Doc says I am full of sh*t

Posted by toolbelt @toolbelt, Dec 2, 2023

Ok, maybe he didn't use those EXACT words.........
Went in for CT planning yesterday morning. Had a bowel movement two hours before, drank 20oz of water 1 hour before. Talked to the doc before the procedure signed the consent. Got on the table, had the mold made, tech took the first CT says "bladder is perfect, but some stool and gas in the rectum. Could you try and have a bowel movement? And if you empty your bladder you will need to drink more water and wait a while." I said " so go fart, but not pee"....."yep". Hit the bathroom, a little luck with the fart, fine with not peeing. Back on the table, have second CT, doc walks in I ask " is my butt behaving?" He says "just about, but still a little stool present. We could use this CT if we had too, but lets see if we can get it perfect. Take Seno
kot Sunday night, Gasx Monday morning and lets try again". I told him I agreed and let's not let "good enough" be the enemy of perfection.
Still on schedule to start SBRT on Dec 14.
Worst part of the whole ordeal was I told my wife, in-laws and a couple friends about it and nobody disagreed with the doc's assessment that I am full of shit......

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You sound like you are doing great! The fact that you had no side effects for 3+ months and they abated over 45 days is encouraging. I am 68 and I figure like you......I hope to trade no short term problems (vs RP) for possible effects 10-15 years down the road. And I sincerely believe in 10-15 the treatment modalities and directed drugs will have steadily improved.
All the best to you and your wife.


Thanks all. Specifically to samidh and jc76 I thanked my doc and tech profusely. My post is entirely tongue in cheek and I am thrilled my doc and tech are striving for perfection. With SBRT the dose is aimed to within millimeters. I will admit their pre-op dietary restrictions for the CT were absent.....but I have read enough to know that a "low gas diet" is necessary. I am being extra vigilant today and will be throwing the GasX down in the morning.

Tomorrow I strive to not be full of crap!!

Thanks Brothers, we got this.

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"Tomorrow I strive to not be full of crap!!" You bet you'll do that! As for diet restrictions, I wasn't advised any and didn't strictly follow any particular regimen. However, alongside my ongoing treatment involving Zoladex, Abiraterone, and Prednisone I started putting on a nice little (little, ha ha) pot-belly and so I cut down my carbs by two-thirds. I balanced this by consuming larger portions of vegetables and proteins. Wishing you the best for tomorrow. Keep smiling!


<p>Doc and wife disagree...............She contends that in fact I am still full of crap.........<br />The doc, on the other hand says "A+ on the CT Simulation Prep. Whatever you did, do it each time."<br />First SBRT is the 14th. Starting Orgovyx and Flomax tomorrow, starving both the cancer and the it goes.<br />Stay Strong Brothers.</p>

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