Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Beverly - age 80 - chronic back pain. Cannot stand mor than 5-10 minutes. Have neurostimulator that does not work. Want to see what mayo’s can do as have been to 5 or 6 doctors - pain management - kyphoplasty -hope other diagnosis will find a cure


@cak11555 Hi Catherine, I know you were writing to someone else but I saw me in you and had to respond. I have fibromyalgia , rheumatoid arthritis, and back and knee and shoulder issues. The pain meds don’t really do me any good anymore. Like tonight, I have just sit and rocked - which seems to help. I also don’t leave the house except for dr’s appts and the occasional trip to the grocery store with my brother. We are technically on the ground floor, but you have to walk a ramp to get to the apt, and boy is it steep! It makes me dread going anywhere. Like you, I am a reader, but sometimes in the midst of the black hole, I can’t concentrate enough to read. So I go to YouTube and find concerts to listen to. Thank God for my brother. We live together and he supports me.
I just had to reply as we sound so much alike. Thank you for taking the time to read this....Karen

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@karen00 thanks for writing to me five days ago about the things we share in common. i think about you. sorry you took a bad fall. i hope things go well for you at the doctors and that you did not suffer any damage. have been walking with a walker for two years and know you can fall even with one. sorry you are in so much pain. my prayers are with you for that doctor s appointment. let us know how you are doing.



Hello everyone, Happy New Year! This is Jan 1st , 2019. I am a chronic pain patient. I have Osteoarthritis in several areas. I am hoping that I can find improvement in solutions as well as connecting with others. Learn, share and Be are a part of something bigger than myself.


Hello everyone, Happy New Year! This is Jan 1st , 2019. I am a chronic pain patient. I have Osteoarthritis in several areas. I am hoping that I can find improvement in solutions as well as connecting with others. Learn, share and Be are a part of something bigger than myself.

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@dsl1415 Hi and I know the pain I have Osteoarthritis all through me mt back looks like nothing but arthritis on x-rays The Dr put me on Meloxicam it helps I take one every day when needed .But I have a toolbox of other things that help me A hot shower does wonders ,in morning ice when hands are blown up Ice is anti nflammatory and this helps with the pain then heat brings the blood to surface and just feels good. I also have fibromyalgia so when needed I take a Tramadol


Hi. I’m Peggy in Sarasota, FL. I’ve been in chronic pain 50 years since I was 19. Started with chronic migraine, then fibromyalgia at 25. My first trip to Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1980. At 40, degenerative disk disease w/ 2 spinal surgeries. Same age, neuropathy. A few yrs later, osteoarthritis spread. Arachnoiditis. Osteoporosis caused several broken bones. Wrong diagnosis put me on a psych drug and in a few weeks caused tardive akthenesia. Five stomach disorders (fundoplication/stomach wrap).>. Tried everything for relief... meds, spinal cord stimulator, biofeedback, massage, exercise, water therapy, steroids, intrathecsl pain pump 10 years with morphine, snail venom and dilaudid. Three yrs ago, told MD to wean me off... didn’t help me. Ended up passing out multiple times a day and in a wheelchair. Aug. 2016 I passed out into a glass table and got in the car for Mayo Clinic ER in Jacksonville FL. Started 7 mos. of testing Aug. ‘16. Confirmed over 30 diseases/conditions to qualify me for their Pain Rehab Ctr. 120-hr. Program. 5 days/wk., 8 hrs/day. Can’t stop my pain but learned to retrain my brain to FUNCTION IN SPITE OF PAIN. I’m not in a wheelchair and am quite active. Use a walker. Not easy, friends, but possible. Take occasional Advil.


PS. Hi again. As if I didn’t already write a volume, wanted to add Mayo Clinic Jax Dx me w/ Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) to get me into their Pain Rehab Ctr. (PRC). Wonderful staff and amazing developer and head of PRC, Dr. Sletten. Helped me get off some meds and out of a wheelchair. Pain is still severe and I struggle with it everyday but much better off now that I can function again.
Glad they weaned me off clonazepam (anti-anxiety Rx) that I’d been on for 10 yrs. because it made me foggy and sleeping all the time. Unfortunately, within eight weeks after leaving the program, the anxiety was so intense that I broke all 28 teeth from severe bruxism (grinding/clenching)... more chronic pain. Two weeks ago, I went to the dentist when I couldn’t stand the pain anymore. Dx two infections in the gums and required immediate extraction of seven front teeth. Four days later after getting a second opinion and being told I would develop sepsis any time, it was done. Next week I see a third surgeon for extraction of eight more. Extreme emotional and physical pain. It’s like losing your right arm. It’s doubtful that I can get dentures because of the bruxism... I’d break them like I’ve broken every night guard. But I’m a woman of strong faith in my Savior so I keep on moving on.
As a result of my deteriorating health from childhood abuse, I started a ministry called COAST Ministry (Courage to Overcome All Sexual Trauma), a Faith-based Ministry and Support groups to help other women know they can overcome abuse. The struggles have made me stronger.
Warrior Woman


Hi. I’m Peggy in Sarasota, FL. I’ve been in chronic pain 50 years since I was 19. Started with chronic migraine, then fibromyalgia at 25. My first trip to Mayo Clinic, Rochester, 1980. At 40, degenerative disk disease w/ 2 spinal surgeries. Same age, neuropathy. A few yrs later, osteoarthritis spread. Arachnoiditis. Osteoporosis caused several broken bones. Wrong diagnosis put me on a psych drug and in a few weeks caused tardive akthenesia. Five stomach disorders (fundoplication/stomach wrap).>. Tried everything for relief... meds, spinal cord stimulator, biofeedback, massage, exercise, water therapy, steroids, intrathecsl pain pump 10 years with morphine, snail venom and dilaudid. Three yrs ago, told MD to wean me off... didn’t help me. Ended up passing out multiple times a day and in a wheelchair. Aug. 2016 I passed out into a glass table and got in the car for Mayo Clinic ER in Jacksonville FL. Started 7 mos. of testing Aug. ‘16. Confirmed over 30 diseases/conditions to qualify me for their Pain Rehab Ctr. 120-hr. Program. 5 days/wk., 8 hrs/day. Can’t stop my pain but learned to retrain my brain to FUNCTION IN SPITE OF PAIN. I’m not in a wheelchair and am quite active. Use a walker. Not easy, friends, but possible. Take occasional Advil.

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@peggyella wow you have run the gamit on pain Congrats to where your at now


Thank you. Happy New Year new friend, Lioness!


Hi,I already am on the joint replacement discussion.My name is Anne I am a 65yr old Brit ( now naturalized Canadian living in BC,Canada ) .I have had chronic pain 1st with shoulder and neck from the age of 29 then at around 57yrs old stared with osteoarthritis.I am so depressed due to the pain and the loss of life with my children,6 Granddaughters and now my 3 Great Grand children. I just think what is the point in going on. Does everyone with chronic pain feel as I do or can I get out of this feeling ? We went to friends on New yrs eve,we stayed for 2 hrs and was home by 10pm due to pain and watching friends having a good time,I just couldn't be bothered to even talk.

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