Difficulty regulating body temperature. Does anyone else have this?

Posted by ladyaceintx1 @ladyaceintx1, Nov 30, 2023

For the last several years after having COVID in 2021, I have had difficulty maintaining a warm body temperature and if I get too cold, it is almost impossible to warm up which drops my blood pressure, gives me chills and causes hypothermia.
I've just dealt with it but sometimes without warning it just "zaps" me...causing me to run for a blanket, hot drink or shower which only mildly helps. I've stood shivering in a scalding hot shower.
Has anyone else experienced this? What causes this condition and what has helped you deal with it? I haven't had any testing done but would be interested in learning more about this.

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@ladyaceintx1 You said this has been going on for years after a covid infection? Have you spoken to your doctor about it? What are their thoughts?
Let’s wait for some members to chime in with their experiences.
Have you noticed other symptoms or started any new medications?


@ladyaceintx1 You said this has been going on for years after a covid infection? Have you spoken to your doctor about it? What are their thoughts?
Let’s wait for some members to chime in with their experiences.
Have you noticed other symptoms or started any new medications?

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I only take Estradiol as a HRT and have been on that for 24 years. No other symptoms except sometimes when I'm in bed under my 6 blankets, I start an involuntary shivering and feel like I'm in a blizzard. As I mentioned, have not brought this to my PCPs attention because this last year we were focused on my pancreatic issues.


in reply to @ladyaceintx1 I have this same problem, and have been told by my OB/GYN just recently that it is related to the 40 percent weight loss I have experienced. My body cannot regulate its temperature. She has suggested that it could also be hormone related, and suggested I take black cohosh twice daily, as I am unable to take hormones. I thought I was all done with the menopause stuff, but she said some women have hot flashes their entire life. Surprisingly, I will be fine one moment, then incredibly hot the next, or freezing. I am going to give the black cohosh a try to see if I notice any improvement. And to think that I was concerned I would be too cold this winter, weighing just 95 pounds. Occasionally I have to wear layered leggings, but so far I am using much less heat than I did this time last year, so I suppose my "problem" is not so bad afterall. I do wish you the best.


I would have your doctor do blood work to check your thyroid function and other CBC levels. They may need to do more than just a check of TSH levels (T3, T4, thyroid autoantibodies, too). What may fall in the “normal” range may not be normal or optimal for you. COVID does mess with your hormones so checking other hormones and iron (to ensure you are not iron deficient or anemic) would be good. When I had COVID, it messes with your hormones and caused me to start getting periods again (I am 54) even though I have an IUD (for heavy periods) which has made me not get periods for over a year and I am in perimenopause. Good luck!


I've been dealing with hot flashes and night sweats irregularly for the past few years. It tends to increase when I have a flare trying to emerge. I've spoken with my physician and he's trying to figure it out. I'm way postmenopausal at 62, and have had all the thyroid tests a few times. I'll chime in if he figures it out, but until then, I'm keeping a log. 🙂


I have trouble maintaining my body temp as I am always hot, and I sweat doing a little activity,which I never have done before my CIDP diagnosis.
My husband hates putting on our ceiling fans or air conditioning because he’s always cold.
I’m wondering if this has to do with my neuropathy, as I never even had hot flashes when I was going thru menopause.
This has caused a lot of arguments between us over the temp of our air conditioning.
He likes it at 78 and I like it at 76 degrees.


I would suggest getting your thyroid level checked


in reply to @ladyaceintx1 I have this same problem, and have been told by my OB/GYN just recently that it is related to the 40 percent weight loss I have experienced. My body cannot regulate its temperature. She has suggested that it could also be hormone related, and suggested I take black cohosh twice daily, as I am unable to take hormones. I thought I was all done with the menopause stuff, but she said some women have hot flashes their entire life. Surprisingly, I will be fine one moment, then incredibly hot the next, or freezing. I am going to give the black cohosh a try to see if I notice any improvement. And to think that I was concerned I would be too cold this winter, weighing just 95 pounds. Occasionally I have to wear layered leggings, but so far I am using much less heat than I did this time last year, so I suppose my "problem" is not so bad afterall. I do wish you the best.

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That's very interesting information, thanks. I'm rarely ever "hot" even in the Texas Summer. I have also lost weight but follow a pancreatic diet which is low to no sugar, sodium and fat. So I suppose that this could be diet related but it shouldn't be menopausal symptoms because I am taking HRT. Did you deliberately try to lose the 40 pounds and was it a gradual weight loss? 95 lbs seems very light unless you're a senior or have a very small body frame. I wonder what else Black Cohosh could be used for?


I have trouble maintaining my body temp as I am always hot, and I sweat doing a little activity,which I never have done before my CIDP diagnosis.
My husband hates putting on our ceiling fans or air conditioning because he’s always cold.
I’m wondering if this has to do with my neuropathy, as I never even had hot flashes when I was going thru menopause.
This has caused a lot of arguments between us over the temp of our air conditioning.
He likes it at 78 and I like it at 76 degrees.

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How about meeting in the middle at 77?
I'm rarely hot, but usually cold and it's actually a little scary that I just can't seem to warm up. My problem isn't related to menopause but I'm sorry you are going thru something similar. Have you also either lost or gained weight, suddenly or recently?


I would suggest getting your thyroid level checked

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I just scheduled an appointment with my PCP, per your suggestion on 12/26/23 so we will see. Thank you.

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