Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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I suffered a Broken Ankle 2016 and the PAIN was Remarkable in comparison to PAIN I suffer on a regular basis ( right hip- needing Desperate Replacement) so I was given Tylenol 3 which without would have caused a meltdown of catastrophic proportion,however, if I had taken 1 every 4 hours I would be sedated to the point of Never waking up except for food and bathroom needs. My thought I wish to express is that Every Body is Different & if you are not comfortable taking 1 every 4 hrs. , Simply take 1 as NEEDED. We are
ALL PUT TOGETHER A BIT UNIQUELY and Yes ,we are all Human, but are all different and to quote the Best Doctor I have had as a Primary care physician" Debra,Doctors don't know Everything"


Hi All!!
I don't know if you remember a message I posted the other day.
After a week, my pain from my lumbar surgery was getting worse instead of better.
I was given opioids to manage the pain.
However, my hubby and I were afraid for me to write take the prescribed dosage of 1 tablet every 4 hours because of all the news about addiction.
Anyway, after so many responses from members, I decided to follow the directions but my hubby still did not feel good about it.
I finally called the doctor.
I was told exactly what I told here, I need to stay ahead of the pain.
That means I take my pain meds, 1 every 4 hours (4 a day), and walk.
Yesterday, I started the plan and I started feeling improvement immediately.
So, we are both OK with following the instructions.
BTW....I told the doc that it would be helpful if these instructions and possible side effects were told to patient before surgery.

Anyway, just wanted to chceck in with everyone and thank you for all the input you have shared!

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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I am glad you are finding relief. I too had problems due to sensitive stomach..the only one I could handle was a low dose of prescribed Hydrocodone or known as Vicodin for severe low back pain. I was too take two a day and it helped the pain for six hours. I was also on Methocarbamol or Flexerall (muscle relaxers) and Naproxen 500, for seven years. Pain meds are notorious for causing severe had to take Movantik and Senna. I got tired of constipation all the time, and went off pain medication cold turkey, and I fear I have ruined my digestive system..I have not been the same since going off of them..over a year ago. Now, I have gotten IBS, worsening constipation, severe weight loss, sometimes nausea. If someone (pain mgt Doctor) would have told me this, would never have gone on pain medication.


@eliana5 Pain meds and antibiotics due a number on our G.I. tract for sure when Ive had constipation I rely on Prunes either juice or the fruit. When in nursing home the Dr. would order for people who where more then 3 days without a B.M. prune cocktail prune juice mixed with Milk of Mag that did the trick. then .


@eliana5 Pain meds and antibiotics due a number on our G.I. tract for sure when Ive had constipation I rely on Prunes either juice or the fruit. When in nursing home the Dr. would order for people who where more then 3 days without a B.M. prune cocktail prune juice mixed with Milk of Mag that did the trick. then .

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Yes, you are right. Have a friend in a nursing home. Said lots of constipation nurses use what you described..they call it "The bomb". Prunes themselves work for me, but a little too well..I had two to three small prunes, and I was going all day. Wish I knew of something where it will help you, and you go once a cramping. I may try the Linzess again or Magnesium Citrate supplement tabs.


Yes, you are right. Have a friend in a nursing home. Said lots of constipation nurses use what you described..they call it "The bomb". Prunes themselves work for me, but a little too well..I had two to three small prunes, and I was going all day. Wish I knew of something where it will help you, and you go once a cramping. I may try the Linzess again or Magnesium Citrate supplement tabs.

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@eliana5 Did same thing so now I eat only 1@h.s works better for me


Hi All!!
I don't know if you remember a message I posted the other day.
After a week, my pain from my lumbar surgery was getting worse instead of better.
I was given opioids to manage the pain.
However, my hubby and I were afraid for me to write take the prescribed dosage of 1 tablet every 4 hours because of all the news about addiction.
Anyway, after so many responses from members, I decided to follow the directions but my hubby still did not feel good about it.
I finally called the doctor.
I was told exactly what I told here, I need to stay ahead of the pain.
That means I take my pain meds, 1 every 4 hours (4 a day), and walk.
Yesterday, I started the plan and I started feeling improvement immediately.
So, we are both OK with following the instructions.
BTW....I told the doc that it would be helpful if these instructions and possible side effects were told to patient before surgery.

Anyway, just wanted to chceck in with everyone and thank you for all the input you have shared!

Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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When I had hip replacements I took pain meds every 4 hours but I became very costipated so be sure to stay on top of that if you can


I am glad you are finding relief. I too had problems due to sensitive stomach..the only one I could handle was a low dose of prescribed Hydrocodone or known as Vicodin for severe low back pain. I was too take two a day and it helped the pain for six hours. I was also on Methocarbamol or Flexerall (muscle relaxers) and Naproxen 500, for seven years. Pain meds are notorious for causing severe had to take Movantik and Senna. I got tired of constipation all the time, and went off pain medication cold turkey, and I fear I have ruined my digestive system..I have not been the same since going off of them..over a year ago. Now, I have gotten IBS, worsening constipation, severe weight loss, sometimes nausea. If someone (pain mgt Doctor) would have told me this, would never have gone on pain medication.

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I use to have the same problem with the pain meds but I can’t do without them so I found something that helps me a lot called Psyllium husks caps , I take 4 to 5 a day plus I eat a dried prune every night plus a 1 probiotic every night and it has solved that problem ! I suffered for a long time before I finally got it figured out, if I happen to get consulates again I’ll just take some sting laxative


Try miralax and /or stool softners plus a correctol. I know it is a lot but with the pain killers you need them. I take the miralax mixed with coffee or tea in the morning and the stool softners and correctol at night.


Try miralax and /or stool softners plus a correctol. I know it is a lot but with the pain killers you need them. I take the miralax mixed with coffee or tea in the morning and the stool softners and correctol at night.

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@doxyjune Ive never tried Miralax as the prunes do it for me but then I make sure I eat some fruit 3 x a day Now its Apple cider season so this is my fruit juice in morning


Try miralax and /or stool softners plus a correctol. I know it is a lot but with the pain killers you need them. I take the miralax mixed with coffee or tea in the morning and the stool softners and correctol at night.

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I agree. The Miralax in a hot liquid, especially at night, is a good cure. I often mix it in hot chocolate😂

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