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Hello @thipley, welcome to the forum. I had to look up CCUS. Can’t address risk except to say that at least what I read was promising for you that there is very low risk for advancement to a malignancy. And since I am definitely not an expert, I hope that is solid information. What Dr Google tells you is definitely confusing sometimes.
I have MGUS (Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance) which is similar only in that we “watch and wait” to see what those pesky M proteins in my blood do. Like for you, the fear is that I will develop a malignant condition.
It is scary to get such a diagnoses and I imagine your worry in response is shared by all of us who must be monitored to ensure that we are not progressing to Cancer. It seems like such a passive response to just wait and see. I was diagnosed three years ago and so far so good.
I just want to assure you that you are not alone. There are some things you can control that I would like to share.
Find a good hematologist/oncologist who takes the time to answer all of your questions. There are no dumb questions. Write yours down for your appointments. If your doc doesn’t take sufficient time you are with the wrong doc.
Eat healthy, get sleep and exercise.
Live your life. Once you have the information you are seeking, tuck away worries about what will happen. Plan that birthday, go on that trip, attend all the excruciatingly long band recitals…(maybe that’s just me). Be present in the moment.
If you find you just can’t calm yourself, talk to a good therapist or medical social worker. Anxiety will literally increase your white count and you might even feel sick. It’s not your friend.
Hugs, my new friend. I wish you good health and good fortune.

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Replies to "Hello @thipley, welcome to the forum. I had to look up CCUS. Can’t address risk except..."

Thank you for your message, Patty. My bone marrow biopsy, that resulted in a CCUS diagnosis, was a result of having a low white blood cell count for almost a year. You mentioned anxiety can increase it. Perhaps I should become more anxious? Haha 😉
I’m trying to eat healthier, and I definitely need more sleep and exercise. I do wonder if there is anything that I can do to slow down the clonal aspect of the mutating gene. I will ask my hematologist, but I have a feeling it’s a big unknown.
There is so much that I want to get accomplished, but I become fatigued very easily. I can only take one day at a time and try to stay positive. I wish that I could take my family and travel the world. But alas, there is work and school that my family contends with, and we only have short windows of opportunity to take trips. I know that we should do what we can before my condition escalates.
Patty, what brought you to a MGUS diagnosis?