hi - I am too a victim of *Effexor / * Venlafaxine in UK. (Ref Car use - meds guidance is serious about not driving if drugs make you feel unwell). I took 4 yrs to titrate off from Ven @ 75mg downwards. I STILL, get 95% of side effects, over 1 yr after stopping. With such a long time on this drug, did you get **such "legacy" effects? post stopping?? I cannot get any (specific to) Effexor / Ven user feedback on **this issue. principally , with "brain fog" & narcoplexy. Did these legacy / side effects endure with you after cessation & for how long? I have read 3 to 5 yrs after stopping such effects can last ! regards


You are experiencing brain zaps and they are a very real problem when withdrawing from Effexor XR. I would recommend you go slower than you are! My daughter took an entire year to ween off of Effexor! You can do it but slow as you go is key. So many doctors here in the US will not prescribe Effexor XR because it’s very very difficult to get off.

Also, you need to be ready to have low mood swings and anxiety for 2-3 months after you are completely off of it. It would be beneficial to have a prescription of Ativan that you can take at night once in a while to combat the anxiety.

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Need to be wary of Ativan…addictive


Need to be wary of Ativan…addictive

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Of course, Ativan should not be taken daily for more than a week or two. Always, follow your physician instructions. I have found it very beneficial for anxiety if you can take it occasionally…for example before a major exam or if upset by something.


Hi - I am too a victim of *Effexor / * Venlafaxine in UK. (Ref Car use - meds guidance is serious about not driving if drugs make you feel unwell). I took 4 yrs to titrate off from Ven @ 75mg downwards. I STILL, get 95% of side effects, over 1 yr after stopping. With such a long time on this drug, did you get **such "legacy" effects? post stopping?? I cannot get any (specific to) Effexor / Ven user feedback on **this issue. principally , with "brain fog" & narcoplexy. Did these legacy / side effects endure with you after cessation & for how long? I have read 3 to 5 yrs after stopping such effects can last ! regards

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Not yet available in the US, but I believe this resource is available in the UK?

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