Is it difficult to get an appointment with Mayo in MN?

Posted by wascaly @wascaly, Nov 27, 2023

I wanted to know just how difficult it is to get an with Mayo in MN? I tried the campus in FL (which is only 3 hours from my home), but was told they’re not taking any appointments at all!

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I have only one report left to forward to Mayo and will pickup the disc today. This has been a very very long process. It just seems like these wheels just to get my info sent have been so S-L-O-W!

I’m sorry they won’t see you, and, actually, surprised, given your diagnosis. I, myself, have struggled with relentless pain since my first surgery in 2008. Oxicodone helped a lot and allowed me to continue my daily activities; however, my pain manager stopped it. Yes, I realize it’s not the ideal solution, but it did give me the ability to be somewhat physically active. Ever since then, I’ve been miserable and hardly able to function, whereas before I actually had a life! The way I look at it is: so what if I’m “addicted?” I’m 73 years old. Realistically, how much longer can I live? If I’m an ‘addict,” and have never had any abnormal bloodwork, who cares?

Anyway, I have a spinal cord stimulator (Boston Scientific). I don’t mean to discourage you, but it’s NEVER given me a moment’s help. My spinal neurosurgeon wanted to install a SECOND one, but I said “no thanks.” This thing required a LOT of daily attention. With my schedule, I simply didn’t want the “upkeep.” I know if it had helped, I’d have fully embraced it, but since it didn’t, I didn’t want to bother.

I sincerely hope it works for you…..for some people, it does, but not for me.

I pray you get relief. Back pain has surely got to be the WORST, since it pretty
affects everything in your body.

I’ll be sure to let everyone know IF I’m blessed with an appointment. I’ve had so much extensive spinal work done, they may not want to venture into parts unknown!


@lilli64 Have you tried an environmental medicine doctor? They can be allergy specialists and look at the functional chemistry in the body and optimize health. I saw a doctor like this for several years until he retired. Here is a provider finder.

I have a current doctor who is also an allergy specialist in functional medicine who is in the Forum Health Group They have doctors nationwide.

Typically these doctors look for a cause of a problem instead of prescribing something to treat an effect or symptoms of a problem. They may not be able to address all of your issues, but they may be able to help with some of it that is allergy related.

There is also the practice that started this field of medicine. That is the Environmental Medicine Center Dallas in Texas. Here is there website. There is information at this website about issues they can treat.


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BLESS YOU ! for the Leads! I just got diagnosed with a detached retnia, & cataracts on Monday. The Ophthalmologist told me, with my allergies she didn't know how they could fix either of my issue's.

I will most definitely check into the places you offered, hopefully 🙏 they can help me out.
Thankyou so much!


Denied an appointment yet again! I guess this time, I’ll just try Cleveland Clinic…..very disappointing, to say the keastz!


Denied an appointment yet again! I guess this time, I’ll just try Cleveland Clinic…..very disappointing, to say the keastz!

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@wascaly, that denial letter is hard to swallow, especially when you are in so much pain. I hope Cleveland Clinic is an option for you.

If I recall correctly, you've had several spine surgeries, a spinal cord stimulator and other interventions, and you're also dealing with peripheral neuropathy. If surgery is not an option at this point, you may want to look into the Pain Rehabilitation Program. It is available at all Mayo locations, including Florida. Let me know if you'd like more info or to connect with people who have been through the program.


I have only one report left to forward to Mayo and will pickup the disc today. This has been a very very long process. It just seems like these wheels just to get my info sent have been so S-L-O-W!

I’m sorry they won’t see you, and, actually, surprised, given your diagnosis. I, myself, have struggled with relentless pain since my first surgery in 2008. Oxicodone helped a lot and allowed me to continue my daily activities; however, my pain manager stopped it. Yes, I realize it’s not the ideal solution, but it did give me the ability to be somewhat physically active. Ever since then, I’ve been miserable and hardly able to function, whereas before I actually had a life! The way I look at it is: so what if I’m “addicted?” I’m 73 years old. Realistically, how much longer can I live? If I’m an ‘addict,” and have never had any abnormal bloodwork, who cares?

Anyway, I have a spinal cord stimulator (Boston Scientific). I don’t mean to discourage you, but it’s NEVER given me a moment’s help. My spinal neurosurgeon wanted to install a SECOND one, but I said “no thanks.” This thing required a LOT of daily attention. With my schedule, I simply didn’t want the “upkeep.” I know if it had helped, I’d have fully embraced it, but since it didn’t, I didn’t want to bother.

I sincerely hope it works for you…..for some people, it does, but not for me.

I pray you get relief. Back pain has surely got to be the WORST, since it pretty
affects everything in your body.

I’ll be sure to let everyone know IF I’m blessed with an appointment. I’ve had so much extensive spinal work done, they may not want to venture into parts unknown!

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My husband had the internal stimulator installed in his back (Boston Scientific) and he took pain meds under strict supervision. The stimulator was a big joke. We had other tins units, therapy and various meds. I felt and still do, he was 73 and a veteran in constant pain. Lose sleep, toss and turn all night, wake up ready for a fight. That is no life. This is a big sore spot with me. Senior citizens that are following the rules are put out to the curb because of the drug addicts that do abuse. I am getting injections in my neck and back for my old age damages. I worked hard all my life and it has caught up. I do have some relief with injections, but I have some help with over the counter Tylenol 8 hour pain relief.


@wascaly, that denial letter is hard to swallow, especially when you are in so much pain. I hope Cleveland Clinic is an option for you.

If I recall correctly, you've had several spine surgeries, a spinal cord stimulator and other interventions, and you're also dealing with peripheral neuropathy. If surgery is not an option at this point, you may want to look into the Pain Rehabilitation Program. It is available at all Mayo locations, including Florida. Let me know if you'd like more info or to connect with people who have been through the program.

