Any benefits to taking prednisone 5 mg for long Covid symptoms ?

Posted by radapanich @radapanich, Aug 30, 2023

An immunologist in NYC who works with long Covid patients prescribed prednisone 5 mg for my long Covid 19 symptoms: brain fog, fatigue , joint and muscle pain. I am already on low dose naltrexone (LDN), aspirin 84 mg and statin Lipitor 10mg. She said that all of those drugs can be helpful to address , micro blood clots, chronic inflammation associated with long Covid. Does anyone have experiences with using prednisone 5 mg daily? She also mentioned antivirals like Paxlovid , but stated that there were side effects. A few people on the forum mentioned Adderal for fatigue ? Comments and thoughts greatly appreciated !

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To radapanich - a couple of months into my long covid journey, my PCP prescribed Medrol Pak for chest congestion & SOB. It’s a 5 day course of methyprednisolone where you take 6 tablets the first day and decrease it by 1 tablet every day. On the 3rd day, my blood pressure shot up to 190/100. By the time I got to the ER, it was 210/110. Scared me to death - afraid I was going to stroke out. I was trending toward hypertension anyway so now I’m on Amlodipine which controls my BP nicely. The ER doc said prednisone can elevate the BP but usually not to that extreme. Anyway, that was just my reaction to it and I wish I could take it again to help with my inflammation symptoms. So just monitor yourself carefully and good luck. Hope you feel better on it.

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I use the Medrol dose pak too. But I cut it in half and take half the descending dose. Works like a charm for me. Prednisone is sl different from methylprednisolone (Medrol Dosepack). They result in different side effects, if any are going to occur. I can't tolerate Prednisone but can tolerate Decadron and methylprednisolone well at low doses. And I get the same desired effect at half doses. One size does not fit all pharmacologically.
Sorry you didn't tolerate methylprednisolone. If you ever need it again, you might mention to your prescriber that you'd like to try a half dose. They should be agreeable based on your experience.


Who is the immunologist? Looking for someone in nyc- mt Sinai in particular- that will actually try to treat long covid. Thanks!


Who is the immunologist? Looking for someone in nyc- mt Sinai in particular- that will actually try to treat long covid. Thanks!

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Dr. Purvi Parikh. Allergy Associates of Murray Hill tel: 212 686-4225 (her private practice)


My Post Covid 19 Recovery Clinic referred me to a rheumatologist for the elevated blood word sedate and for help with the body aches I wake up with each day. I was taking 1,000 mg Motrin(ibuprofen) a day. 6,000 at breakfast and 4.000 with Dinner. I had been taking it for a year as self medicating to help me to be more active. I was hoping to get off the Motrin cause I knew too much could hurt my stomach. My rheumatologist put me on a Prednisone pack for 6 days to see how I tolerated graduated doses. I was thankful that he started me on Prednisone 10 mg daily. It has relieved the body aches and helped with the shortness of breath due to bronchial asthma post Covid.


UPDATE: After seven days if very low dose prednisone 5 mg once daily, my muscle and John. Aches are 90 % better. I have more energy. The post extertional fatigue is much better. As stated above, it was prescribed by an immunologist who specializes in post acute Covid syndrome at Mt. Sinai hospital in NYC.

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@radapanich Can you provide an update on the low dose prednisone? How long did you end up taking it? Were your improvements sustained after stopping? Thanks.


Prednisone works!!!!
Covid asserted fybromyalgia and arthritis nothing helped but prednisone how long can I take it w/o negative side effects??


So glad I found this thread! Got Covid after a trip in March 2022 and then faced almost 1.5 years of definitive long covid symptoms, most acutely the PEM (post exercise malaise). 46 years old and active hiker, jogger, etc suddenly after such exercise was basically floored for 1-2 days after, like couch lock hyper fatigue. Ironically also have back issues and suffered severe spasms 1 year into this, was prescribed prednisone, noticed a shift. Then 2 months later got severe bronchitis and received 1 more round of the stetoids and bam, no more long covid PEM at all! So this works as long as your system can handle the 5 day prednisone (some insomnia is normal for me but nothing worse). But now I'm recovering from a new Covid infection, fatigue is super strong on day 12 now, and dreading the fact that my primary care doc or anyone else will listen to what works to stop long covid from inflicting me again! Any recommendations for help appreciated. We all must fight and share our stories for this damaging and mysterious condition...


After 6 weeks of intense joint and muscle pain post Covid, I finally found relief yesterday with 20mg of prednisone. I took it out of desperation when I could not put on my shirt. ( I had been prescribed it a month ago for an unrelated issue). within hours 90% of the pain was gone and I had my first pain free sleep in almost 7 weeks. My plan is to work with my Dr. to get dose down to 5 mg daily for the next few weeks.


After 6 weeks of intense joint and muscle pain post Covid, I finally found relief yesterday with 20mg of prednisone. I took it out of desperation when I could not put on my shirt. ( I had been prescribed it a month ago for an unrelated issue). within hours 90% of the pain was gone and I had my first pain free sleep in almost 7 weeks. My plan is to work with my Dr. to get dose down to 5 mg daily for the next few weeks.

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After trying ALL the meds for anything arthritis related, prednisone remains the only thing that works. I was best on 12 mg methylprednisone but have been able to function on 8mg. Dropping to 4mg did not provide enough relief to work. Sadly, I know the side effects are bad for me but after almost two years of intensifying pain, I needed the relief and will stay with this until something better comes along. Good luck!


After trying ALL the meds for anything arthritis related, prednisone remains the only thing that works. I was best on 12 mg methylprednisone but have been able to function on 8mg. Dropping to 4mg did not provide enough relief to work. Sadly, I know the side effects are bad for me but after almost two years of intensifying pain, I needed the relief and will stay with this until something better comes along. Good luck!

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If I may ask, this pain started for you after Covid? Did you have arthritis badly, before the Covid? 10 mg predisone is working for me now - though not the full 24 hours. I suspect 5 mg wont cut it for me. This morning I woke with really bad pains in both shoulders and knees until the prednisone and Ibuprofen kicked in an hour or so later.

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