My neurologist has referred me to rheumatologist for Sjogrens eval. I have many symptoms. I’ve been under an ophthalmologist’s care for many years for Salzmann’s nodules. Dry eye has dominated my life for years. I had a 3 year reprieve after getting acupuncture treatment from a very gifted person. Even so, i keep up my daily regimen to ward off dry eye. Recently, I had a relapse and now have an appointment to return to acupuncture. Expensive and not covered by my insurance. I don’t know that I have any other choice, based on past experience.
I am doing a daily lid scrub. Can anyone recommend the best? Then warm eye compresses twice a day. I use microwave beads or warm wash cloth. Daily preservative free Systane drops in individual vials as needed, nightly Systane PM eye ointment, other ointment during the day if needed for pain, massage around eyes, drink plenty of water, take 2000 mg Fish oil daily, avoid fans and I just bought a humidifier for my bedroom. I’ve also requested a prescription for plasma drops. Also, expensive and not covered by my insurance.
I had tear duct plugs twice, years ago, but didn’t see much benefit.
Dry eye aggravates the nodules on my cornea and I’m terrified of vision loss.
I’d appreciate any suggestions, especially for eye scrubs and compresses. I’m concerned of something being too harsh.
I use Avanova for eyelid wash and absolutely love it! I “wash” w Q tip in AM and before bed. It is so refreshing and my best my dry eye has been in a long time!