Chronic UTI

Posted by clkurth @clkurth, Sep 30, 2023

I keep getting UTIs about once a month. I’m guessing my immune system is weak in my bladder. I take cranberry gummies daily, use good hygiene, take D-Mannose supplements and have doubled my water intake. Anyone have any other suggestions?

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I had 4 UTI's in 4 months in and out of the ER. Too much stress for me. My urologist then started me on 250mg Keflex per day. TC said some people need a low dose of an antibiotic daily to prevent these UTI's. Is this safe to continue Keflex for years? I know you are not doctors, but just asking. It seems the TC does not talk about UTI's and what to do about them. Hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving. BB

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My information is that a regimen of antibiotics can be an adverse setup for the future in terms of resistance to other urinary pathogens. I would not encourage continuing on the Keflex for an extended period of time. It’s also very hard on your kidneys. Maybe get a second opinion?


I had 4 UTI's in 4 months in and out of the ER. Too much stress for me. My urologist then started me on 250mg Keflex per day. TC said some people need a low dose of an antibiotic daily to prevent these UTI's. Is this safe to continue Keflex for years? I know you are not doctors, but just asking. It seems the TC does not talk about UTI's and what to do about them. Hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving. BB

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Had bladder infections and UTI’s years ago before I started taking the cranberry vitamin daily. Cranberry juice is an option but has a high sugar count, plus is expensive. I’m no doctor either but being on ABT’s long term doesn’t sound like a real helpful idea. I’d say find a new doctor who will explain everything you need to know and ask about whether your condition would respond to cranberry juice or the vitamin which is much easier on sugar level.


I've had kidney surgeries for kidney cancers. After last surgery had uti every month for 4 years. Two sepsis hosp stay, With organ failure, as I had no symptoms.
Things I changed
1) learned the specific bacteria that was recurring
2 ) tried all the typical uti things , d-mannose etc etc did not help , including a low dose antibiotic that was hard on my kidneys
3) started testing daily at home for uti ... ordered strips thru Amazon to catch early
4) began to see pattern of
A) coming off the only anitibotic that works... and daily test showing increase in bacteria immediately
B) some symptoms I did not notice were there... ie fatigue , increase in getting up at night , increase in sugar craving but not hungry otherwise
5) I learned to advocate well... my hmo has a policy to only start you on one med if uti suspected... but it does not affect my bacteria, and then they wait till it doesn't work or three or four days for bacteria test... by then, I am literally dieing with everything shutting down from sepsis. So I am blunt , very polite, and request what works immediately , explain, I've been testing, seen increase in these symptoms and have had sepsis x's 2. Sometimes I have to push , but I always do so respectfully. I encourage reviewing my tests to see consistent bacteria results etc,
6) I did research to identify if any probiotic works on my bacteria . Found one small one group. It does not irradicate it but helps to reduce multiplication of the cells
So I find a good product of that and started it, instead of one I was using
7) Dr prescribed low dose keflex after nephrologist and urologist consulted. I emphasized my quality of life needs and willingness to test issues as needed
8) I started taking a good moringa product to increase my general immune system, along with my regular vitamins
9) I still wear loose pajama type pants with no undergarment around home. Excellent hygiene still etc
Result ...
I'm now on 100 days with no infection... an absolute miracle for me . After more then 50 infections requiring treatment since Jan 2019.
I actually slept this month a few nights for 6 hrs without having to get up to pee. After years of every two hours ... or even hourly ... it has totally made my life better
Hoping you find what works for you


