Any Young Adults with Autoimmune Disease? Want to connect

Posted by nofriends20 @nofriends20, Dec 11, 2023

Hi Im ty. im looking for other friends cuz i currently have none. I have EoE, flat feet that warrented a surgery. Im lonely after my grandma and 2 uncles died. im 24. I would like friends to be around my age.

I also lost a friend F19 who has crohns, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, gastropersis, IC, and type 2 diabetes and obesity wondering if there is others who have all of those conditions just out of curiosity

Friends would be great if they jad autoimmune diseases, have trouble loosing weight and been thru traumatic experiences

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just honestly would like to have friendships with young adults with autoimmune diseases


just honestly would like to have friendships with young adults with autoimmune diseases

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Hi @nofriends20, welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend and that you're missing your grandma and uncles. Loss is tough, especially when you feel alone.

I tweaked the title of your discussion a little to help find other young adults who live with autoimmune conditions to join this discussion and chat. While I don't know their specific ages, I'm tagging @exec @mnpersons @jkupratis @renem97 who have recently posted about eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and may wish to chime in.

Nofriends, when were you diagnosed with EoE? You mention that managing your weight is a challenge. Do you want to tell me more about that?


About 15 years ago. Probably had it longer. I have also have had flat feet and tight muscles so i gained weight rapidly and ive always been a big kid. We thought it was CP but no it just tight muscles and dyspraxia ive stuttered sometimes and been to both PT and OT. I just would like to meet others who have multiple diagnosis' and also struggle with weight and also young adults. Ive been thru a truama episode with a coworker who was 50 and i didn't want to hang out with him and he was pissed and for that reason i want only freinds from the ages of 18-27/28 cuz i would rather be in the same age group. If they have multiple autiummne diseases that would be great, along with weight issues


colleen young can you help me find friends who also have crohns deseise?


Hi My name is Ty Im looking for friends until these criteria:
1. Health condition/ autoimmune disorders or multiple
2. Been thru traumatic experiences
3. are funny
4. Lastly are young adults so 18-29

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