Hi Kim, I am doing very well, thank you. That’s the reason I’m here to offer other people with leukemia the gift of hope. Almost 5 years ago I was diagnosed with CML’s ugly and aggressive stepsister, AML. Much like you, I was seldom ever ill, had a super healthy and physically active lifestyle.
Because it’s termed Acute, the AML came on like a speeding freight train. Months of chemo and a bone marrow transplant got me in a durable remission. Now I’m fit, healthy and feel as though nothing ever happened. Occasionally I have a ‘hiccup’ related to the transplant but the cancer is gone and life is pretty normal.
Sometimes life just throws us a curveball over which we have no control! In my case, I acquired 3 DNA mutations which caused certain cells to proliferate out of control. My doctors have said there is no way to know what caused it. There can be stray gamma rays shooting through the earth, or whatever…that can just cause a random mutation. Your doctor will be checking your biopsy for mutations as well.
You have been diagnosed with CML. It tends to develop slowly. After your biopsy results are back your doctor will be able to develop a comprehensive treatment option plan for you. I think you’ll feel better knowing there’s a plan of action. Right now you feel helpless and overwhelmed.
I’m giving you a link for an article that gives you some good information on CML without overloading you. Knowledge is power but when you’re first diagnosed it’s an overload to get too much information at one time. There’s only so much you an absorb when you’re feeling shocked by the news. Truly, I know how you feel. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21845-chronic-myelogenous-leukemia-cml
I’m happy you’ve told your daughter and you’ll know when it’s right to tell your other children. The support of your husband and your deep and abiding faith will all serve to get you through this. As a mom, you know the super powers you already possess. Your brain will wrap around this and you’ll realize you’ve already had this for some time and not much as changed. Your grandson will have his granny around a long time. ☺️
How many children do you have?
Hi, wow that's what I was called and told that they have found some blast which means it could be going into the acute stage. So they have started me on spycel. Thanks for the link I'm gonna read up on it. I have 7 children and my one grandson. my oldest is 33 and my youngest is 18. I appreciate you sharing your story it means a lot to hear form others who share the same situation. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, we all have so much to be thankful for!