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Questions about Reclast for osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis & Bone Health | Last Active: Mar 3 2:12am | Replies (35)

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I had 2 Reclast infusions over the last 4 years because I cannot take the pills. My mother and grandmother broke their hips without falling because of osteoporosis. Healthy incredibly active women who ate a huge amount of green leafy vegetables & exercised daily over decades and still ended up with it. My sister walks 2 hours a day and does yoga and now at 64 has osteoporosis. I had undiagnosed celiacs for decades so I was being malnourished without knowing it, so I am now being treated for bone loss. After my first Reclast infusion, I had flu like symptoms for 3 days. Before the second infusion I was told to take an Advil before the infusion and one when I got home. I was just a bit achy. I saw no increase in my bone mass in the first two years BUT I HAD NO BONE LOSS. In the third year my score increased by 3 points. I will need to do Reclast again next year to keep my bone mass where it is. Good luck with your choice!

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Replies to "I had 2 Reclast infusions over the last 4 years because I cannot take the pills...."

I also have Celiac disease (diagnosed at 45, now 65) and really wish that someone had told me that there was no way around not getting osteoporosis. I just had my first Reclast infusion. Had horrible reactions even with plenty of fluids and Tylenol. Fever, chills, holy cow! 72 hrs later still feel like crap and my stomach is way messed up. Metallic taste in my mouth. Hoping tomorrow is better.