Hi @uhealthier2024, You sound very concerned that you may have ITP again. Your experience with acute ITP as a child 50+ years ago, was likely after a viral infection. From the articles I posted for you in my previous reply, it is usually a once and done event. So that occurrence is long past. That would be a matter of “Looking for trouble where there isn’t any.” ☺️
However, ITP can occur at any age. Here are some worthwhile articles to read which may help you identify if you are having any symptoms of a newly developed condition.
You’re wondering what tests would be necessary to check for ITP. Your doctor would most likely order a complete blood count (CBC), electrolyte levels, liver and kidney function, platelet antibodies. This would give a good overall picture of the health of your blood and liver, kidney functions. The lab results would be good indications of your overall health.
These would be some of the symptoms of ITP:
easy bruising, even if you don’t remember bumping something.
pinpoint-sized petechiae, or reddish-purple dots that almost look like a rash on your skin, usually on your lower legs.
spontaneous nosebleeds.
gum bleeding.
cuts that take a long time to stop bleeding or scab over.
blood in the urine.
blood in the stool.
Do you have any unexplained bruising?
Thank you for helpful information. I get the purple rash bruises but only on my arms. I dont get on my legs
If any I formation on this I'd greatly appreciate. Have a blessed day.