What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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@johnbishop and all...
Well, John! Didn't take you long to send me that tidbit! You know, I don't think il trade you your winter for mine...I wouldn't suvive 2 days in your cold!

But, do understand, John, we with sand in our toes, are truly weather wimps. We in northern Fla get a few nights of freezing temps each winter,
and we know in advance to get our coats and even a few sweaters out to enjoy, but darn if the sweaters are too 🔥 by noon and we revert to short sleeves. But, we do protect our tropical plants with ferver. Mine are really dear to me. I'll be covering my Crown of Thorns, Ponytail Palm, cactus, snake plants, the fig tree comes inside today to winter in comfort, my succulents are inside, my amaryllis are inside with lots outside in ground protected by trees and other plants. We mulch. Cover. Water. Protect.

Blessings in your weather...Elizabeth

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@johnbishop, and all...We had our few hours of frost. I covered my plant babies, but sad to say it's the last time I do that job. John, it Lmost knocked me for a loop! It was in a bunch of extra pain, hard to breathe, movement is tough, it was not pretty. Decision made that moment never again. I'll have to find a teen to pay to do that little job, or Mt babies won't make it.

Noe, my delima, today it will be in the mid-70s! Need to uncover ND in a couple weeks cover again. This, my friend, is Florida life. Wonderful and good but we do have temp changes often.

Enjoy your snow...I'll have my a.c. on for a few days more...blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishop, and all...We had our few hours of frost. I covered my plant babies, but sad to say it's the last time I do that job. John, it Lmost knocked me for a loop! It was in a bunch of extra pain, hard to breathe, movement is tough, it was not pretty. Decision made that moment never again. I'll have to find a teen to pay to do that little job, or Mt babies won't make it.

Noe, my delima, today it will be in the mid-70s! Need to uncover ND in a couple weeks cover again. This, my friend, is Florida life. Wonderful and good but we do have temp changes often.

Enjoy your snow...I'll have my a.c. on for a few days more...blessings, Elizabeth

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@johnbishop, @francis007, -sueinmn, and all...

It's been 2 days in the low 80s in sunny Jacksonville, FL.
Hot! I was locked out of my car, long story. Next day waiting for the locksmith and sweating profusely, too hot and sunny for me to out of the a.c.
I got home after a dightful lunch with my friend, so exhausted I had a hard time getting upstairs to bed at 4 p.m.

Couldn't remove the sheets from plants I was so weak. Iron infusion on Wed. had side effects and I'm having a slow recovery from the infusion and the meds given to me to stop the reactions! Yuck

Took covers off front today. Patio is still covered. I hope all are OK but I cant do anything to help. I'm in bed all day resting. Hopefully, the iron will begin to help soon.
Just had to give you weather update....well have warm weather now for a couple of weeks, then covers again.

Hope all are well.
Blessings, Elizabeth


I finally found a site that described how to hang outdoor lights, and it worked in more ways than one. They do not look like "I tossed them up" and they light up my patio quite beautifully. A couple of weeks ago the sheriff helicopter was circling around my complex performing a manhunt and saying with a blow horn: "stay inside your apartment and lock the door." I was waiting for an Amazon delivery, and the UPS driver texted me about the manhunt, telling me he would be delayed bringing me my package, nicotine lozenges, my only vice at the moment. Having little fear, I actually offered to meet him at the front gate,but he finally made it inside and safely arrived at my apartment. I was sure glad my patio was as bright as it was, because I felt assured no one would take a chance to dive over my fence. Now I am dealing with my neighbors, who never turn on their porch lights, and think my lights are too bright, but my feeling is that if they dare complain, go for it.


I finally found a site that described how to hang outdoor lights, and it worked in more ways than one. They do not look like "I tossed them up" and they light up my patio quite beautifully. A couple of weeks ago the sheriff helicopter was circling around my complex performing a manhunt and saying with a blow horn: "stay inside your apartment and lock the door." I was waiting for an Amazon delivery, and the UPS driver texted me about the manhunt, telling me he would be delayed bringing me my package, nicotine lozenges, my only vice at the moment. Having little fear, I actually offered to meet him at the front gate,but he finally made it inside and safely arrived at my apartment. I was sure glad my patio was as bright as it was, because I felt assured no one would take a chance to dive over my fence. Now I am dealing with my neighbors, who never turn on their porch lights, and think my lights are too bright, but my feeling is that if they dare complain, go for it.

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A beautiful cold wintry day. A good day to stay in a wrap a few Christmas gifts, listen to Christmas music and pray for others that are suffering and just Praise the Lord for HIS goodness.


I thought I was going to return this solar light a month ago, but did not make it to UPS in time. I thought it was broken, but discovered last night it just needed a new battery. Go figure.


@johnbishop, and all...We had our few hours of frost. I covered my plant babies, but sad to say it's the last time I do that job. John, it Lmost knocked me for a loop! It was in a bunch of extra pain, hard to breathe, movement is tough, it was not pretty. Decision made that moment never again. I'll have to find a teen to pay to do that little job, or Mt babies won't make it.

Noe, my delima, today it will be in the mid-70s! Need to uncover ND in a couple weeks cover again. This, my friend, is Florida life. Wonderful and good but we do have temp changes often.

Enjoy your snow...I'll have my a.c. on for a few days more...blessings, Elizabeth

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@johnbishop and all...I just found out why it was desperately hard and painful for me to cover my plants this month...diagnosed with PMR and GCA. Yuck!

But, on prednisone and dexacycline and pray to improve. Don't like the stupid diagnoses, but explains a lot. Could this be post Covid? It seems I have residual inflammation and infection since having Covid in July???

Blessings, Elizabeth


@johnbishop and all...I just found out why it was desperately hard and painful for me to cover my plants this month...diagnosed with PMR and GCA. Yuck!

But, on prednisone and dexacycline and pray to improve. Don't like the stupid diagnoses, but explains a lot. Could this be post Covid? It seems I have residual inflammation and infection since having Covid in July???

Blessings, Elizabeth

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@ess77, I'm sorry to hear you have PMR and GCA possibly from Covid. Others have reported similar cases following a Covid infection so you are not alone. I also responded in the PMR discussion and linked you to a couple of discussions that might be helpful.


I’m trying to keep two pots of tomato plants and some basil alive through the winter. I cover them up at night with clear shower curtain and a quilt. I am getting a few ripe tomatoes every few days. I live in southern Arizona, but our nights still dip down to freezing temperatures and below.


On an old man's shirt was written a sentence 'I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.'
That is attitude.


On an old man's shirt was written a sentence 'I am not 80 years old; I am sweet 16 with 64 years of experience.'
That is attitude.

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That reminds me of what Jack Benny used to say.
“This is the 40th anniversary of my 39th birthday.”

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