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Thanks so much for your response. Yes, I was very (I guess the right word) shocked they won’t see me. Besides the disappointment, I was certain Mayo could offer a solution to my pain, either via surgery or otherwise. I suppose (after they saw what had already been done) they must have kind of threw up their hands and didn’t want to touch that with a 10-foot pole!

Yes, the Pain Rehab Program might help. At this point, I’ll try anything. We’ll be moving within the next six months to the Orlando area. I know there are a lot more services available than whete we are now. Hopefully, the program will be close by.

I do have an appointment with a doc from Cleveland Clinic Feb 1. We’ll see how that turns out. He, too, may take one look at what I’ve already had done and decide he wouldn’t do anything different, either. My X-Rays do look scary - very much like the Bionic Woman.

I have a new Pain Management doctor here, who’s going to do a procedure (cannot remember the name) after Christmas. Who knows? I may have already had this procedure done, but I’ve had so much done that I just don’t remember.

Again, thank you very much for your info. I just may have to face the fact thete isn’t anything modern medicine can do, and that’s pretty disheartening.


Thanks so much for your response. Yes, I was very (I guess the right word) shocked they won’t see me. Besides the disappointment, I was certain Mayo could offer a solution to my pain, either via surgery or otherwise. I suppose (after they saw what had already been done) they must have kind of threw up their hands and didn’t want to touch that with a 10-foot pole!

Yes, the Pain Rehab Program might help. At this point, I’ll try anything. We’ll be moving within the next six months to the Orlando area. I know there are a lot more services available than whete we are now. Hopefully, the program will be close by.

I do have an appointment with a doc from Cleveland Clinic Feb 1. We’ll see how that turns out. He, too, may take one look at what I’ve already had done and decide he wouldn’t do anything different, either. My X-Rays do look scary - very much like the Bionic Woman.

I have a new Pain Management doctor here, who’s going to do a procedure (cannot remember the name) after Christmas. Who knows? I may have already had this procedure done, but I’ve had so much done that I just don’t remember.

Again, thank you very much for your info. I just may have to face the fact thete isn’t anything modern medicine can do, and that’s pretty disheartening.

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@wascaly, I'm tagging @rwinney into this discussion. She successfully completed the Pain Rehab program with Dr. Sletten at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. She and others talk about it in several discussions that you can search for here, using the search bar at the top of any page.

I think this discussion might be a good place to start:
- Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?

I've tagged Rachel (@rwinney), but give her some time to respond. Learning from the program, one of the commitments she made to herself is to do things in moderation. This is such a busy time of year. With pacing herself, she may need a day or two before responding.

She shares more about her moderation commitment in this discussion:
- Moderation and Modification: How can it help your chronic pain?


@wascaly, I'm tagging @rwinney into this discussion. She successfully completed the Pain Rehab program with Dr. Sletten at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. She and others talk about it in several discussions that you can search for here, using the search bar at the top of any page.

I think this discussion might be a good place to start:
- Mayo Clinic Pain Rehab Center (PRC) - What’s Your Experience?

I've tagged Rachel (@rwinney), but give her some time to respond. Learning from the program, one of the commitments she made to herself is to do things in moderation. This is such a busy time of year. With pacing herself, she may need a day or two before responding.

She shares more about her moderation commitment in this discussion:
- Moderation and Modification: How can it help your chronic pain?

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Thanks so much, Colleen. I hope she’ll respond soon, but I understand this time of year is very stressful for almost everyone, including me!


Thanks for your answer.
I have a request in to the Spine Clinic, and have been in touch. They lack only ONE report from my neurosurgeon. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, I was just able to get an appointment for an updated CT scan yesterday, so this has been my holdup.
Other than this one test, that’s all they need. My fear is that I send all this info to them, and they deny my request. I have a substantial surgical history for scoliosis from 2008. If Mayo won’t see me, I don’t know what I’ll do. I have constant pain on my left side (the site of the scoliosis), and have been on heavy-duty pain meds since the very first surgery, i.e., almost 17 years. Recently, a new pain management doctor took me off EVERYTHING, so I’m pretty much always in pain. SOMEHOW (with the help from God), I’ve managed to stay in good physical condition for my age (73), but everyday, it gets a teensy bit harder. One day, I may not be able to do that.
Sooooo, I am concerned after forwarding all my history to them, they will not see me. If Mayo refuses, I don’t think I’ll have any options left.
I apologize for going on and on. I just wanted to make you aware of what I’ve been going through for almost 17 years.
Again, thank you for responding.

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What was the reasoning for taking you off everything?


Thanks so much, Colleen. I hope she’ll respond soon, but I understand this time of year is very stressful for almost everyone, including me!

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Hello @wascaly, first off I'd like to share with you that I too was turned down from being seen at Mayo and felt quite rejected. I really didn't understand at the time but was able to look back and realize that there was no more medical intervention to help me other than my own self intervention of acceptance of my condition and challenge myself to figure out how I was going to learn to best live with my circumstances. That is where Mayo Clinic's pain rehab center came in. Here is an overview of the program:

If Cleveland Clinic can't offer any more medical intervention, or you decide enough is enough regarding medications, procedures, treatments, I suggest considering Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehab Center. The PRC helps folks wean off of medications that are not medically necessary, they help folks get back to a more physically fit moderated lifestyle within their abilities, educate through cognitive behavioral therapy which supports emotional and behavioral changes, occupational therapy, nutrition....the list goes on.

I see that you are moving to Florida in 6 months, that's awesome! What I would give to live in a warm climate year round. Jacksonville has a PRC which would be the closest to you. Will you please let me know what your thoughts are regarding the program and whether it might be of interest to you?

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