Medtronics SCS after hip replacement

Posted by rhuck513 @rhuck513, Dec 13, 2023

I had lateral hip replacement in June 2021, and had revision done in Aug. 2021 due to the prothesis slipping down into my femur. During the past 2+ years I have had pain in my left thigh which radiates up to my lower left back, whenever I put weight on that side. I have no pain while sitting or lying down.
I've seen many pain specialists/surgeons & doctors over that period, and have had nerve conductivity tests, nerve blocks, therapy, myofascial release, and numerous other procedures done....none of which have helped.
I have a MEDTRONICS SPINAL CORD STIMULATOR implantation scheduled for this week. Two weeks after the implant the unit will be turned on.
Have any of you tried this procedure to help relieve your pain? To me it seems like applying and bandaid in order to fix a broken bone!
What are your experiences with SCS?

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in reply to @rhuck513 I have a Medtronic stimulator, but for a different reason In my opinion, I believe this is a good option for you, as Medtronic has some very good products that do work and the fact that one has been recommended might mean it will be more than a "bandaid." I know a lot about "band aids" having recently seen the pain management doctor who recommended a sacral spine injection to help reduce my pain which is a result of my massive weight loss. If I sit too long my legs go numb because I am supposedly sitting on a nerve. The cost of the injection is $200, so I decided to opt out because in my mind, the injection is a band aid. Not only that, in his post visit notes, the doctor documented that he performed various "tests" which would have been done to reproduce my pain to confirm that the pain I am having is in fact, coming from my sacral spine. He never performed any test, other than to tap my knee with his tool. Go figure.


VERY LIMITED pain relief!

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