L5-S1 spinal fusion and disc replacement

Posted by dougies @dougies, Nov 24, 2023

I am 73 and am now 3 weeks post surgery. I am managing relatively well. I have the hardest time when I first get up in the morning. Finding a comfortable sleep position is challenging. I have a body pillow which generally seems to help. Any tips on this or other recovery recommendations?

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Applying a heating pad to the area first thing in the morning has helped me get the day going, post lumber fusion six months ago. I use both heat and ice many times during the day. Heat brings blood flow to the area, ice helps with inflammation. Best of healing to you.


I did a lot of daily waliking. That seemed to help. Wish I could say the same for the spinal fusion. That did nothing to help my back pain.


@dougies Welcome to Connect. I see you have met a few members with helpful suggestions. You are early in your surgical recovery. Time helps heal. Will you be going to rehab at some point in your recovery?


I did a lot of daily waliking. That seemed to help. Wish I could say the same for the spinal fusion. That did nothing to help my back pain.

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My spinal fusion caused my back pain. But agree daily walking and other exercise is necessary to help. Sleep still is challenging as well, try going to bed early and waking early. Hope you feel better.


I did a lot of daily waliking. That seemed to help. Wish I could say the same for the spinal fusion. That did nothing to help my back pain.

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Did you have epidural before your fusion therapy? I DID TWICE.. but that was in OKC.. in 1995..fusion of L4, L5, S1.. caused by accident that had pushed L4 inward out of the stack about 1/3 of the way.. no problems since....great surgeon team took almost 8 hours..


Did you have epidural before your fusion therapy? I DID TWICE.. but that was in OKC.. in 1995..fusion of L4, L5, S1.. caused by accident that had pushed L4 inward out of the stack about 1/3 of the way.. no problems since....great surgeon team took almost 8 hours..

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@heisenberg34 need to add to last that I still carry 2 plates, 6 screws, and soft bone that hardened to hold hardware in place all these years.. .. the fusion was , for me , a great move ... as I have fewer back problems than my peers now...


In response to @doug148 ….i am about 6 months post op following a decompression/fusion of my L4-5 and it has been very successful, in my opinion. I have MUCH less pain, in fact very little. I do core exercises daily and try to also walk everyday; along with good sleep and a healthy diet. The first month was challenging with small steps each day. My care team has been very protective of letting me do things and I am hoping at my 6 month check, I will finally be able to do whatever I want…..I have chronic pain and health issues, but I’d like to not have to think about every move I make. Lol


Thanks, very encouraging. By your ‘care team’ you are referring to family/friends or medical team?
My medical team says no BLT, no driving while on Oxycodone, and limit time in car. That’s about it.


@migizii - Are you able to lie on your back and turn in bed without pain? I cannot do either at 5 months post fusion. I have terrible ongoing pain with intermittent sharp stabbing pains. Did you ever have this? I also cannot stretch my back and have much more limited mobility. Have you had any of these symptoms from fusion?


Sorry to hear this. If I lie on my back, my lumbar area stiffens up quickly, which makes standing painful. Turning in bed can be painful at times, even with log rolling). I seem to have good days and bad. No sharp severe pains. If I sit too long or sit in the wrong chair then there is a price to pay. The surgeon doesn’t want me stretching my back, at this point (less than 4 weeks after surgery). I have been told that it takes some people 6 months to a year to completely recover from fusion surgery. Hang in there. But after 5 months, I would want to find out why the severe pain. Have you X-rayed your back lately?

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