I've had kidney surgeries for kidney cancers. After last surgery had uti every month for 4 years. Two sepsis hosp stay, With organ failure, as I had no symptoms.
Things I changed
1) learned the specific bacteria that was recurring
2 ) tried all the typical uti things , d-mannose etc etc did not help , including a low dose antibiotic that was hard on my kidneys
3) started testing daily at home for uti ... ordered straps thru Amazon to catch early
4) began to see pattern of
A) coming off the only anitibotic that works... and daily test showing increase in bacteria immediately
B) some symptoms I did not notice were there... ie fatigue , increase in getting up at night , increase in sugar craving but not hungry otherwise
5) I learned to advocate well... my hmo has a policy to only start you on one med if uti suspected... but it does not affect my bacteria, and then they wait till it doesn't work or three for days for bacteria test... by them I am literally dieing with everything shutting down from sepsis. So I am blunt , very polite, and request what works immediately , explain, I've been testing, seen increase in these symptoms and have had sepsis x's 2. Sometimes I have to push , but I always do so respectfully.
6) I did research to identify if any probiotic works on my bacteria . Find one small one. It does not irradicate it but helps to reduce multiplication of the cells
So I find a good product of that and started it instead of one I was using
7) Dr prescribed low dose keflex
8) I started taking a good moringa product to increase my general immune system, along with my regular vitamins
9) I still wear loose pajama type pants with no undergarment around home. Excellent hygiene still etc
I'm now on 100 days with no infection... an absolute miracle for me . After more then 50 infections requiring treatment since Jan 2019
I actually slept this month a few nights for 6 hrs without having to get up to pee. After years of every two hours ... or even hourly ... it has totally made my life better
Hoping you find what works for you


Had bladder infections and UTI’s years ago before I started taking the cranberry vitamin daily. Cranberry juice is an option but has a high sugar count, plus is expensive. I’m no doctor either but being on ABT’s long term doesn’t sound like a real helpful idea. I’d say find a new doctor who will explain everything you need to know and ask about whether your condition would respond to cranberry juice or the vitamin which is much easier on sugar level.

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Shani, thank you for the info. What are ABT's? And what vitamin are you speaking about above? Right now I do not take any vitamins at all per the TC recommendation. Are you asked to take vitamins and which ones? I heard Vitamin B12 can be helpful. Take care, BB


Shani, thank you for the info. What are ABT's? And what vitamin are you speaking about above? Right now I do not take any vitamins at all per the TC recommendation. Are you asked to take vitamins and which ones? I heard Vitamin B12 can be helpful. Take care, BB

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ABT =antibiotic treatment
Cranberry vitamin is sold sometimes with vitamin C, but also on its own in vitamin department of CVS, Walmart, Target , Walgreens etc.


The urologist also suggested probiotics. After being on so many different antibiotics with no results, we decided at the same course of treatment you’re using I never really had symptoms and still don’t but it got out of control causing a kidney and blood infection and I ended up in the hospital with sepsis earlier this year. I returned to the doctor in early January and certainly hope I’ve made some progress. Frankly, I’m tired of swallowing all those great big pills!


The urologist also suggested probiotics. After being on so many different antibiotics with no results, we decided at the same course of treatment you’re using I never really had symptoms and still don’t but it got out of control causing a kidney and blood infection and I ended up in the hospital with sepsis earlier this year. I returned to the doctor in early January and certainly hope I’ve made some progress. Frankly, I’m tired of swallowing all those great big pills!

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So you started probiotics only to help?


I also have uti's easily and am wondering if anyone else has a diagnosis of spastic bladder.

Seems I get the infections from a process INSIDE my body, not outer issues of hygiene etc. Certain drinks will react with my bladder and cause the spasm feeling, uncomfortable but not painful, within five minutes of drinking any alcohol, some pop, and flavored coffee powders I enjoy. I quite alcohol entirely, but I like to sip something beside water all day.

I do D-mannose, cranberry gelcaps, and tons of water. I was taken to hospital this fall and kept 8 days due to UTI infection with SEPSIS. I had NO symptoms this time so delayed my treatment much too long. Then it was a certain strain of bacteria that took two days to find an antibiotic that worked. Near death experience, hallucinations, catheter for four days because I couldn't pee due to inflammation.

Now I've been told not to take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary due to my difficulty killing this last strain. I'd like to pursue the ABT option but am now afraid to. I have started testing a few times a week at home since I had no symptoms before landing in the hospital.

Can anyone explain what they think happens when a person get the infection from within?

Urologist specialists in my area are about six months out for new appointments, so getting opinions is difficult.


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