Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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When I had hip replacements I took pain meds every 4 hours but I became very costipated so be sure to stay on top of that if you can

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@grandmar Movantik (specifically for opioid use, Relistor, Linzess and Senna) all very good..☺


@doxyjune Ive never tried Miralax as the prunes do it for me but then I make sure I eat some fruit 3 x a day Now its Apple cider season so this is my fruit juice in morning

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@doxyjune @lioness Be careful with Miralax. It's precribed like candy. I don't know why Doctors do this. It's a laxative made from Polythene Glycol (PEG) the same ingredient used in Antifreeze, household cleaning supplies. Not something I would want to put in me. There is a black box warning on FDA website on it..also known as Laxido, Movicol, GoLytely, Clearlax). It may be soon taken off the market. It's a dangerous laxative.


@doxyjune @lioness Be careful with Miralax. It's precribed like candy. I don't know why Doctors do this. It's a laxative made from Polythene Glycol (PEG) the same ingredient used in Antifreeze, household cleaning supplies. Not something I would want to put in me. There is a black box warning on FDA website on it..also known as Laxido, Movicol, GoLytely, Clearlax). It may be soon taken off the market. It's a dangerous laxative.

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Great! my GI dr just told me take daily. It’s completely safe. Does not enter the blood stream etc. never know what to take anymore. I’m so confused
Neuro dr says I have Tardive dyskinesia. Which can cause stiffness and slow motility it’s a reaction to certain drugs. . Only drug I took 3 times in a years time was cipro. First 10 days of pills. Then few months later in an IV. WHICH THEY REMOVED RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE I WAS HAVING A REACTION. RED HIVES VEINS TURNING RED IN JUST SECONDS. then several months later in a nasal wash. For sinus infection. Had body tremors after 3 days so stopped it. It’s been hell since 2014.
Pain all over my body. Nerves muscles skin. Hives. GI ISSUES.
Guess I’ll look at the fda warnings on miralax.


@doxyjune @lioness Be careful with Miralax. It's precribed like candy. I don't know why Doctors do this. It's a laxative made from Polythene Glycol (PEG) the same ingredient used in Antifreeze, household cleaning supplies. Not something I would want to put in me. There is a black box warning on FDA website on it..also known as Laxido, Movicol, GoLytely, Clearlax). It may be soon taken off the market. It's a dangerous laxative.

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@eliana5 thats why I use prunes Medication has to many side effets and in this case with Miralax you dont know whats in it Good info thanks


Great! my GI dr just told me take daily. It’s completely safe. Does not enter the blood stream etc. never know what to take anymore. I’m so confused
Neuro dr says I have Tardive dyskinesia. Which can cause stiffness and slow motility it’s a reaction to certain drugs. . Only drug I took 3 times in a years time was cipro. First 10 days of pills. Then few months later in an IV. WHICH THEY REMOVED RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE I WAS HAVING A REACTION. RED HIVES VEINS TURNING RED IN JUST SECONDS. then several months later in a nasal wash. For sinus infection. Had body tremors after 3 days so stopped it. It’s been hell since 2014.
Pain all over my body. Nerves muscles skin. Hives. GI ISSUES.
Guess I’ll look at the fda warnings on miralax.

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Try plane unsweetened dietary fiber after every meal. Along with an occasional does of generic miralax works for me.


Hi I have constant facial/nose pain for 15 yrs which is getting worse. This happened after extensive sinus /nasal surgery. Has anyone been diagnosed with Empty nose Syndrome but have the major symptom of trigerminal pain.Thanks Joanne

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No I do not have empty nose syndrome but have nose/facial pain as well. The nose pain started over a month ago. I didn’t run to dr right away because it started off and on and I thought it was referred pain from an extracted tooth- pain got worse and like a fool I waited over a week to see an ent. He checked up nose and doesn’t know why the pain. Thought maybe nerves. But it isn’t fitting. 2 weeks later I see another sinus specialist and he said he doesn’t know why my nose hurts and said I could get a scan. I just got one today. I am finally on an antibiotic Incase it was something but feel like this has gone on too long. I got it from another dr. My nose has been acting weird with sensations. It hurts and I am freaking out. I will get results of sinus scan on Monday.
Anyway- I am thinking of going to Mayo Clinic to get answers on my nose pain. I am angry at myself for letting it go so long- but then when I did go to the “specialists” they didn’t treat it. It hurts! I need help!


Hello..thanks for the warm welcome.
I'm 63 yr old dreamer of being pain free some day...i have pain 24/7...intensity goes up n down throughout the day. I have many diagnosis that has brought me to my knees with pain..litterally. it's been ongoing for long time. Was forced to leave nursing after 25 years due to my health. Was very active prior to my disability..Have had numerous surgeries....hoping to b able to converse with other people that are in chronic pain n can relate .Dx' nerve neuropathy..pelvic floor neuropathy 2nd to pelvic surgeryx3 made worse by each surgery...left with mesh to keep things together but made things so much worse..another to remove n repair..left with more pain..1 hip replaced other one needs to b replaced like now..but refusing to get it done for now..also spinal stenosis with lot of degenerate disk disease..anemia....etc..last one is fibromyalgia..lot of tests n treatments done with no relief. Traveled to different hospitals n seen by different I say I'm done with it all..whats done is done ..i can't go back. Just trying to live with the new me which has been extremely mind races like I'm 26 but my body feels like it's 106 yrs old..the golden years..not what i planned for day at a time..continue to stay strong n pray..i will. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here......dreamer 🌈somewhere over that rainbow....

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@dreamer63 hi dreamer, I am here to welcome you! I also fight pain but not like you. You have a lot going on yet at the end you mentioned your strength. We’ll try to stay strong together. I am 61 years young and have fibro and rheumatoid arthritis. Look forward to commiserating with someone who knows constant pain. Karen W


@hello Karen00 n to all others that r fighting chronic pain everyday. Thanks for the welcome. It's been a long road to travel. Living day to day..really can't plan much because my pain..always contols my many different emotions..eventhough I'm still in constant pain I'm kind of relieved that I finally come to the end of all the doctors, tests n treatments...unless of course something new comes far not..n nothing I've done has helped ..told my doctor want nothing more n have a DNR in place..Now I'm just trying to b comfortable in this wrecked body. Accept that I'm just getting worse. Yes I'm depressed n have anxiety which I find goes hand n hand with chronic besides medications I go to therapy which has really helped me..went through classes of cognitive therapy which has been more useful than not..taking myself to lala land n dreaming goin to Hawaii n being young n beautiful n in the best of health...i make up my dream as I go..some may think it doesnt work but when im at high level of pain n nothing else is working I just lay down n pray for sleep n relieve n take myself far away ...eventually I fall asleep n pain eases enough to tolerate...thats it for now..will keep u all in my prayers...keep the faith.n stay strong..🌹


Hi, my name is Samantha, and I am suffering from post-concussion with a TBI, and now suffer from RND which is a pain syndrome. Has anyone ever had and help in getting a diagnosis, since I am just sick of it, not having a diagnosis. Does Mayo Clinic have Doctors who specialize in pain management involving TBI's?


I don't know about Mayo but I know that m-health has a marvelous pain clinic that works with surgeons Physicians and neurological Specialists of every short you can think of. I remember seeing several of them at my intake a few years ago. M health is part of the Fairview, University of Minnesota Health System and I can't say enough good things about them. I will try to post their phone number in Minneapolis Minnesota when I go to my computer

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